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Thread: How is everyone doing? Everyone and their family safe?

  1. #1

    How is everyone doing? Everyone and their family safe?

    I am hanging in there, from Los Angeles County in California. Trying to motivate myself to do some cardio/strength training every day at home so I will stay active and find something to do to pass the time. I could lose a few pounds from being lazy here and there, but is not easy during this time. I know I am not working out hard enough. I like going to the casinos and also playing pokemon go, but all casinos in California are closed and even Vegas. I could go out of the house for a walk or jog playing a little pokemon go on my route spinning stops around my neighborhood and catching and getting my coins everyday, but that is about it and I make sure not to stay out long. Pokemon Go actually is my motivation to exercise and where I usually burn all my calories. The game developer actually put things in the game where we can play at home, but it is not exercise unless we are out and moving around. I usually get about 5km walk in per day on a regular daily basis (sometimes 10km) before the recommended stay at home order changed everything. It is not easy to motivate myself to workout at home and play the game around home. I usually walk to where a lot of pokemon, stops, and gyms are which is 3 to 5 miles away and then take the bus back when I am done. Cannot do that now, not allowed in any parks.

    Here in Los Angeles County, we have to follow social distance rules, all essential businesses in los angeles county require face masks and have lines to get into the stores, beaches are closed and all nonessential businesses are closed. We also have a recommended (not mandatory like Italy) stay at home order. Also, the mayor is thinking about banning sports and concerts until 2021, which I am expecting not to happen and he should not eben be thinking that far ahead. No one is happy about that or even calling this the new normal. I am hoping and expecting some medication will be available by the end of June. There is one that was used for Ebola under the clinical trial phase right now that will have updated results for severe patients this month and others sometimes in May. Antibody testing is being done too. I am hoping this is all over soon and that we will go back to our regular normal. I am thinking positive and am hoping for a good outcome soon. I want this all over and I am sure you guys do too.

    We are all in this together and will stay strong. We can win this battle.


  2. #2
    I'm doing well Mon, thank you for checking in with us and giving us an update! Stay safe out there.
    Karma Is Like 69 : You Get What You Give
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by CPT View Post
    I'm doing well Mon, thank you for checking in with us and giving us an update! Stay safe out there.
    How is everything going in your state? Playing any pokemon go still? I remember you posting about the game a while ago, but not sure if you still play. I want to go on a nice vacation after this virus stuff is all over. Social distancing also has to be lifted before we can really go on any vacations and enjoy ourselves. We need some kind of medication that will cure those who catch the virus or the virus will keep being an issue. Also I think the government should let us all have some kind of vote to see what we all want to do and get feedback to see how we feel about whats going on and what we all really want. Protests are also starting to build up and getting bigger and also in crowds with no social distancing. I saw on the news this afternoon, which is why I brought up the idea of doing a world wide voting by country or even by state to see what we all want to do and how we all feel about whats going on.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by camon View Post
    How is everything going in your state? Playing any pokemon go still? I remember you posting about the game a while ago, but not sure if you still play. I want to go on a nice vacation after this virus stuff is all over. Social distancing also has to be lifted before we can really go on any vacations and enjoy ourselves. We need some kind of medication that will cure those who catch the virus or the virus will keep being an issue. Also I think the government should let us all have some kind of vote to see what we all want to do and get feedback to see how we feel about whats going on and what we all really want. Protests are also starting to build up and getting bigger and also in crowds with no social distancing. I saw on the news this afternoon, which is why I brought up the idea of doing a world wide voting by country or even by state to see what we all want to do and how we all feel about whats going on.
    We are holding our own over here! I haven’t done Pokémon Go in a few years, my legs get too tired and I’d rather not risk falling in the meantime. We shall definitely see what happens!
    Karma Is Like 69 : You Get What You Give
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  5. #5
    Senior Member charlie50's Avatar
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    Same crap here in Texas as pretty much every where else . were just hoping like hell that every thing returns to normal here in a few months . all this not being able to travel to our local is very frustrating . but at least i have a few bucks in my pocket lol .

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