Quote Originally Posted by CPT View Post
There wouldn't be a Facebook section added to JWE. Nothing about Facebook on this forum, it would be totally separate and independent of Facebook. Essentially it's like a new forum, except on Facebook and less structured. If you use Facebook it is convenient to make posts/post pictures, which is where those who are in favor are coming from. But if you aren't on Facebook, you would have no access to it.
I am still just as confused as I was when I stuck my nose into this issue. I guess because I do not use and have no desire to use FB. Maybe that will change at some point as we just recently upgraded the technical part of our lives to include iphones for sassycat and I a few months back. Until then we will both trust the inner circle/illuminati within this forum to do what is in the best interest of everyone and I will keep my head buried in the sand and comply with whatever happens.