I still am not back to 100%. I feel weak, still coughing especially at night, and my stomach is super acidic. I’m having trouble eating much of anything. I literally feel exhausted. Worse part is I’m paler than when I left! Bwahaha! I’m lucky that we were able to take a family vacation as I know many families that can’t afford to do that and they would have appreciated that cruise (even as terrible as it was), so for getting away I’m thankful. We all survived the travel and made it home safe. I just wish there had been ONE thing redeemable about the cruise. I sat last night and tried to think of a single thing that was enjoyable and couldn’t! Lol I regret that I spent around $8000 on a free cruise between travel expenses and casino losses. It definitely was NOT an $8K trip. I honestly think I may take my kids to Vegas. All our food and hotel would be comped and they would love the pools. We can get tickets through Caterpillar for a NASCAR hospitality suite and race free and my son would love to go see his favorite cars and drivers in action. My daughter is obsessed with Kawaii type items and I’m sure we can find all kinds of shops selling that. I always thought it was bad parenting to take children to Vegas, but the more I think about it, I really think it could be a lot of fun and super inexpensive. Have any of you taken kids to Vegas?