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Thread: All things Southwest Airlines

  1. #221
    Quote Originally Posted by CPT View Post
    So I got the Southwest Chase card today, for the 40k bonus points with $1k purchases in 1st three months (easy!). = Free Thanksgiving trip to Reno/Vegas minus that $99 annual fee!

    A friend on YouTube sent me a referral link and she will get 10k bonus, so that's cool. Immediately they gave me a $14,500 credit line, thank goodness I was afraid I wouldn't have enough! HHH I may put my Amex on the bank burner and start getting some points with this one as I fly Southwest a lot.
    I have been doing this for years. Charge everything and make sure you pay it off at the end of the month. If you shop online check rapid rewards shopping first, alot of times they will offer 2 - 10 points per dollar instead of 1 point per dollar. Join e-rewards and take surveys. You can exchange points for rapid rewards credits. For every 25 credits you get 600 rapid rewards credits which is a great deal. Also when you book a flight dont get the EB seating as you can change your flight to the same one if the price goes down and they will refund the credits to your account. Get the EB before you leave. I love Southwest!

  2. #222
    Quote Originally Posted by ineedajackpot View Post
    I have been doing this for years. Charge everything and make sure you pay it off at the end of the month. If you shop online check rapid rewards shopping first, alot of times they will offer 2 - 10 points per dollar instead of 1 point per dollar. Join e-rewards and take surveys. You can exchange points for rapid rewards credits. For every 25 credits you get 600 rapid rewards credits which is a great deal. Also when you book a flight dont get the EB seating as you can change your flight to the same one if the price goes down and they will refund the credits to your account. Get the EB before you leave. I love Southwest!
    That's almost exactly what my friend who referred me said as well, I will keep that mind!

    I'll probably get my bonus and finish off my Amex points to get my $100 credit where I'm almost halfway there. Then I will switch over to this one and churn some points for next year's Vegas trip! Wheee I love free stuff..haha (Less the annual fee of course!)
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  3. #223
    Quote Originally Posted by CPT View Post
    That's almost exactly what my friend who referred me said as well, I will keep that mind!

    I'll probably get my bonus and finish off my Amex points to get my $100 credit where I'm almost halfway there. Then I will switch over to this one and churn some points for next year's Vegas trip! Wheee I love free stuff..haha (Less the annual fee of course!)
    You get a 3000 point bonus on your anniversary date so its really no loss.

  4. #224
    Senior Member RiverSong's Avatar
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    SW is having a sale, how do I rebook and get credit? Do I purchase the ticket and charge it again? At that point I would have paid for the ticket 2x. Thanks
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  5. #225
    Senior Member Curlyd's Avatar
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    It's been a long long time since I did it but I think you can call them and ask how to do it. They won't do it for you but will tell you what to do. I remember they did for me way back when I could fly.

  6. #226
    Sign into your account and there should be an option to "change flight". You'll probably need the confirmation number for your original booking (I do it so automatically, I can't remember the exact steps now), but after you choose change flight, you'll get the option of changing one or both legs. It'll give you the new prices for the available flights and when you choose the lower price, you should see a credit at the end.

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  7. #227
    Senior Member RiverSong's Avatar
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    Do I also have to rebook early bird? Thanks @tee2green
    When I want fun I go to a casino....Nothing like a cock, slot and a handy!!

  8. #228
    Quote Originally Posted by RiverSong View Post
    Do I also have to rebook early bird? Thanks @tee2green
    Was your original ticket a "wannagetaway" fare or was it one of the others that are fully refundable?

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  9. #229
    Forget my last response RS. You're not cancelling, just changing. This is from the SW website. The EB check-in is associated with your confirmation number so since that isn't changing when you change flights, the EB will still be good for the new schedule. I never use EB but after my trip to Vegas last month, will probably start.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

  10. #230
    Senior Member Slotspert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tee2green View Post
    Forget my last response RS. You're not cancelling, just changing. This is from the SW website. The EB check-in is associated with your confirmation number so since that isn't changing when you change flights, the EB will still be good for the new schedule. I never use EB but after my trip to Vegas last month, will probably start.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    Early Bird is a MUST if you want to secure overhead baggage space on a busy flight (normally Fridays and Sundays) and you just wait until you get to the airport to check-in (e.g. the dreaded GROUP "C"). Otherwise, you can usually get at least a "B" group or even an "A" group if you check-in exactly 24 hours before departure. I have had the EB "vanish" a few times when I change a reservation which is solved with a quick call to customer service.
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