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Thread: Help dealing with a 26 year old. She lives in Denver.. Went to la to meet friends and

  1. #11
    Senior Member twinslotaddicts's Avatar
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    As a mom to a 22 year old girl I'd have to say what my sister would say which is she's 26 not 18 so give her a little credit. I on the other hand would prob be a bit worried too. I've also got not exactly making sense texts before but remember that she is still texting you so that's a good thing. Try not to be worried and trust in her judgement.


  2. #12
    Sorry you are worrying about your daughter. We always worry being a Mom, no matter how old are children are. Have a daughter same age, texts me and sometimes can't understand what she is saying. Sending you a big hug!

  3. #13
    Senior Member MNvegasgal's Avatar
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    Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts and concerned. She is fine (hungover) and was in a cementary. She has terrible cell service. I hate that I worry.. If I hadn't received her weird call and texts I would have been fine. When I am clueless it is much better. When she provides rid bits then my Mom warning Sheila goes up. Arghhhj.. Now I can breath.

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  4. #14
    I thought maybe you were taking Ambien and posting while that kicked in again LOL

  5. #15
    During college my sister didn't come home one night and my mom freaked out. She went onto AIM (shows how long ago this was) and starting IMing everyone on my sister's friends list. My sister was mortified and was teased about being kidnapped for weeks. Especially because the list included ppl my sister hadnt spoken to since early high school.

    She did learn her lesson, though, and always called home, no matter how late, when she decided to stay at a friend's house.

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  6. #16
    Glad everything turned out OK. My kids are older than your daughter and I still worry, goes with the territory. Doesn't matter how old and independent they get they are still your baby.

  7. #17
    What zeus says. I think you will come to realize your daughter is a lot like you at some future time. And you will experience a lot of joy in how she matures with your influences to bring about her life choices - although that may seem remote in the present.

    I'm glad things have sorted out for you for now.

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  8. #18
    Ugh, it's hard worrying about your kids once they become adults and are on their own. I'm glad everything worked out okay (except for that hangover) and hopefully she's learned a life lesson.

  9. #19
    I hope everything is ok with your daughter. As parents we always worry about our children no matter how old they are.

  10. #20
    Senior Member MNvegasgal's Avatar
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    She is actually doing great .. Did an adult thing and negotiated and purchased a new car. She is planning on doing traveling Respiratory. She has applied to Georgrtown university. I love her to death.. She is just very adventuresome which makes. Moms heart nervous. You Gus are the best and help me se reason.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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