View Full Version : Why, oh why, do I listen to that bastard on my shoulder?

02-02-2018, 01:15 PM
Well, I had the afternoon off and decided that I would go play some VLT machines (the ones in Oregon; not a great selection, but options are limited and you take what you can get. I had all these good vibes going and listening to that devil on my shoulder, and since I hadn't played in a few months, I thought to myself "lets go win some money". Yeah, that didn't quite work out as I had hoped. I took $500 with me and played various games at $1 to $2 per spin chasing the bonus - I know, stupid. My biggest line hit was $12. I was broke in a little over an hour. I was really pissed at myself and the tight ass games. In addition to my piss poor attitude coming out of the tavern, I had brought my dog with me. She loves car rides and ever since we have had her she has NEVER, and I mean, never gotten sick in the car . . . get where this is going? Yup, I open the door and she had barfed all over the back deck of my SUV. Ugh!! Head hanging and drooling, she gets out, finishes upchucking, drinks some water, upchucks that, and after about 10 minutes of walking around she is right back to her old self. Now here I am in the parking lot with a roll of paper towels, hurking myself, trying not to heave, cleaning up my car for the 40 minute drive home (with all the windows open). Antiseptic room spray with a hint of dog vomit - I think I had my head hanging out the window more than my dog!!! Talk about adding insult to (financial) injury !!! We made it home - after the car wash - and she is bouncing all over waiting for our playtime. I love that dog - no judgment when I bitch about the lousy play and machines and happy to see me in whatever mood I happen to be in. I guess that's a win.

02-02-2018, 02:44 PM
Sorry to hear about your bummer trip. Glad your pooch is okay and hope you get your car smell free :)

02-02-2018, 02:46 PM
Ohhh, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Sounds like your dog was having sympathy barfing. :( Honestly, the story is actually good and one that we need to remember when looking at all the usually great wins that people post because it truly is not always like that. Better luck next time.

02-02-2018, 09:28 PM
What a crappy day all around. Hate when you cannot get anything going at the slots. That is tough, $500 in an hour's time. [emoji50] But main thing is baby girl is okay!

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02-02-2018, 10:10 PM
Don't like when the slots are that mean, and don't like barf in the car!! Sorry bad day but glad pups back to her old self.

02-02-2018, 11:31 PM
What a crappy day all around. Hate when you cannot get anything going at the slots. That is tough, $500 in an hour's time. [emoji50] But main thing is baby girl is okay!

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk yeah, after clearing her stomach out and walking around for a while she is back to her old self. After going to the car wash and vacumming out all the nooks and crannies, I found some rogue fries that my grandkids had left under the seat - 2 weeks ago. She really had to work to get to those things, too. She has severe food allergies and one of them is potato. Mystery solved.

02-03-2018, 12:19 AM
Sorry for the crappy trip. I don't think any of us expect to win when we go to the casino but we at least hope to get some play time and entertainment value for our money. I unfortunately know that feeling all to well to lose all my money in a short time. I hope you have better luck next time and glad your dog is better.

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02-03-2018, 01:07 AM
yeah, after clearing her stomach out and walking around for a while she is back to her old self. After going to the car wash and vacumming out all the nooks and crannies, I found some rogue fries that my grandkids had left under the seat - 2 weeks ago. She really had to work to get to those things, too. She has severe food allergies and one of them is potato. Mystery solved.

It's amazing where the grands find to hide food... and they are always hungry too!!

02-03-2018, 05:47 PM
It's amazing where the grands find to hide food... and they are always hungry too!! Yeah, and when they spill the milk from their happy meals and don't tell me, it get's pretty fragrant after a few days. I've had to veto milk in my car after it taking a week to get the rancid smell of spoiled milk out of my car carpets. As a last resort, I had to just open all 4 doors and get the power sprayer out and after covering the dash, console and seats with heavy duty plastic held in place with strapping tape, I went to work on the car floors and back deck of my SUV and used the shop vac to suck up the suds and water; opened all the windows, turned on the garage heat and in about 24 hours had a fresh smelling rig. Grandma's OCD kicked in and Grandkids are very happy with Sprite!! I would have paid someone else to do this, but all my "extra" money now sits in a damn hoover a/k/a slot machine.