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Marge in Pa
07-01-2016, 11:57 PM
I'm Marge and I live right outside Philly.My local casino is Harrah's Chester. I started visiting Vegas in 98. We used to go 2-3 times a year but haven't been in 3 years. We also go to AC. Mostly staying at Harrah's but last month stayed at Caesars to be on the boardwalk with our grandkids. My Hub's host was transferred to Bally's but I HATE! Hate,Hate staying or playing there. Hey Charlie I'm finally posting.

07-01-2016, 11:58 PM
I'm Marge and I live right outside Philly.My local casino is Harrah's Chester. I started visiting Vegas in 98. We used to go 2-3 times a year but haven't been in 3 years. We also go to AC. Mostly staying at Harrah's but last month stayed at Caesars to be on the boardwalk with our grandkids. My Hub's host was transferred to Bally's but I HATE! Hate,Hate staying or playing there. Hey Charlie I'm finally posting.
Stop by during the AC meet and Greet and say Hi........Welcome

07-02-2016, 12:00 AM
Welcome Marge!! Glad you started posting!!
I love that boardwalk in AC!!

Marge in Pa
07-02-2016, 12:03 AM
Thanks for the welcome! Not sure when the meet is. Might try to make it.

07-02-2016, 12:04 AM
Welcome Marge!

07-02-2016, 12:05 AM
Welcome, Marge! Happy to have you with us. Like Sondor said if you happen to be in AC two weeks from now there will be a bunch of Jokers in town for our M&G. A bunch of us will be staying at Harrah's. It would be so great if you just happen to be in town. But if not, there will be others. Glad to have you with us!

07-02-2016, 12:08 AM
Hi Marge Welcome to JWE! :fat:

07-02-2016, 12:17 AM
Marge, the official M&G is Sunday, July 17th, but we have meals planned throughout the weekend. There are threads in the Meet and Greet section. There will be Jokers there starting Friday, and many being there until Tuesday. Call and get you a room! If you can't make it to the official M&G come and play some slots with us.

Marge in Pa
07-02-2016, 01:02 AM
CPT you got me back into coupons. I haven't done it in years. I know I saved over $1,000 last year after you recommend Living Rich with coupons. Found your board threw My slot buddies. I was on the other board but never posted. Loved your trip reports. OH I have to run. I'll be back later.

07-02-2016, 01:11 AM
Welcome to the forum! I'm glad you said hi.

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07-02-2016, 01:59 AM
Welcome to the forum! Love Living Rich With Coupons, a great site, my sister works for the owner Cindy. Also an AC regular here, looking forward to your trip reports.

Marge in Pa
07-02-2016, 03:30 AM
Zeus thanks for the info. I'll have to see if we have anything going on then.
TwoArmedBandito thanks for the welcome.
Reen Thank your sister and Cindy. They save me a fortune. I'm not very good at trip reports. I'm a 1 finger typer and can't spell for crap.Much better lurker!

Jen Jen
07-02-2016, 03:35 AM
You're not lurker, you're a poster now. Welcome to JWE.

07-02-2016, 03:37 AM
Marge in Pa, welcome, happy to see you are comfortable enough to post now. There are quite a few of us that play often in AC.

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07-02-2016, 11:28 AM
Zeus thanks for the info. I'll have to see if we have anything going on then.
TwoArmedBandito thanks for the welcome.
Reen Thank your sister and Cindy. They save me a fortune. I'm not very good at trip reports. I'm a 1 finger typer and can't spell for crap.Much better lurker!
Marge, I am the one finger typing king! I either fat finger or misspell half of my post and then have to go back and correct. So it can be done! [emoji41]

07-02-2016, 11:46 AM
Welcome to JWE. It's a great place with great people.

07-02-2016, 11:58 AM
Marge, welcome to the forum. Hope we see you in AC.

07-02-2016, 12:39 PM
So glad you have come out of Lurkdom Marge! It would be lovely if you make it to AC. We all love to meet our Joker family and we are even more fun in person than on the forum. You will be welcomed wth open arms :cheerful:

Posting gets easier and easier, and we only have a couple members of the Grammar (spelling) Police here and we just ignore them and carry on :)

07-02-2016, 12:41 PM
Welcome Marge. Glad you joined this great forum. Good luck on your AC trips.

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07-02-2016, 12:41 PM
I'm Marge and I live right outside Philly.My local casino is Harrah's Chester. I started visiting Vegas in 98. We used to go 2-3 times a year but haven't been in 3 years. We also go to AC. Mostly staying at Harrah's but last month stayed at Caesars to be on the boardwalk with our grandkids. My Hub's host was transferred to Bally's but I HATE! Hate,Hate staying or playing there. Hey Charlie I'm finally posting.

All Right .glad you could join the party . jump in the waters fine

07-02-2016, 12:44 PM
Marge, I am the one finger typing king! I either fat finger or misspell half of my post and then have to go back and correct. So it can be done! [emoji41]

are we suppose to use More than One finger ....holy chit ! i didn't know .

FL Mary
07-02-2016, 01:59 PM
Hi Marge! Welcome to the forum!

07-03-2016, 12:39 AM
Welcome Marge, thanks for participating.

Marge in Pa
07-03-2016, 03:51 PM
Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome. Sorry that I haven't posted. My mother in law was in the hospital and was discharged yesterday. When things settle down I'll try to post more.

07-03-2016, 04:44 PM
Hi Marge welcome to the fun forum of Jokers, you will like it here!

07-04-2016, 06:48 PM
I'm Marge and I live right outside Philly.My local casino is Harrah's Chester. I started visiting Vegas in 98. We used to go 2-3 times a year but haven't been in 3 years. We also go to AC. Mostly staying at Harrah's but last month stayed at Caesars to be on the boardwalk with our grandkids. My Hub's host was transferred to Bally's but I HATE! Hate,Hate staying or playing there. Hey Charlie I'm finally posting.

Hi Marge...fellow lurker....I see you have gotten your 10 posts...I am working to get my 10 now....and starting to get a feel for posting on this forum. Now I will need to take notes when we go gambling so I can post a trip report!! One place I have never been is Atlantic City....hope to one day get there.

07-04-2016, 06:51 PM
Hi Marge...fellow lurker....I see you have gotten your 10 posts...I am working to get my 10 now....and starting to get a feel for posting on this forum. Now I will need to take notes when we go gambling so I can post a trip report!! One place I have never been is Atlantic City....hope to one day get there.
I am going to jump in and help you get your 10. Where do you like to stay when you go to Vegas?

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07-04-2016, 07:08 PM
I am going to jump in and help you get your 10. Where do you like to stay when you go to Vegas?

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Thanks Zeus.......for several years now we have stayed at Paris....I get 5 free nights and then we book 2 other nights under my husbands name....usually Bally's or Harrahs. When we leave we just pay for those 2 nights with points. I like the location of Paris....central on the strip and close to so many other casinos. I gamble mostly at CET casinos so it works out great.

07-04-2016, 07:16 PM
Thanks Zeus.......for several years now we have stayed at Paris....I get 5 free nights and then we book 2 other nights under my husbands name....usually Bally's or Harrahs. When we leave we just pay for those 2 nights with points. I like the location of Paris....central on the strip and close to so many other casinos. I gamble mostly at CET casinos so it works out great.
Paris has a good casino floor. Call me old, but when they have live music in the evenings I have to move on. HHH! My favorite casino floor is PHo. Seem to get good play. Closely followed by Harrah's. But Paris is the perfect location to hit all of the CET properties.

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07-04-2016, 07:23 PM
I like Planet Hollywood for gambling also....did pretty well there last year. I know what you mean about the music....sometimes too loud for me especially when the music is not very good. I used to do well at Flamingo but not so much in the last couple of visits. Caesars is ok but I find the layout too confusing. Paris & Ballys have been good for me....I like that Paris is not too large. Thanks for helping me get to my 10 posts.....now I need to keep up posting in case Ken ups the number. At least now I can post on the trips etc.!!

07-04-2016, 07:38 PM
I like Planet Hollywood for gambling also....did pretty well there last year. I know what you mean about the music....sometimes too loud for me especially when the music is not very good. I used to do well at Flamingo but not so much in the last couple of visits. Caesars is ok but I find the layout too confusing. Paris & Ballys have been good for me....I like that Paris is not too large. Thanks for helping me get to my 10 posts.....now I need to keep up posting in case Ken ups the number. At least now I can post on the trips etc.!!
We Jokers look out for each other. Believe me, it gets easier. I was terrified at first to post. Now they cannot get me to shut up! [emoji23]

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07-05-2016, 04:07 AM
Paris has a good casino floor. Call me old, but when they have live music in the evenings I have to move on. HHH! My favorite casino floor is PHo. Seem to get good play. Closely followed by Harrah's. But Paris is the perfect location to hit all of the CET properties.

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janecav, welcome! zeus, I had to LOL, I always tell my husband when we make it back to Vegas (only there once), I want to stay at Paris because of the live music by the casino floor! We danced and gambled there all night long!

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07-05-2016, 10:34 PM
Hi Marge, glad you joined us. :)

07-06-2016, 02:22 AM
Welcome . . . we don't bite . . . .

07-12-2016, 08:11 PM
Welcome . . . we don't bite . . . .

.... Hard

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07-13-2016, 03:39 AM
Hello Marge and Welcome to Jokers!!!


07-17-2016, 05:32 PM
Welcome Marge. Nice to have you.

07-18-2016, 02:08 AM
Welcome to the forum!

Marge in Pa
07-18-2016, 05:25 PM
Thanks again everyone for the welcome. I think I only started a post on the other board once and that was an inspiring hit I had on Bombay thanks to Suze1000.That hit was for $900. Not bad for a 20¢ bet.Well this weekend I did one better but I haven't figured out how to post pictures. If I ever figure this out I'd love to share this win. I really enjoy reading of every ones adventures and hope to meet some of you along the way.

07-18-2016, 07:05 PM
Can't wait to see your win!

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07-18-2016, 10:21 PM
I'm Marge and I live right outside Philly.My local casino is Harrah's Chester. I started visiting Vegas in 98. We used to go 2-3 times a year but haven't been in 3 years. We also go to AC. Mostly staying at Harrah's but last month stayed at Caesars to be on the boardwalk with our grandkids. My Hub's host was transferred to Bally's but I HATE! Hate,Hate staying or playing there. Hey Charlie I'm finally posting.

Welcome to the Jokers Forum Marge!

07-19-2016, 11:12 AM
Welcome from Texas, Marge!

08-09-2016, 06:08 AM
Welcome aboard Marge. Chester is my local too

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02-24-2018, 04:14 AM
Philly cub I'm here. This is a old post like Idea lol.