Welcome to the forum! Without getting too political (because I consider myself a centrist like most Americans except for the sad fact that you only hear about either extremes of the spectrum if you turn on the tv), I think it is such a shame that a couple like yourself has such a hard time obtaining the right to immigrate to the United States. My family moved from the Republic of Georgia in 1994, when I was 6, and we came on political asylum because they were persecuting Jews left and right in the former Soviet Union. Even then we had a difficult time entering the United States and my mom and newborn sister obtained the rights to come here while I was left back with my dad and grandparents until we were reunited two years later. Sadly, things haven't changed much. I worked in the immigration clinic during law school and it is amazing how little we have come in the way of creating proper legislation and procedure to allow people to obtain legal entry to the United States. And while there are something around 11,000,000 undocumented aliens in the US today, the ones that pay taxes and work and are law-abiding people are MORE LIKELY to be deported or forced to leave the country than those who do not pay taxes and work off the books simply because they have an electronic footprint. And don't get me started on immigration courts (also known as the "Board of Appeals") where lawyers are almost non-existent (since immigration law is almost non-existent in the US) and the judge has free will and absolute discretion to rule however he or she pleases with an almost impossible appeals process. Apologies for the rant, but what I am trying to say is that it is unjust and unfortunate that individuals like you and Moyra, who would be a tremendous benefit to have in our country, have to go through a painstakingly difficult immigration process with no promise of succeeding. Damn shame.