Quote Originally Posted by hytail View Post
@Zooms - thanks for the update. I get all those emails, luckily they have slowed somewhat as the event/music activities have been tabled. I golfed at Tri-Mountain (about a mile from Ilani) yesterday - we thought it would be a good day as the course would be less crowded with everyone going to the casino. No such luck, weather just perfect at 91 with a light breeze so the course was straight out packed. As good of job as they've done to reopen, I am in no hurry to get back as Clark County still on lock down. Continued good luck there!
You may want to make a shopping run to the gift shop. I went back Wednesday with my dad & my non-gambling sister so Dad could play his $40 free play. He lost that & more & was pretty cranky. Anyway, we went to Line & Lure for dinner so he could use the $20 in Player’s Perks he had received a mailer for. I intended to either use my $50 or points to pay the balance. He had $85 total in perks! The waitress checked mine for me, I have $225, 3 @ $50 & 1 @ $75. Apparently the perks have been carried over from March.