Quote Originally Posted by Nhcris View Post
So my immersion blender shit the bed. The top broke off and one piece is not there, so Frank can't even attempt to fix it. Truthfully, I only used it to make whipped cream a few times, and soup twice. I am contemplating getting a stand mixer instead, but no way am I willing to spend $400 for the nice Kitchen Aid ones. Does anyone have one that didn't cost a fortune, that they like?
You know its sad things are not made to the same standards stuff was 30-40 yrs ago . i mean i had a sunbeam toaster that ill bet was an ez 30 yrs old hell i replaced the cord on it once if not twice it still worked when i left it in my last apt . no we have the big K A 5qt mixer Donna used to do cookies for Christmas every year so she wanted the Mac daddy to get it all done fast . we allso have the same hand mixer that Clemi shows in her post . i want to say it wasn't much . Check out Wally world and see what they have .