View Full Version : breaking time
08-07-2016, 07:51 PM
The moderator guy said the 10 post minimum was an attempt to prompt people out of they're shells, right? So, here's my feeble attempt.
Boyfriend and I have been together for 11 years now and I can't even remember our last argument. Believe it or not...we never argue! It's hands down the best relationship of my entire life. I think the secret is to both like and enjoy the same things or at least some of the same things. For us...that would be casino's, beer (Especially Shiner Bock!) We like to try all kinds of craft beers but Shiner is our staple and has been for 11yrs.
We also have a lot of fun with B Horror movies. Every year we go to Dallas to the Texas Frightmare Festival. Total blast! Lots of crazy people there half our age....Lol
Between the casino breaks, bars, and horror cons, we have to unfortunately work. :( I am a retail merchandiser and Bert is an IT network administrator for a Resort called Artesian Lakes. His job is cool! He has beautiful scenery all around him. Fun fact: we know of least two horror movies filmed out there. Spirit Camp and Pick Axe Murders 3. BTW...there was never a 1 or 2 of pick axe murders...they just went straight for the third. Lol
I have two grown children and so does Bert. None of them live with us (thank God!) but all are doing fine.
So anyway...there's our breakdown. I personally think I should be given 2 or 3 posts JUST for this long revealing one! :)
What does everybody DO on here?! Surely your not all independently rich! (???)
08-07-2016, 07:55 PM
Welcome to the forum....Just thank people and you will have plenty of posts in no time....I think there was a what do you do thread on here somewhere...I'll look
08-07-2016, 08:04 PM
I think telling us a little about yourself is a great way to get your post count up!
I've been married for 13 years (October). Have a little girl the age of 5 named Lacey. I'm the general manager for a commercial cleaning company and my wife is the manager of a self storage facility. She doesn't really like to gamble but she puts up with me doing it lol. No locals for me so I take the drive to Biloxi every few months.
08-07-2016, 08:10 PM
ReelEmIn...I like your signature lol.
It sounds like beer and your relationship are two great things! Like they say, if it ain't broke, then don't fix it. Yeah, the key is having very similar interests. And I agree, you should get lots of post credits for this post! But it is very simple just like Sondor said. Just post "Nice win", Happy birthday", "that meal looks great", etc. and you will be there in no time.
I am multi-millionaire and I made my fortunes on the slots at .80 per spin. :witless: But seriously I work for one of the nations largest banks. Have a great schedule that I was able to set, and a great group of folks that I work with.
08-07-2016, 08:17 PM
Welcome to JWE Darrad! Very happy to get to know you :)
I am sure people are sick of hearing my story, but here goes ;) I'm a retired air traffic controller, so far from independently wealthy, but I do okay. I love to travel, and luckily my husband still works (from home). He's an Escalation Manager for a big ass company that does computer security for major banks, airlines, and stuff. Honestly, I don't understand what it is that he does, but I nod my head sympathetically when the shit hits the fan for him. Which is pretty much daily. We have 2 sons that grew up and moved away, one in San Francisco and one in San Antonio, They are quite awesome if I do say so myself ;) We miss them so they have been replaced with 3 dogs that are a bigger pain in the ass than my boys ever were!
I am also a fan of Shiner Bock but it's very difficult to find up here. Yummy!
08-07-2016, 08:22 PM
Welcome to JWE Darrad! Very happy to get to know you :)
I am sure people are sick of hearing my story, but here goes ;) I'm a retired air traffic controller, so far from independently wealthy, but I do okay. I love to travel, and luckily my husband still works (from home). He's an Escalation Manager for a big ass company that does computer security for major banks, airlines, and stuff. Honestly, I don't understand what it is that he does, but I nod my head sympathetically when the shit hits the fan for him. Which is pretty much daily. We have 2 sons that grew up and moved away, one in San Francisco and one in San Antonio, They are quite awesome if I do say so myself ;) We miss them so they have been replaced with 3 dogs that are a bigger pain in the ass than my boys ever were!
I am also a fan of Shiner Bock but it's very difficult to find up here. Yummy! security for big ass company?? So do you guys watch Mr. Robot? Lol!
08-07-2016, 08:33 PM security for big ass company?? So do you guys watch Mr. Robot? Lol!
Haha, we just finished Season 1 and my head is spinning! DH 'gets it' though.
08-07-2016, 08:35 PM
Haha, we just finished Season 1 and my head is spinning! DH 'gets it' though.
Yes I think mine 'gets it' too haha but can't say I do. We're watching the second season right now. Just wait! it gets better!!
08-07-2016, 08:52 PM
on my 2nd marriage - This one has lasted 18 years - so I think I'll keep him ;). We both work in the Company side of Insurance - DH is a big shot.. I am a worker bee. We love to travel, he golfs, I spa, we both enjoy gambling, me slot, him Craps and VP. We have 3 total children - None together, and the 28 year old is finally moving out tomorrow so we will be Empty Nesters. Live in MN but are planning to move to Denver CO in roughly two years when DH retires. DH is a Gin guy or a craft IP Beer, I am a Cider Girl and love me a good Moscow Mule. Thanks for joining and sharing so much.. you will like it here with this family of gamblers.
08-07-2016, 09:16 PM
It sounds like beer and your relationship are two great things! Like they say, if it ain't broke, then don't fix it. Yeah, the key is having very similar interests. And I agree, you should get lots of post credits for this post! But it is very simple just like Sondor said. Just post "Nice win", Happy birthday", "that meal looks great", etc. and you will be there in no time.
I am multi-millionaire and I made my fortunes on the slots at .80 per spin. :witless: But seriously I work for one of the nations largest banks. Have a great schedule that I was able to set, and a great group of folks that I work with.
I didn't know you worked for a bank!? I knew you set people's schedules and vacation time and all that. I totally thought you had your own business. Just learned something new. [emoji4]
08-07-2016, 09:21 PM
Welcome Darrad! Thanks for sharing. Like others have said. You start delving into threads and it is so easy to hit that post count in no time.
I'm probably one of(if not the) youngest members of the forum. I'm 27>28 in January. I'm currently in the process of studying for a Networking + Exam I will be taking at the end of the month. I have an Associates in Computer Networking so Bert and I would probably nerd out and get along great.
After I finish my next exam I will officially begin searching for work in the IT field. I spent my younger years just working part time jobs and trying to figure out what to do with my life. I've finally found it. Thankfully.
Hope you enjoy the forum! We have some great members here.
08-07-2016, 09:28 PM
Welcome Darrad! Thanks for sharing. Like others have said. You start delving into threads and it is so easy to hit that post count in no time.
I'm probably one of(if not the) youngest members of the forum. I'm 27>28 in January. I'm currently in the process of studying for a Networking + Exam I will be taking at the end of the month. I have an Associates in Computer Networking so Bert and I would probably nerd out and get along great.
After I finish my next exam I will officially begin searching for work in the IT field. I spent my younger years just working part time jobs and trying to figure out what to do with my life. I've finally found it. Thankfully.
Hope you enjoy the forum! We have some great members here.
Hey Rob...your right! You guys would probably totally NERD out! Lol...Bert would love that too ..he doesn't get to do that too much. He said that he has taken the Networking + Exam before. We were actually looking at Coushatta's website the other day and they are in need of an IT help desk guy there. (wonder what they pay...hmm) Only thing couldn't play there anymore. DAng!
08-07-2016, 09:30 PM
Hey Rob...your right! You guys would probably totally NERD out! Lol...Bert would love that too ..he doesn't get to do that too much. He said that he has taken the Networking + Exam before. We were actually looking at Coushatta's website the other day and they are in need of an IT help desk guy there. (wonder what they pay...hmm) Only thing couldn't play there anymore. DAng!
Its too far for me! Im a total coastal city boy. I couldn't see myself living in that area. I went there last year for the first time. Loved the casino though. Just not a fan of the area.
I finished my A+ Exam at the end of July. Net+ will be end of this month and God willing Security + will be the end of Sept or beginning of October. I'm really excited. It's always nice to find something you love/obsess over and can get paid to do!
08-07-2016, 09:41 PM
Yes..Bert likes it too! And I get what you mean about the area. Not all that lovely...Lol
08-07-2016, 10:05 PM
Hi Darrad. Welcome to the forum. I'm a social worker. I work in a very specialized area of social work so I'm blessed to be able to chose when and where I work. Currently I work about 20 hours, three weeks each month. DH and I own a car restoration business. He loves to work and puts in long hours. His work pays the bills and funds my gambling adventures. Where do you gamble? Vegas? Any trips upcoming?
08-08-2016, 12:23 AM
Hi there, glad you found the forum. I watch Mr Robot too...eye opening!
08-08-2016, 01:04 AM
WELCOME.............I knew you and Bert would fit in here with the Jokers..You actually will know a lot of the people.
08-08-2016, 01:13 AM
Welcome to the forum. :)
08-08-2016, 02:19 AM
Hi, and welcome to the group. I am a retired third grade teacher. I am definitely not independently wealthy. I am known as a low roller on this site. I am looking forward to your future posts. You have a fun writing style.
P.S. I love scary movies, too.
08-08-2016, 03:48 AM
Welcome to the forum Darrad. I have been around the slot forums forever and am probably one of the oldest members.
My drink of choice is Crown Royal and lots of it lol. I enjoy a beer now and then but Shiner Bock has WAY too many hops for my taste, and prefer a Corona or 12 when I do drink beer. :)
Live in the Chicago area but gamble in Indiana, Iowa, Missouri or any other state that still allows smoking in their casinos.
Oh, and I bartend about 25 hours a week just for extra cash to use for my casino trips. :)
08-08-2016, 04:09 AM
I don't even know where to start with my life story. Just to say, I am a degenerate gambler and I drink Jim Beam and water. Welcome.
08-08-2016, 04:25 AM
Welcome to the forum Darrad. I have been around the slot forums forever and am probably one of the oldest members.
My drink of choice is Crown Royal and lots of it lol. I enjoy a beer now and then but Shiner Bock has WAY too many hops for my taste, and prefer a Corona or 12 when I do drink beer. :)
Live in the Chicago area but gamble in Indiana, Iowa, Missouri or any other state that still allows smoking in their casinos.
Oh, and I bartend about 25 hours a week just for extra cash to use for my casino trips. :)
goldengreeke No I live in the Chicago area, your almost in another state! But what Gene does do is make the best Bloody Mary I have ever had!
Welcome Darrod!
08-08-2016, 01:25 PM
Hey goldengreeke! We have fond memories of a casino in Chicago. I forget what it was called but it wasn't too far from the airport and Bert won $1000 on something! We had gone up there to see our son graduate from the Navy and wound up winning enough for our whole trip! Chicago was awesome! Couldn't smoke in the casino so we went out to the smoking area and met LOTS of partiers! Still friends with some on facebook.
All you drinkers here on this forum makes me feel so at home. Gotta a little tear in my eye....
08-08-2016, 01:29 PM
Hi Darrad. Welcome to the forum. I'm a social worker. I work in a very specialized area of social work so I'm blessed to be able to chose when and where I work. Currently I work about 20 hours, three weeks each month. DH and I own a car restoration business. He loves to work and puts in long hours. His work pays the bills and funds my gambling adventures. Where do you gamble? Vegas? Any trips upcoming?
Hey Elf70. We absolutely love VEgas, of course but haven't been able to make it out there since 2011 when we went to see Paul McCartney at the MGM. Our local casino, Coushatta in LA is about 2.5hrs away and that's where we mostly go. But we were talking about taking a trip to Atlanta, Ga to go to the Walker Stalker Con and hitting some casinos along the way there. THAT would be fun!
08-08-2016, 01:48 PM
Welcome to the forum! Thanks for sharing and joining in :) I'm retired from State government work and gamble when $$$ allows. There is a Meet & Greet at Coushatta in a few weeks if you and Bert have the time you should go and meet everyone. You will have a blast!!!!
08-08-2016, 02:19 PM
Hey goldengreeke! We have fond memories of a casino in Chicago. I forget what it was called but it wasn't too far from the airport and Bert won $1000 on something! We had gone up there to see our son graduate from the Navy and wound up winning enough for our whole trip! Chicago was awesome! Couldn't smoke in the casino so we went out to the smoking area and met LOTS of partiers! Still friends with some on facebook.
All you drinkers here on this forum makes me feel so at home. Gotta a little tear in my eye....
Cheers !...2879
FL Mary
08-08-2016, 02:32 PM
Welcome to the forum! I retired last year from the Federal Government. I now spend my days watching television, doing projects around the house, working in the yard (when its not too hot) and playing on the computer. I make an occasional trip to Biloxi which is less than 3 hours away. I try to go to Las Vegas once or twice a year. I also like to do cruises.
08-08-2016, 02:40 PM
Hey Elf70. We absolutely love VEgas, of course but haven't been able to make it out there since 2011 when we went to see Paul McCartney at the MGM. Our local casino, Coushatta in LA is about 2.5hrs away and that's where we mostly go. But we were talking about taking a trip to Atlanta, Ga to go to the Walker Stalker Con and hitting some casinos along the way there. THAT would be fun!
OMG....I did not know about the Atlanta Walker Stalker Con. I am a Zombie maniac. We are planning a trip to Atlanta in Oct. We plan to do a Walking Dead Tour while we are there. We have to work the trip around track and football games, so the weekend of the AWSC is out. Damn...damn....damn.
08-08-2016, 02:48 PM
Hey Elf70. We absolutely love VEgas, of course but haven't been able to make it out there since 2011 when we went to see Paul McCartney at the MGM. Our local casino, Coushatta in LA is about 2.5hrs away and that's where we mostly go. But we were talking about taking a trip to Atlanta, Ga to go to the Walker Stalker Con and hitting some casinos along the way there. THAT would be fun!
Well Darrad Y'all sure enough fel in with the right crowd here i think i can ONLY recall one Joker that don't drink in our mitts ( You know who you are & your secret is safe with me.. HHH )Donna & I Have been here now for about 10 months . we came over from another club called The Slot fanatics (don't Ban Me Please )HHH . Donna my GF is a empty nester that works as a Underwriter for a company called Catholic Life Insurance Me i have a small home business repairing Small engine equipment .Our favorite place to play at is all so Coushatta . we have hit All our handys there . we all so enjoy reading and commenting on all the different story's here at JWE.
08-08-2016, 02:54 PM
Hello and Welcome! :welcoming: My husband and I (foamy here on the forum) own and operate 2 auto parts stores one in Iowa and one in Missouri. We have one grown son. We spend our Summer living in our 5th wheel RV at a local lake here so do most of our casino playing in the Winter months. Love going to some of the Meet and Greets with the great members here and I like beer also ;)
08-08-2016, 03:26 PM
OMG....I did not know about the Atlanta Walker Stalker Con. I am a Zombie maniac. We are planning a trip to Atlanta in Oct. We plan to do a Walking Dead Tour while we are there. We have to work the trip around track and football games, so the weekend of the AWSC is out. Damn...damn....damn.
I've been trying to post this picture for half an hour now..hopefully it will work this time
08-08-2016, 03:37 PM
Hey goldengreeke! We have fond memories of a casino in Chicago. I forget what it was called but it wasn't too far from the airport and Bert won $1000 on something! We had gone up there to see our son graduate from the Navy and wound up winning enough for our whole trip! Chicago was awesome! Couldn't smoke in the casino so we went out to the smoking area and met LOTS of partiers! Still friends with some on facebook.
All you drinkers here on this forum makes me feel so at home. Gotta a little tear in my eye....
Well if you ever make it to a meet we are at I will bring you some beverages but don't get it to close to an open flame. hhh
08-08-2016, 03:42 PM
I've been trying to post this picture for half an hour now..hopefully it will work this time
That is the most awesome thing that I have seen today. I loved Hershel in the Walking Dead. I was horrified when Beth died, too. You two look like fun people. You will fit right in on this forum!!!!
I collect Zombie movies. Bad ones at that. One of my favorites is Zombies vs. the Strippers. There are some great lines in that show.
08-08-2016, 04:53 PM
Welcome to the greatest group of people. Well, except for a few. :playful: I'm old. Maybe the oldest here but then my 74 tears have taught me how to drink a lot. Low roller that's for sure. Worked in rust belt type industry until the company finally went bust. Been retired 14 years. Cathy is a bit younger and is now retired CPA. Love to go to M&G's especially those held in just one place.
Seriously, this is the greatest group of people. Party types and never pissy.
08-08-2016, 06:50 PM
Welcome darrad! If you're able to post pics then you're a pro already at this forum thing! Thanks for sharing so much about yourself!
Hubby and I also love to drink and slot (Heineken is the beer of choice at the casino but we rarely drink it when not slotting, but we love our tequilas!) We also love going fishing and out on our boat!
There used to be a drink thread here that sounds right up your alley too! Lots of fun all over the forum!
08-08-2016, 07:18 PM
Suze1000...I can't believe you collect zombie movies! I have always been a fan of anything in the 'monster' genre. The Universal Monsters (Frankenstein,Mummy,Dracula,Creature from Black Lagoon my favorite) stole my heart from a young age..Lol
Do you guys live anywhere near Texas? Have you ever been to Coushatta? That is our local.
Welcome to the forum. DH is still working for a Fortune 500 firm, but will retire in January. I am spoiled and don't work, but when I did, it was in Commercial Interior Design. We travel between our home near the water and one in the Palm Springs area. Basically our only travels are Hawaii and Vegas several times a year. We are fortunate that we can drive to Vegas. Cabernet, Makers Mark or a Bikini Blonde Beer for me. Oh and Margaritas, Bloody Mary's. Well you get the picture :)
This is a wonderful group of people. Hope to meet you at a M&G.
The "moderator guy" thanks you for coming out of your shell! :biggrin-new:
Well I help run this forum, have (3) YouTube channels which bring in some change, full time PA state lottery player, draftsman for a housing manufacturer, and all of this combined makes me pretty much independently wealthy. It just takes about 60 hours of my time each week, you know how it goes!
Welcome to the forum again, loved your introduction!
08-09-2016, 02:55 AM
Hi Darrad, loved your introduction post.
I've been a part of this message board and others for several years and some of my best and closest friendships came from here.
I used to work but retired in April :)
08-09-2016, 06:09 AM
Welcome and enjoy
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