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View Full Version : Slot hopping

07-23-2015, 09:28 PM
Who does it, how often, and how much luck do you find doing it? I love slot hopping and I do it all the time, especially on a bank of machines I like. If anyone has read my trip report thread for all my casino trips, I do a lot of hopping on my favorite, Titan 360 (8 stations) and I have a lot of luck doing it. Like when one station is not doing anything, I move to a different one that has a paying base game. Getting the wheel is a plus, but the base game paying is what I care about the most on any slot machine in the casino. If you get the wheel or a bonus and get something nice and then the base game does not pay, it will take your winnings. Once dead on titan, dead. Usually if a machine is not paying right away and I have done everything like take the ticket out and card out and put it back in or put fresh money in and it is still dead after spending like 5 bucks, I change machines. Sometimes it works and sometimes it backfires on me where when I get off, someone else gets on and hits a lot of free games or even hitting a prize upgrade or the mini jackpot on the wheel right away. I can myself change machines when someone puts so much money in and loses and hit the bonus in the very first spin. On titan at my locals though, its not easy to hop but if someone is getting up and no one is in line waiting, then I move quickly to it.

This is why I think slot hopping works and I hope to get lucky, which I do a lot. When I play free play and if that is all I have with me for that day, I like doing 2 to 3 dollars a machine except if its titan I play 5 dollars free play. If it pays, I put more free play in and so on. If dead, I move on. Staying on a machine that is dead just takes my money or does not give me what I spent back in a bonus when I finally do get it, so I just get off and move to another. With cash on titan, I usually play out a $20 and depending on if a station opens up after nothing at all spending 5 bucks, will determine if I will move or not.

Anyone else slot hop around the casino or on a certain bank of machines?

07-23-2015, 10:36 PM
My sister hops a LOT, it rarely works in her favor from what I've witnessed. I OTOH am stubborn and tend to stick with a machine for a lot longer to try and ride out the losing spins. It seems to work better for me than her, but that may just be luck of the draw.

07-23-2015, 11:38 PM
Usually $40 if not getting any wins or bonus I will move on
And then try them again later in the day

07-23-2015, 11:48 PM
I usually will put in $40 and see what happens. If it is a game I really like I might try another $20 and then if nothing I move on.

07-24-2015, 01:44 AM
On high denom I will usually give it only 5 spins to do something, so I move around a lot.

07-24-2015, 03:02 AM
I will usually give a $20 unless it's a game I really like...and has given me good paybacks in the past. I basically slot hop a lot but have a few favorites I keep going back to. Hubby sticks to a game much longer...often to the bitter end...and I seem to generally do better than him when we play together, but not always.

If course, play a lot more than he does so in the big picture I'll probably get us to the poor house faster. [emoji39]

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