View Full Version : CET FP expertise

09-24-2016, 01:46 AM
Hi, I was just about to walk out the door to drive 3.5 hours to Cherokee. I got a slight delay. I have a birthday offer valid all month. I just went to print the offers from the email but it says that link has expired, to view my bday offer on TR website. Well the offer for 8500 Rcs says bring coupon to TR. I can't print the flipper. The $125 FP says to visit TR.

Well last time my bro tried to redeem his bday FP at cherokee, they said he needed the coupon. There was NOT a coupon attached to the offer or mailer and the offer said to visit TR. They still said no when we showed them email.

I don't want to drive there and they not honor any of it. Its pretty lame that the link has expired before my offer expired.
Any input on how to make sure I can get the FP and RCs would be helpful. Thanks!

09-24-2016, 02:10 AM
The last time we had a birthday RC credit offer at Cherokee, but did not have the mailer, we were able to print it from the TR kiosk. The same with any FP offers. Was not an issue. Good luck and I hope the same happens for you!

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09-24-2016, 02:37 AM
The last time we had a birthday RC credit offer at Cherokee, but did not have the mailer, we were able to print it from the TR kiosk. The same with any FP offers. Was not an issue. Good luck and I hope the same happens for you!

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I just got off the phone with them. The lady told me I should be able to print from kiosk. But if that don't work TR is suppose to honor bday offers at TR desk. She also confirmed it with a host. Like I said my bro was denied his last yr and I wasn't taking any chances lol.

But thanks for the help!!

09-24-2016, 02:38 AM
Good luck!

09-24-2016, 10:36 AM
I would call the Player's Club.

09-24-2016, 09:08 PM
Good luck! I have never had issues with offers at Cherokee. I usually just go to TR desk and tell them I want to redeem my birthday offer. In the past it has been RCs but it usually takes a week or so to add to your account, not available on the same day but I also never got a coupon for it.

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