View Full Version : TSA announces longer waits .
05-17-2016, 02:34 PM
OH GREAT ! thats what we need . What the "f" is up with the TSA . im hearing they are losing people left and right ??? ANYONE know what airports are affected the worst due to to the longer lines ? I hear O hare is a mother humper now.. not that i plan to go to or through Chicago anytime soon .what other AP's are seeing this ?
This is a time that I am glad I spent the $85 for TSA Pre Check. I just hope everyone else decides NOT to do it.
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05-17-2016, 03:23 PM
OH GREAT ! thats what we need . What the "f" is up with the TSA . im hearing they are losing people left and right ??? ANYONE know what airports are affected the worst due to to the longer lines ? I hear O hare is a mother humper now.. not that i plan to go to or through Chicago anytime soon .what other AP's are seeing this ?
There shouldn't be a problem in O'Hare if you are just connecting with another flight. I don't believe that they would make you go through security a 2nd time. Now for the departures from O'Hare - oh boy!
I waited over two hours yesterday at California as a walk in for PRE TSA. I had an appointment for next week, but decided to get it over with. The lady said, usually people with appointments don't show up, but yesterday they all did.
05-17-2016, 04:58 PM
Map has been a nightmare if flying out of the main terminal. Two plus hour waits. We are TSA pre check for tomorrow flight to Maui and we are still going 2 hours early. Terminal 2 in MSP which we flew out of on Friday is a cakewalk. I wish every flight I took was southwest or Sun Country
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05-17-2016, 11:23 PM
Like Zeus I paid the $85 and did all the crap to get the TSA pre for the next 5 years. I was getting it from Southwest most of the time for free but decided I would need it when I fly other airlines. Now hearing about all the waiting in line I'm so glad I did it.
I heard today that they are now taking people out of the lines and sending them over to the TSA Pre lines. I'm sorry, but if I pay 85.00 I expect everyone to be TSA pre in that line. If after listening to everything on the news for the last week at a minimum and you don't make your flight because you didn't get there in time, well, that's your problem, not mine.
Jen Jen
05-18-2016, 02:16 AM
I heard today that they are now taking people out of the lines and sending them over to the TSA Pre lines. I'm sorry, but if I pay 85.00 I expect everyone to be TSA pre in that line. If after listening to everything on the news for the last week at a minimum and you don't make your flight because you didn't get there in time, well, that's your problem, not mine.
I saw them doing that in Reno. It looked like they chose people with children.
I saw them doing that in Reno. It looked like they chose people with children.
so people travelling with children get special treatment?
05-18-2016, 05:06 AM
so people travelling with children get special treatment?
I say god bless 'em. I love my kids but I can't stand traveling with them -- it's horrible: "I'm hungry", "I have to go poop", "I went poop (in my pants)", "He hit me" and so on.
That said, I've done a ton of traveling -- prob. 90 days on the road in last year, have TSA Pre-Check and CLEAR, and have never seen people just with kids get pulled from the regular line -- I've only seen that happen because the airline has coded the boarding pass with TSA Pre randomly. I would seriously pissed though if that started happening just because you have kids with you, especially considering I'd waited, like Pat, in line for 2 hours to get my Pre-Check done.
What has really been irritating me is the number of people claiming some kind of social anxiety disorder so that they can bring their dog, cat or alpaca "companion animal" with them. I got a social disorder -- I don't like people claiming fake illnesses just so they can bring their dog for free on the plane. I want to bring my dog too, but he's annoying to most people and really skittish and it would be rude of me, not to mention dishonest, to subject other people to that.
rant over.
Before they brought in CLEAR in Baltimore, because I was solo, they would pull me into the Pre line quite often. Now that they installed the CLEAR line, they no longer do that. Just another way for the government to make money, cuz #Merica
05-18-2016, 09:27 AM
Before they brought in CLEAR in Baltimore, because I was solo, they would pull me into the Pre line quite often. Now that they installed the CLEAR line, they no longer do that. Just another way for the government to make money, cuz #Merica
They probably pull you into the pre-line because you look like an employee of the airport parking...hhh
so people travelling with children get special treatment?
If that is the case then I guess I will just have to call up Rent A Child. Maybe they would have a drop off place in Vegas once I arrived. But seriously, if that is the case, that is total BS. For those of us that took the time and paid the fee for Pre Check, we should not be penalized by delays for such a dumb ass decision by the TSA.
Ultimately though, nobody should have to pay for any of the expedited security services, IMO. You go do the background check/interview etc and you can then go through the Pre line and not have to take your shoes off. So yes you are paying for the chance that the line won't be as long, less time at the airport, but a few times when I was randomly selected the regular line moved faster anyway. Why a government funded program, for our safety, has to charge for these things just blows my mind. But then again, #merica!
Now if you will excuse me I need to go take my belt, shoes, and light jacket off to get inspected! HHH
Ultimately though, nobody should have to pay for any of the expedited security services, IMO. You go do the background check/interview etc and you can then go through the Pre line and not have to take your shoes off. So yes you are paying for the chance that the line won't be as long, less time at the airport, but a few times when I was randomly selected the regular line moved faster anyway. Why a government funded program, for our safety, has to charge for these things just blows my mind. But then again, #merica!
Now if you will excuse me I need to go take my belt, shoes, and light jacket off to get inspected! HHH
And possibly felt up! [emoji12]
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And possibly felt up! [emoji12]
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And that part is free, you all are missing out..haha :friendly_wink:
And that part is free, you all are missing out..haha :friendly_wink:
And the only time I want the word cavity used is at the dentist. [emoji50]
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05-18-2016, 11:45 AM
Ultimately though, nobody should have to pay for any of the expedited security services, IMO. You go do the background check/interview etc and you can then go through the Pre line and not have to take your shoes off. So yes you are paying for the chance that the line won't be as long, less time at the airport, but a few times when I was randomly selected the regular line moved faster anyway. Why a government funded program, for our safety, has to charge for these things just blows my mind. But then again, #merica!
Now if you will excuse me I need to go take my belt, shoes, and light jacket off to get inspected! HHH
YES Thank you.
05-18-2016, 11:50 AM
Not to Be Politically Incorrect here ..But why is it you NEVER ever see any middle easterners pulled aside getting there cracks checked . MY God they put my sweetie Donna in the time out box ....JC ! such stupidity .
05-18-2016, 12:13 PM
Not to Be Politically Incorrect here ..But why is it you NEVER ever see any middle easterners pulled aside getting there cracks checked . MY God they put my sweetie Donna in the time out box ....JC ! such stupidity .
This is only 1 aspect of government intrusion on our personal lives. It's part of their grand design (New World Order) to keep us under their thumb as slaves Charlie. Everywhere you look they are increasingly taking away our personal rights to privacy. Bottom line - they want us broke and to "obey", or be fined/jailed.
05-18-2016, 01:40 PM
In USA Today today:
ILLINOIS Chicago: Marathon security lines stranded dozens of people at O'Hare International Airport because of missed flights as a Transportation Security Administration staffing shortage plagued travelers nationwide, the Chicago Tribune reported.
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05-18-2016, 01:44 PM
This is only 1 aspect of government intrusion on our personal lives. It's part of their grand design (New World Order) to keep us under their thumb as slaves Charlie. Everywhere you look they are increasingly taking away our personal rights to privacy. Bottom line - they want us broke and to "obey", or be fined/jailed.
That Right... ive known this for quite some time now ...Why is we get to VOTE on little piddly things and NEVER anything BIG that would Really change something . 1. Were Too Stupid or 2. We the people Really dont count and in there eyes cant be relied on to make a good decision . in any event It Is all about there control over us . Not to get off track here but if the politicos get the guns Were screwed .
I say god bless 'em. I love my kids but I can't stand traveling with them -- it's horrible: "I'm hungry", "I have to go poop", "I went poop (in my pants)", "He hit me" and so on.
That said, I've done a ton of traveling -- prob. 90 days on the road in last year, have TSA Pre-Check and CLEAR, and have never seen people just with kids get pulled from the regular line -- I've only seen that happen because the airline has coded the boarding pass with TSA Pre randomly. I would seriously pissed though if that started happening just because you have kids with you, especially considering I'd waited, like Pat, in line for 2 hours to get my Pre-Check done.
What has really been irritating me is the number of people claiming some kind of social anxiety disorder so that they can bring their dog, cat or alpaca "companion animal" with them. I got a social disorder -- I don't like people claiming fake illnesses just so they can bring their dog for free on the plane. I want to bring my dog too, but he's annoying to most people and really skittish and it would be rude of me, not to mention dishonest, to subject other people to that.
rant over.
I flew 6 hours last year to Hawaii with a young couple in first class. She had a "service" dog. I called bullshit immediately to the flight attendant. This dog was cute, but a pain in the ass for 6 hours, as was the young couple. This dog was no more a service that I am. Of course, this was the same flight where the couple came on each carrying a 5 year old in a napsak on their chests. These kids were old enough to walk 4 years prior. Stopped mid stream and ask the FA if there were peanuts on the plane to which she said yes. Instant hissy fit by these two who said they checked prior and were told no peanuts were on this plane. All boarding stops for 30 minutes. The pilot makes an announcement that all peanuts are being taken off the plane and if anyone had any on them they were not to eat them. Lady in coach said she had a PB&J made for her kids for the long flight. Nope, she could not dispense them to her kids. WTF? Two people can dictate an entire airplane system? I'm thinking why in the world would you go to Hawaii, a place where everything is serviced with nuts on it, Every sun tan lotion has nuts in it, etc.
Sorry Noleman, I didn't mean to hijack this thread, but the entire travelling thing is messed up. DH is a million mile flyer and although he remains calm most of the time, it's really getting to him now.
05-18-2016, 08:00 PM
I am reading this as I sit delayed at LAX. We flew in from MSP but because our connection was to Hawaian Air.. We had to walk outside 1.5 miles and go through security again. That is messed up.. But we had the time and pre-check so I got my exercise in. Now delayed and deplaned due to an electrical issue. Starting to get cranky as I have been up since 4 am CST. But honestly I am less crabby then I would be if it was a Vegas Delay ;)
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05-18-2016, 08:08 PM
Wtf Cece that's messed up. Have a great time in maui
well maybe if people stopped carrying every friggin thing they own ONTO the airplane, the line could move faster, but they don't want to pay to check their bags, so everyone on the plane suffers as they walk by with a backpack that nearly knocks your head off when they turn around. Each kid is dragging a barbie rollaway that doesn't really roll very well (you know what I'm talking about, you've all seen it). The entire process is breaking down.
05-18-2016, 08:31 PM
well maybe if people stopped carrying every friggin thing they own ONTO the airplane, the line could move faster, but they don't want to pay to check their bags, so everyone on the plane suffers as they walk by with a backpack that nearly knocks your head off when they turn around. Each kid is dragging a barbie rollaway that doesn't really roll very well (you know what I'm talking about, you've all seen it). The entire process is breaking down.
I hear ya on that Pat. Never ceases to amaze me when I clear security and glance around at the mammoth sized luggage people are toting around. That's when I say a silent prayer that they aren't headed to my gate to try to shove that thing in the overhead on my flight.
05-18-2016, 08:38 PM
Wtf Cece that's messed up. Have a great time in maui
Good news.. They fixed it.. Are going to bus us out to the plane as we lost our gate. Dont have anything planned tonight.. So we are all good. Hope to nap on the 5 hour flight.. But if not will have a drink and watch a movie :)
05-18-2016, 08:43 PM
Good news.. They fixed it.. Are going to bus us out to the plane as we lost our gate. Dont have anything planned tonight.. So we are all good. Hope to nap on the 5 hour flight.. But if not will have a drink and watch a movie :)
Glad all is fixed now. Have a fabulous time!
05-18-2016, 09:06 PM
am laughing so hard, they put DH in the box flying out of LaGuardia 4-5 years ago - turned around to see where he was and they'd herded him and several others into this this big plastic box, never laughed so hard in my life - we'd never seen one before, was truly one of those wtf moments..
MY God they put my sweetie Donna in the time out box ....JC ! such stupidity .
Good news.. They fixed it.. Are going to bus us out to the plane as we lost our gate. Dont have anything planned tonight.. So we are all good. Hope to nap on the 5 hour flight.. But if not will have a drink and watch a movie :)
CeCe, on a 5 hour flight I hope you can manage more than one drink. I mean you are a Joker! :encouragement: Have a fabulous time!
anytime you fly on Hawaiian, coach or first class, it's an enjoyable flight. Just remember where you are going and how awesome it will be when you get there.
Just arrived home from Vegas, long lines at TSA and we were flying late. Also thought the United employees were not helpful and rude at check-in. Hope they send me survey! Also didn't notice my husband and I had TSA pre-check printed on our boarding pass! We were moved to different line. Do they give pre-check randomly, just curious why we had that? Also long lines in Newark at TSA when we were walking past.
TSA Pre has been random. I was lucky enough to get it for over a year each time I flew.
05-19-2016, 01:52 PM
Just arrived home from Vegas, long lines at TSA and we were flying late. Also thought the United employees were not helpful and rude at check-in. Hope they send me survey! Also didn't notice my husband and I had TSA pre-check printed on our boarding pass! We were moved to different line. Do they give pre-check randomly, just curious why we had that? Also long lines in Newark at TSA when we were walking past.
How was check in at McClarin ?
TSA Pre has been random. I was lucky enough to get it for over a year each time I flew.
I wasn't sure about, didn't seem like any one with TSA pre check! I still got frisked though lol! Nice not to have to take off shoes and no long line.
How was check in at McClarin ?
It was busy at the area where you print your boarding pass. The employees were not helpful to the customers that needed assistance. I saw one lady yelling at one of the workers! i couldn't believe that check in was much better at Newark!
It was busy at the area where you print your boarding pass. The employees were not helpful to the customers that needed assistance. I saw one lady yelling at one of the workers! i couldn't believe that check in was much better at Newark!
I refuse to do self check in because for some reason my frequent flyer number is never entered into the system and always has to be entered by an employee.
I thought you had to do self check in. Very confusing for us at airport, we really needed help lol!
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05-19-2016, 04:44 PM
Donna and i very rarely travel by airplane .. so all this extra stuff that one has to do for them selves now seems to me like piss poor customer service and some one else's job . But i guess its the price we pay for automation .
you can always go to the counter for check in. They want you to think you have to do it yourself. You don't. Or you can have a porter check you in outside. He can print the boarding passes and tell you your assigned gate as well. Just don't forget to tip him.
you can always go to the counter for check in. They want you to think you have to do it yourself. You don't. Or you can have a porter check you in outside. He can print the boarding passes and tell you your assigned gate as well. Just don't forget to tip him.
Thank you Pat for this information. Will remember this for future travel, we were a little confused with check-in procedure. I will only do counter check in for future travel. Yes, tipping is very important, I noticed in Vegas the workers were very grateful when we tipped.
Donna and i very rarely travel by airplane .. so all this extra stuff that one has to do for them selves now seems to me like piss poor customer service and some one else's job . But i guess its the price we pay for automation .
We don't travel much by plane either. Would like to start traveling more though. Pat's information was very helpful. I will not do self check in again.
05-19-2016, 06:23 PM
I had TSApre so no line at all at San Jose airport today. Not much of a line either for those going through regular lanes for TSA. Not sure why we don't seem to have a shorts of TSA agents here.
05-19-2016, 08:46 PM
O'HARE just put out an announcement that they want ALL passengers to arrive THREE hours before their scheduled flight.
Sharon and I are flying out of there in just 3 weeks. Not looking forward to the lines.
05-19-2016, 09:04 PM
O'HARE just put out an announcement that they want ALL passengers to arrive THREE hours before their scheduled flight.
Sharon and I are flying out of there in just 3 weeks. Not looking forward to the lines.
The bar there was nice last year.
05-19-2016, 10:36 PM
The bar there was nice last year.
goldengreeke Yeah! He can start "flying" before he boards the plane!...hhh
05-22-2016, 12:12 PM
We all ways down a few beers (or what ever if its morning ) before getting on board .. i remember a few years ago we left L V and it was the 4th of july and we had all ready drank a few brews at the lucky streak bar in the terminal . well any how we get on the plane back to S A and i remembered reading in one of the info book in the seat back that southwest offers a free alcoholic beverage (1) on the 4th of July so anyway i get my one freebie and the steward keeps bringing us free beers shoot by the time i got back on the ground in S A i was still 20000 ft ..HHH ..NOW that's the way to fly .
05-25-2016, 01:10 AM
I think the TSA should be closed and airlines should each do their own security. It would become efficient, safe, and fast.
05-25-2016, 01:50 AM
I think the TSA should be closed and airlines should each do their own security. It would become efficient, safe, and fast.
I read an article yesterday that the head of the TSA got fired from his position for doing such a bang-up job.
I think the TSA should be closed and airlines should each do their own security. It would become efficient, safe, and fast.
I am going to disagree with that philosophy Trey. The airlines are interested in backing out of the gate for an on time departure and would probably do anything to up their numbers. Unfortunately, that would come at the safety of us. Each airline would have their own set of rules, etc. It would be chaos. Now if the airlines collectively take over as one, that would be different
Kansas City doesn't use TSA and I found it to be alot smoother. They are just one of a few airports that uses a private company.
05-25-2016, 02:16 AM
I am going to disagree with that philosophy Trey. The airlines are interested in backing out of the gate for an on time departure and would probably do anything to up their numbers. Unfortunately, that would come at the safety of us. Each airline would have their own set of rules, etc. It would be chaos. Now if the airlines collectively take over as one, that would be different
Nope. Each airline has a huge interest in their own personal safety, much more than the TSA agent standing at the gate.
Why not put the gov't in charge of airplane maintenance? It's exactly the same. There's a reason the airlines do it.....
05-25-2016, 01:15 PM
Nope. Each airline has a huge interest in their own personal safety, much more than the TSA agent standing at the gate.
Why not put the gov't in charge of airplane maintenance? It's exactly the same. There's a reason the airlines do it.....
I agree! The bottom line is that gov't needs to get out of our personal lives. Originally, our government's job was to protect our Nations sovereignty. My oh my, how far they've come...
05-28-2016, 03:39 AM
We just flew back from LAS to PHL. The TSA at LAS was very slow, and frankly, the guy checking the ID's had a stick up his ass and was very cocky. (Not to me, but to another passenger in front of us) - I was baffled by the behavior.
ARRIVE ON TIME and get your ass there early is my 2cents.
We just flew back from LAS to PHL. The TSA at LAS was very slow, and frankly, the guy checking the ID's had a stick up his ass and was very cocky. (Not to me, but to another passenger in front of us) - I was baffled by the behavior.
ARRIVE ON TIME and get your ass there early is my 2cents.
I was also baffled by the behavior of a female TSA agent at LAS with my DH. I thought she was extremely rude! I agree to get to airport early.
06-02-2016, 12:43 AM
I didn't have any problems with TSA in Las Vegas or Charlotte last week. Zipped right through & sat around & waited because we were so early.
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