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View Full Version : Trump Taj Closing

08-03-2016, 09:35 PM

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08-03-2016, 09:44 PM
Wow, I knew Icahn was not going to put a lot of money in to it, but I did not think he would close it even though he threatened to. I figured it was a scare tactic. He will probably sell it to someone that will run it and probably pocket a nice little profit.

Thanks for sharing, Margie!

08-03-2016, 09:45 PM
You know it's sad for both sides I understand health ins. is very expensive I pay it for everybody that works for me.

08-03-2016, 10:28 PM
So sad to see AC now compared to what it used to be. Definitely feel for the employees. It's unbelievable to try to earn a living with no form of pension or health benefits.

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08-03-2016, 11:11 PM
Damn yet another ac casinos I will never get to see and have to see shuttered ;(

08-03-2016, 11:25 PM
So sad to see AC now compared to what it used to be. Definitely feel for the employees. It's unbelievable to try to earn a living with no form of pension or health benefits.

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Yes it is and a lot of people have neither me included. I'd much rather have a employer pay some rather than none and be left with no job. Working for people like Foamy is scarce I wish I had a employer like him!

08-03-2016, 11:50 PM
I am heading down Friday night and am staying with my buddy from YouTube. He had an $1800 Top Dollar handy last trip and darted. They obliged to giving him a suite again on Friday, so I'm camping on the couch. Will give the bus station Buffalo some last loving! :moody:

08-04-2016, 12:40 AM
I seem to recall Slymustanglady was supposed to stay at the Taj a couple of weeks ago on her trip to AC. Wonder how her stay was with the strike going on?

08-04-2016, 01:11 AM
I bet if they changed the name of the casino more people would come and they would get more money.

08-04-2016, 09:14 PM

08-04-2016, 10:12 PM
I seem to recall Slymustanglady was supposed to stay at the Taj a couple of weeks ago on her trip to AC. Wonder how her stay was with the strike going on?
Zeus,DH and I never made it. Our car broke down on the PA. turnpike in Somerset Pa. Chipmunks build a nest in our car,In the engine. We decided to go to Seneca instead. Now I'm glad I gave my gambling dollars some where else. I really did miss the boardwalk. We did have a 2600.00 win on WW2.

08-04-2016, 10:15 PM
I bet if they changed the name of the casino more people would come and they would get more money.

How about 'Icahn's Icon'?

08-04-2016, 10:22 PM
Zeus,DH and I never made it. Our car broke down on the PA. turnpike in Somerset Pa. Chipmunks build a nest in our car,In the engine. We decided to go to Seneca instead. Now I'm glad I gave my gambling dollars some where else. I really did miss the boardwalk. We did have a 2600.00 win on WW2.
Boo, but yay! Sorry AC didn't work out, but at least you still got your slotting on. Congrats on the win!

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08-05-2016, 02:34 PM
I have been down AC and stayed twice at the Taj last month. The first time was July 2nd and the strikers were in full force. While approaching the parking garage my DH blew the horn for support and they cheered.

The next trip was just a solo trip for me which was actually two weeks ago. Though the strikers have dwindled down near the parking garage the few that were there were actually very rude to the folks (including myself) entering into the garage. They yelled and screamed obscenities at us and it made it hard to have sympathy for their plight. It was really uncalled for and I know people are looked down upon you for crossing pick-it lines and though I understand their cause still I should have not been yelled at and cursed at for going inside to have fun and gamble. That trip I did go out to the boardwalk as a trip to AC wouldn't be the same to not go on the boards. But out there it was even more difficult and I felt sorry for people trying to enter the Taj. The strikers were in full force yelling and screaming at the families with young children.

Inside the Taj on both trips it was business as usual. Cocktail service was not bad at all even though you could tell some of the servers were not actual servers but they did their best. Some of them looked at me crazy when I would hand them a dollar tip as if they never heard of such a thing, lol. I witnessed several jackpots and the place was not vacant at all. Of course most of the restaurants were closed but the non-Taj owned ones were all open.

08-09-2016, 06:52 PM
I hear that the closing has been extended to October 10th. Let's hope by then a miracle will happen and they will extend again from October. One day at a time for them....I really like the Taj and sorry to see this might be it.

08-12-2016, 03:11 AM
Will have to visit in September when I go.