View Full Version : Pompsie's $15,000/Night Cosmopolitan Suite
Some of you follow Pompsie on YouTube and does some really good Vegas VLOGS. Back in September they kicked him out..
The video got over 200k views with a lot of angry people.
They invite him back and give him this..
Huge publicity stunt on both accounts, but hopefully they learned their lesson the power of social media!
02-18-2021, 11:01 PM
yeah cosmo sure was giving him a bj with this room hhh
surprised they gave him such a nice room for only 200k views on this video
has had good content usually
02-19-2021, 07:34 PM
yeah cosmo sure was giving him a bj with this room hhh
surprised they gave him such a nice room for only 200k views on this video
has had good content usually
My thinking exactly. I can imagine all the people that are going to complain in the future hoping to get similar rewards. I mean why would Cosmopolitan even allow him to show that room when it is definitely out of the price range of the normal peep. That is for a whale. I think giving him a refund on the $200 room and an apology and maybe a $200 room comp would suffice without giving other people the idea to create drama and get likewise perks.
I can totally understand the hotel not wanting porn sessions filmed in their hotel but the security chief seemed a bit over zealous. Realize he has no video of that encounter, only his explanation of it so we can't see both sides. A good actor he is not. Looking at him emote about the indignity of it all almost made me laugh. But I actually find most of his videos entertaining. Just went overboard on this one. I also found it amusing that he wears that ski cap almost everywhere, even in the fancy restaurant Cosmo comped him with. He is one of a kind.
02-20-2021, 06:41 AM
Did anyone else find it slightly ironic how he describes being kicked out for having a camera in the Cosmo, when literally scores of slot channels (including myself) are always filming on the slot floor?
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02-20-2021, 12:02 PM
Did anyone else find it slightly ironic how he describes being kicked out for having a camera in the Cosmo, when literally scores of slot channels (including myself) are always filming on the slot floor?
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Yeah ...Some thing about this dont pass the smell test . maybe dude has a bad reputation dont know .
02-20-2021, 03:55 PM
Did anyone else find it slightly ironic how he describes being kicked out for having a camera in the Cosmo, when literally scores of slot channels (including myself) are always filming on the slot floor?
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkFilming on the slot floor with a cell phone at Cosmo is different. I don't know the percentage of slot channels that film on the slot floor with professional equipment vs a cell phone but the fact that he was filming the desk area (including employees) with his equipment obviously put him on their radar. I've watched some of his videos and from what I take away is that he seems like a pretty non-confrontational guy and I believe they came at him pretty agressively.
Yeah ...Some thing about this dont pass the smell test . maybe dude has a bad reputation dont know .Just curious, what doesn't pass the smell test? Probably should watch some of his videos before passing judgement. For the record, I'm not a Pompsie subscriber or in any fan club. Public assumptions without bothering to get or accept the facts/other side of the story are the reasons Americans can't get along with each other any more.
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02-20-2021, 04:12 PM
I am pretty sure from the quality of this guy's video he probably has some kind of crazy gimbal setup so it looks like more of a professional set-up than just some cell phone on a selfie tripod. that's prob why they were worried and some people Involved coulda been on a power trip
02-20-2021, 05:48 PM
Filming on the slot floor with a cell phone at Cosmo is different. I don't know the percentage of slot channels that film on the slot floor with professional equipment vs a cell phone but the fact that he was filming the desk area (including employees) with his equipment obviously put him on their radar. I've watched some of his videos and from what I take away is that he seems like a pretty non-confrontational guy and I believe they came at him pretty agressively. Just curious, what doesn't pass the smell test? Probably should watch some of his videos before passing judgement. For the record, I'm not a Pompsie subscriber or in any fan club. Public assumptions without bothering to get or accept the facts/other side of the story are the reasons Americans can't get along with each other any more.
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Well Ida . My Opinion is this dude didnt seem to be doing any thing wrong until security got a good look at his high dollar camera rig . Most v-bloggers ive seen just use a good cell phone do there recordings on so obviously they thought there was more going on then just him touring the casinos grounds and Just so you know I Did take time to watch a few more of his vids . he didnt seem overly appreciative or faltering of some of the property's he visited . but fortunately here in the U S were all allowed to have our own point of view . its what makes this country great isnt it .
02-20-2021, 06:17 PM
Well Ida . My Opinion is this dude didnt seem to be doing any thing wrong until security got a good look at his high dollar camera rig . Most v-bloggers ive seen just use a good cell phone do there recordings on so obviously they thought there was more going on then just him just touring the casinos grounds and Just so you know I Did take time to watch a few more of his vids . he didnt seem overly appreciative or faltering of some of the property's he visited . but fortunately were all allowed to have our own point of view . its what makes this country great isnt it .I guess I'm just confused by you saying something about this doesn't pass the smell test. It implies that he's lying, especially going on to say maybe he has a bad reputation. Your second response doesn't clear it up much better but that's OK. It was a slow morning and I probably should have just wondered to myself. It's all good.[emoji846]
BTW, a 30 second search of his videos finds this to be some of his equipment, not your standard iPhone.
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02-20-2021, 06:37 PM
I met pompsie at venetian poker room a while ago. Seemed like a nice guy. Newbie poker player.
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02-20-2021, 06:38 PM
The bigger channels do have a full tripod on the floor, which is more obvious and takes up space vs a smaller channel like me that just uses my cell phone in my hand. I do believe his experience and what he is saying, but the rationale of “Cosmo does not allow filming” is definitely false.
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02-20-2021, 06:38 PM
Oops. It might be the bellagio.
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02-20-2021, 07:05 PM
I guess I'm just confused by you saying something about this doesn't pass the smell test. It implies that he's lying, especially going on to say maybe he has a bad reputation. Your second response doesn't clear it up much better but that's OK. It was a slow morning and I probably should have just wondered to myself. It's all good.[emoji846]
BTW, a 30 second search of his videos finds this to be some of his equipment, not your standard iPhone.
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The reason i said "maybe he has a bad reputation idk " was because the security guard made an observation about the possibility of porn being filmed in the room with the camera rig he had . i was just reading between the lines is all . im sure dude is a nice guy
The reason i said "maybe he has a bad reputation idk " was because the security guard made an observation about the possibility of porn being filmed in the room with the camera rig he had . i was just reading between the lines is all . im sure dude is a nice guy
From what I got out of it, yes the were concerned he may have been filming porn there. I get that!
Oops. It might be the bellagio.
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that's Bellagio
02-20-2021, 09:29 PM
Yup. The fabric awnings give it away
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I met pompsie at venetian poker room a while ago. Seemed like a nice guy. Newbie poker player.
Sent from my SM-G973U using TapatalkDang, he is cute! [emoji7]
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Yup. The fabric awnings give it away
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TwoArmedBandito I do have a question about the phones on the poker table. I see two phones in that picture. Are they allowed to video while they play or was this just between hands?
02-20-2021, 10:14 PM
TwoArmedBandito I do have a question about the phones on the poker table. I see two phones in that picture. Are they allowed to video while they play or was this just between hands?
i watch a channel called The Slotlady . i dont know where she plays at but the place allows her to record her v-log at the Black jack table
02-20-2021, 10:47 PM
i watch a channel called The Slotlady . i dont know where she plays at but the place allows her to record her v-log at the Black jack tableel Cortez downtown not really a busy place prob free advertising deal for them
02-20-2021, 11:37 PM
The bigger channels do have a full tripod on the floor, which is more obvious and takes up space vs a smaller channel like me that just uses my cell phone in my hand. I do believe his experience and what he is saying, but the rationale of “Cosmo does not allow filming” is definitely false.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkI think because he wasn't known to Cosmo management as one of the bigger slot channels (he doesn't really even gamble from the videos I've seen, more a vlogger), he stuck out like a sore thumb filming the lobby desk as he was. They probably wouldn't be as concerned with you, BC, or any of the other well known slot channels having professional recording equipment in the hotel since they can track you down if anything nefarious is done with it, lol. Being that they probably didn't know who he was and knew he wasn't a regular slot channel, I think they used their "no professional equipment allowed" line, as he said to protect their brand with an unknown, but maybe jumped the gun in reaching a good resolution to the problem that day. Very impressed that Cosmo reached out with a resolution that benefitted everyone in the end. [emoji846]
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02-21-2021, 12:56 AM
TwoArmedBandito I do have a question about the phones on the poker table. I see two phones in that picture. Are they allowed to video while they play or was this just between hands?Some poker rooms allow video of hands and some dont. Phones are allowed at the table but if youre playing a hand, youre not allowed to use em.
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02-21-2021, 12:59 AM
i watch a channel called The Slotlady . i dont know where she plays at but the place allows her to record her v-log at the Black jack tablePokers different than other table games because in poker, youre playing against other players, in blackjack youre playing against the house. Casino is very strict about video at bj etc. If you notice, slot lady is at a private table.
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02-21-2021, 11:37 AM
Pokers different than other table games because in poker, youre playing against other players, in blackjack youre playing against the house. Casino is very strict about video at bj etc. If you notice, slot lady is at a private table.
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Yeah i did notice she at her own table . i have to i still think thats cool that the El Cortez allows that .
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