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Thread: All things Southwest Airlines

  1. #41
    Senior Member treyster's Avatar
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    I noticed if you book using points on SWA, they now require more points for a non-stop flight than a same price trip with stops. Thanks SWA!
    Fair dinkum legend

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by treyster View Post
    I noticed if you book using points on SWA, they now require more points for a non-stop flight than a same price trip with stops. Thanks SWA!
    Wow that's crazy.

    Looks like it's between 70 and 76 points per dollar in most cases

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by treyster View Post
    I noticed if you book using points on SWA, they now require more points for a non-stop flight than a same price trip with stops. Thanks SWA!
    That stinks!!

  4. #44
    The good news is that doesn't appear to be a hard and fast rule - they change the points required for each flight dynamically. I have actually found several 70pt ratio nonstops to Vegas, though of course that limits flexibility. I try to use casino credits to pay for Business Select fares in 'cash' and use my SW points for bargain points routes.

  5. #45
    Senior Member treyster's Avatar
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    I booked 2 flights to Vegas using points yesterday. Each flight was 12,170 pts. So I used 24,340 and had 24,376. I now have 36 pts in my account lol. Usually I'm short a few points, this time worked out.
    Fair dinkum legend

  6. #46
    I'm new to Southwest credits but I re-booked my out going flight today to Houston for the Coushatta M&G for a $31 credit. Question......let's say I do this multiple times before the flight in Nov, will all the credits be lumped together as a total credit to be used on a future flight (I know it expires 1 yr from date of original booking) or are they considered individual credits with a limit to how many you can use for that future flight? I hope that makes sense, lol!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  7. #47
    Never did it but my guess would be that if you rebook the same flight it would add up as they are tied to the original reservation number when you go to use them...but that's just a guess.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by sondor View Post
    Never did it but my guess would be that if you rebook the same flight it would add up as they are tied to the original reservation number when you go to use them...but that's just a guess.
    You are correct! I once banked almost $150 in lowered fares, in which I used on another flight. Southwest is awesome like that!

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by CPT View Post
    You are correct! I once banked almost $150 in lowered fares, in which I used on another flight. Southwest is awesome like that!
    So Ken, even if it only goes down like $5 (which is all my return flight dropped) I should go for it because it's the total savings attached to that reservation to be used for future flight, not a limit of "X" amount of credit changes?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by tee2green View Post
    So Ken, even if it only goes down like $5 (which is all my return flight dropped) I should go for it because it's the total savings attached to that reservation to be used for future flight, not a limit of "X" amount of credit changes?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Yes, anytime it goes down, change the flight (to the same one). All the credit is attached to your confirmation number in which you can apply later. As far as I'm aware, there are no limits to the number of times you can rebook.

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