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01-26-2016, 12:00 AM
I just got my first Royal Flush but it was while playing online on VideoPoker.com! Hopefully I get a real one soon!!!:cupcake:

01-26-2016, 12:04 AM
I just got my first Royal Flush but it was while playing online on VideoPoker.com! Hopefully I get a real one soon!!!:cupcake:

Congrats Cyndy. Are you Cyndyga over there as well? I am there quite a bit. Don't spend much time on their forum but spend quite a bit of time playing in their free contests. They are a lot of fun and in the past couple of years I have won about $325 worth of gift cards. Hope to see your name on the leader board over there quite a bit if you like to play in the contests.

01-26-2016, 12:09 AM
I just got my first Royal Flush but it was while playing online on VideoPoker.com! Hopefully I get a real one soon!!!:cupcake:
I want you sitting beside of me in KC during the pull. Congratulations!

FL Mary
01-26-2016, 12:52 AM
I play at videopoker.com every day. I too have won a contest and received a gift card.

01-26-2016, 01:03 AM
Now it is time for one at KC!! Congratulations!

01-26-2016, 01:58 AM
Congrats Cyndy. Are you Cyndyga over there as well? I am there quite a bit. Don't spend much time on their forum but spend quite a bit of time playing in their free contests. They are a lot of fun and in the past couple of years I have won about $325 worth of gift cards. Hope to see your name on the leader board over there quite a bit if you like to play in the contests.

I think I am Cynga and I love the contests just started playing in them :)

01-26-2016, 12:28 PM
Congratulations Cyndyga!

01-26-2016, 07:58 PM
Hey real machine or not that's good! I only have one royal at the Taj Mahal back in 2006 on jacks and better $1.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-23-2016, 05:43 PM
good job!!!!

Marge in Pa
07-04-2016, 06:09 AM
My first royal was also on VideoPoker.com. I was so excited. I don't think you ever lose that feeling. Doesn't matter if it's on line, pennies,nickles,quarters..etc..it's still a thrill! I was dealt a royal last Jan. I was sitting there just stunned and was afraid to hit the hold buttons for fear I would lose it..lol..Have you gotten one in the casino yet?

07-04-2016, 02:33 PM
Haha I got about 3 that week ( I even stopped playing so I wouldn't use them all up lol) and have not gotten another real or on VP.com...

07-04-2016, 04:45 PM
My first royal was also on VideoPoker.com. I was so excited. I don't think you ever lose that feeling. Doesn't matter if it's on line, pennies,nickles,quarters..etc..it's still a thrill! I was dealt a royal last Jan. I was sitting there just stunned and was afraid to hit the hold buttons for fear I would lose it..lol..Have you gotten one in the casino yet?

I totally agree that you never lose that feeling! Although I must confess the feeling is a wee bit better playing live in the casino :)

Still waiting for a dealt royal. Not sure what I would do HHH!

07-07-2016, 01:49 AM
My "first royal" was a dealt royal on a triple play quarter machine. Within 24 hours I got 2 more royals playing on the same bank of machines at the Flamingo.

Marge in Pa
07-09-2016, 09:14 AM
Cyndyga your day will come. Just keep trying. Teach that is unbelievable.What a great hit and to get 2 more..Wow you did good.Nhcris I sure do agree getting paid really feels great. I got a royal tonight on a spur of the moment trip to Chester. I played my hubs free play on a quick hit. Turned it into $70 cash. Took that over to VP. I no sooner started to play then held 3 to a royal breaking up a pair of aces on ddb.Couldn't believe I got it. I recently got a smart phone but I'm dumb so I don't know how to post the picture here.