View Full Version : name is (fill in the blank) and I am a lurker
11-18-2015, 10:05 PM
Thought I would post a thread to officially get out of the lurking game...
My name is in KC and am an active slot machine degenerate...faveslots are aristocrats (old school) and Wonder 4 all versions.
I currently live 3 minutes from Hollywood Casino in KCK and visit a few times per week.
Also...avid sports fan Go Royals!
So...cmon lurkers...introduce yourself...they don't bite...usually!!
11-18-2015, 10:08 PM
A bunch of us will be in KC for super bowl weekend. Maybe we will see you there. Welcome to JWE.
Hi, Christi! :welcome: So glad to have you and for you to introduce yourself. I got to visit KC in February and am booked to come again Super Bowl weekend at Harrah's for the M&G. You are so lucky to get to enjoy Jack Stack bbq whenever you want it. Very envious of you right about now. LOL! Thanks for stopping in to say hello! We are a good group that loves to have a good time. I look forward to hearing about and seeing some wins. Gotta love those coin shows on the Aristos!
11-18-2015, 11:16 PM
Hi Christi Welcome to the forum .
11-18-2015, 11:21 PM
Wonder 4 win from a few days ago
11-18-2015, 11:22 PM
Welcome Cristi, and amazing win!!!!!
11-18-2015, 11:51 PM
Wonder 4 win from a few days ago
Nice Wonder 4 win Christi. $8 a pull is a little out of my league but I am happy for you nonetheless.
11-18-2015, 11:54 PM
Hi Christi, glad you came out of lurk mode! Congrats on that fabulous Buffalo win on Wonder 4!
11-18-2015, 11:55 PM
Awesome win Christi!
Old school Aristos are my favorite, too. In fact, you will probably get tired of hearing me talk about them. (Sometimes I feel like I sound like a broken record with my love for them!). My faves include Geisha, Flames of Olympus, Grizzly, Black Mustang, Wild Cougar, and the hard to find Roll Up! Roll Up! (of which you have one in KC!)
Welcome out of lurking!!
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11-19-2015, 12:01 AM
So glad you decided to post Christi! :welcome:
Very nice hit!! Hope you can meet us SuperBowl weekend at Harrah's.
Welcome Christi, hope to meet you in KC Superbowl weekend. We are a forum that certainly likes to have alot of fun!
11-19-2015, 12:27 AM
wow insane win congrats and yeah you will get a chance to meet everyone if you can that is going to M&G in feb. what is your favorite local casino in KC?
11-19-2015, 12:29 AM
wow insane win congrats and yeah you will get a chance to meet everyone if you can that is going to M&G in feb. what is your favorite local casino in KC?
Definitely interested in the meet and for my local fave? I am a fan of Argosy and Hollywood strictly for location and proximity to home...
11-19-2015, 12:39 AM
Hi my name is Pattie from Indianapolis,Indiana..coming out of lurker mode too, all the way from slot machine slot fanatics to here..and never posted one time ,shame on me! I am so sorry! I have no big wins to share..only one hand pay on wheel of fortune for 2,000 on a five dollar machine.
But I have been inspired by several forum members trip reports along the way to keep trying.
I mostly play my local which is Indiana Grand Casino which sucks the money right out of me anymore that I only gamble every other month now..
But I love to read about the trip reports and meet and greets here.
I have been reading the forums for years and feel like I know alot of neat people and I would like to thank you for having me even if I was lurking.
Alittle about me...I am a home health aid..married for 32 years have a daughter and grandson. A feisty pomeranian name Bella and an orange cat named Moe!
FL Mary
11-19-2015, 12:54 AM
Welcome Christi! Glad you started posting.
Thought I would post a thread to officially get out of the lurking game...
My name is in KC and am an active slot machine degenerate...faveslots are aristocrats (old school) and Wonder 4 all versions.
I currently live 3 minutes from Hollywood Casino in KCK and visit a few times per week.
Also...avid sports fan Go Royals!
So...cmon lurkers...introduce yourself...they don't bite...usually!!
FL Mary
11-19-2015, 12:56 AM
Hello Pattie! Glad you joined the forum.
Hi my name is Pattie from Indianapolis,Indiana..coming out of lurker mode too, all the way from slot machine slot fanatics to here..and never posted one time ,shame on me! I am so sorry! I have no big wins to share..only one hand pay on wheel of fortune for 2,000 on a five dollar machine.
But I have been inspired by several forum members trip reports along the way to keep trying.
I mostly play my local which is Indiana Grand Casino which sucks the money right out of me anymore that I only gamble every other month now..
But I love to read about the trip reports and meet and greets here.
I have been reading the forums for years and feel like I know alot of neat people and I would like to thank you for having me even if I was lurking.
Alittle about me...I am a home health aid..married for 32 years have a daughter and grandson. A feisty pomeranian name Bella and an orange cat named Moe!
11-19-2015, 12:59 AM
Hi Pattie! Welcome
Hi Christi and Pattie, big welcome! I think I remember you from SMF Christi. :yo:
Hi my name is Pattie from Indianapolis,Indiana..coming out of lurker mode too, all the way from slot machine slot fanatics to here..and never posted one time ,shame on me! I am so sorry! I have no big wins to share..only one hand pay on wheel of fortune for 2,000 on a five dollar machine.
But I have been inspired by several forum members trip reports along the way to keep trying.
I mostly play my local which is Indiana Grand Casino which sucks the money right out of me anymore that I only gamble every other month now..
But I love to read about the trip reports and meet and greets here.
I have been reading the forums for years and feel like I know alot of neat people and I would like to thank you for having me even if I was lurking.
Alittle about me...I am a home health aid..married for 32 years have a daughter and grandson. A feisty pomeranian name Bella and an orange cat named Moe!
Welcome, Pattie! I am so glad you introduced yourself. There is some good reading to be done here. While this is a gambling forum we do share a lot about other things that go on in our lives. If you bake a cake that you are proud of, post away! Oh yeah, and we love animals around here also, so feel free to share them also.
11-19-2015, 01:37 AM
Welcome Christi and Patti!!! Glad you decided to introduce yourself. Everyone here is friendly and kind and we don't mind saying what is on our mind either....Look forward to seeing you post here and there about anything! :)
11-19-2015, 02:16 AM
Welcome Patti! Glad to have another animal lover aboard!
Does your pom and Moe get along okay?
11-19-2015, 02:19 AM
This lurker thing is working out pretty good! Welcome to all and hope more join in.
11-19-2015, 05:08 AM
Welcome! :)
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11-19-2015, 05:54 AM
A big hello and welcome to Christi and Pattie!!!!
11-19-2015, 09:42 AM
Thought I would post a thread to officially get out of the lurking game...
My name is in KC and am an active slot machine degenerate...faveslots are aristocrats (old school) and Wonder 4 all versions.
I currently live 3 minutes from Hollywood Casino in KCK and visit a few times per week.
Also...avid sports fan Go Royals!
So...cmon lurkers...introduce yourself...they don't bite...usually!!
Glad to have you here Christi! What a nice buffwond4 win!
11-19-2015, 09:43 AM
Hi my name is Pattie from Indianapolis,Indiana..coming out of lurker mode too, all the way from slot machine slot fanatics to here..and never posted one time ,shame on me! I am so sorry! I have no big wins to share..only one hand pay on wheel of fortune for 2,000 on a five dollar machine.
But I have been inspired by several forum members trip reports along the way to keep trying.
I mostly play my local which is Indiana Grand Casino which sucks the money right out of me anymore that I only gamble every other month now..
But I love to read about the trip reports and meet and greets here.
I have been reading the forums for years and feel like I know alot of neat people and I would like to thank you for having me even if I was lurking.
Alittle about me...I am a home health aid..married for 32 years have a daughter and grandson. A feisty pomeranian name Bella and an orange cat named Moe!
Welcome aboard Pattie. !!!!
11-19-2015, 12:57 PM
@Cbarrett1975 ( and @Pattie (, we are so happy you have come out to play with us :welcome:
Christi, amazing win on one of my favorites, Wonder 4! I am also a sports nut and hope to meet you in KC for the Super Bowl - GO PATS!
Pattie, a $2,000 win is nothing to take lightly & I am sure there are more hand pays in your future! Hope you will share pics of Bella & Moe on our furry friends thread. Lots of us are animal lovers!
11-19-2015, 01:00 PM
Thought I would post a thread to officially get out of the lurking game...
My name is in KC and am an active slot machine degenerate...faveslots are aristocrats (old school) and Wonder 4 all versions.
I currently live 3 minutes from Hollywood Casino in KCK and visit a few times per week.
Also...avid sports fan Go Royals!
So...cmon lurkers...introduce yourself...they don't bite...usually!!
Christi, welcome to the forum and congratulations on that fantastic Wonder 4 hit.
11-19-2015, 01:01 PM
Welcome patti
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11-19-2015, 01:04 PM
Hi my name is Pattie from Indianapolis,Indiana..coming out of lurker mode too, all the way from slot machine slot fanatics to here..and never posted one time ,shame on me! I am so sorry! I have no big wins to share..only one hand pay on wheel of fortune for 2,000 on a five dollar machine.
But I have been inspired by several forum members trip reports along the way to keep trying.
I mostly play my local which is Indiana Grand Casino which sucks the money right out of me anymore that I only gamble every other month now..
But I love to read about the trip reports and meet and greets here.
I have been reading the forums for years and feel like I know alot of neat people and I would like to thank you for having me even if I was lurking.
Alittle about me...I am a home health aid..married for 32 years have a daughter and grandson. A feisty pomeranian name Bella and an orange cat named Moe!
Patti, welcome to the forum. You're in good company since most of us don't have really have big wins to share except for an occasional bolt out of the blue. Wow, its amazing that you've been lurking since SMF, but I'm glad you finally feel comfortable to out yourself.
11-19-2015, 01:19 PM
Welcome to the forum.
11-20-2015, 04:58 PM
Welcome to the forum!!
11-20-2015, 06:44 PM
Woo hoo the lurkers are coming out, that is great! Welcome Christi and Pattie, so glad you joined.
11-20-2015, 10:52 PM
Thanks all...been a member since sf, the old site, so I am glad I am here too
11-22-2015, 03:55 PM
thanks for all the well wishes! I will try to be not so shy! I will post some pics of my fur babies soon,,I have to hunt some good ones..I am on a new phone and lost some good pics of them on my old phone!
Hi my name is Noreen from New York! Coming out of lurking and a little nervous. I'm a Borgata regular, mostly play Konami Games and Video Poker. Recently stayed at Foxwoods and went over to Mohegan Sun. Also have been to Harrahs New Orleans last year, my husband won trip for millionaire slot contest. Would love to make a M&G! No hand pays yet, have hit a couple of Royal Flushes and been doing very well on the Konami Flying Fortune.
Welcome, Noreen! We are glad to have you. Please do not feel nervous because there are a lot of great folks here. I have had the pleasure of meeting quite a few of the Jokers and everyone has been wonderful. We have many that love Borgota. My plan is to get back to AC this coming August for the next M&G. I look forward to hearing about your trips, wins and even those nasty Walks of Shame!
Thank you Zeus for the warm welcome! Looking forward to sharing my trip reports and meeting other Jokers.
11-23-2015, 02:17 AM
Hi my name is Noreen from New York! Coming out of lurking and a little nervous. I'm a Borgata regular, mostly play Konami Games and Video Poker. Recently stayed at Foxwoods and went over to Mohegan Sun. Also have been to Harrahs New Orleans last year, my husband won trip for millionaire slot contest. Would love to make a M&G! No hand pays yet, have hit a couple of Royal Flushes and been doing very well on the Konami Flying Fortune.
Welcome! Glad to have you :)
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11-23-2015, 10:17 AM
Hi my name is Noreen from New York! Coming out of lurking and a little nervous. I'm a Borgata regular, mostly play Konami Games and Video Poker. Recently stayed at Foxwoods and went over to Mohegan Sun. Also have been to Harrahs New Orleans last year, my husband won trip for millionaire slot contest. Would love to make a M&G! No hand pays yet, have hit a couple of Royal Flushes and been doing very well on the Konami Flying Fortune.
Welcome to JW Noreen. Don't be nervous at all. Definitely try to attend a M&G, you won't be disappointed! Jump in to the discussions, we love to get to know everyone.[emoji4]
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Hi Noreen, glad you made it! :yo:
11-23-2015, 12:38 PM
Welcome Noreen!!!
11-23-2015, 02:53 PM
Welcome Reen, glad you came out of lurker mode.
Thank you all for your warm greetings! Feeling a little less nervous!
11-23-2015, 06:29 PM Welcome
FL Mary
11-23-2015, 07:42 PM
Welcome to all the lurkers who decided to join in the conversations!
11-23-2015, 09:55 PM
Hi Reen! Happy you decided to jump in. You can't get to know people like these just anywhere - HHH!
I just got home from Mohegan Sun. I consider it my home casino I guess, and quite enjoy it there. I think the forum is considering having a M&G at Mo or Fox sometime in 2016, as well as the annual AC one, so hopefully you will have a chance to meet some Jokers if you are of a mind to :)
Thank you Nhcris for the warm welcome! I would love to make a M&G in 2016! Have a fear of flying so driving to Foxwoods or Mohegan would be great! Foxwoods has been sending great offers! Just got mail and got offer from Mohegan! Need to talk my husband into another trip! I keep telling him Foxwoods has a golf course!!
11-24-2015, 02:01 AM
Welcome to the forum Reen. It's ok to be shy. Try to make it out to the next AC meet. Last year's was a blast.
Thank you for the welcome TwoArmedBandito! I will be sure to make the next AC meet! Going to be at the Borgata next week! Love that place!
12-02-2015, 07:18 AM
@Reen. Big Welcome to Jokers forum Noreen!!!
Hi twinslotaddicts! Thank you for the warm welcome! Noreen
12-02-2015, 02:25 PM
Hello Reen hope you enjoy the forum . lots of good info and threads here . if you have any interesting story's or trips or funny jokes we would love to read about them.
Hi charlie50! Thank you for the welcome. Very happy to join this great forum! Just got back from the Borgata last night. Need to do a trip report.
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