View Full Version : Celebrity Apex 2-11-23
02-11-2023, 03:25 AM
Well finally made it to ft Lauderdale after a long ass day got up ar 3am cst got to ft laud at 345 estpm
delayed 2 hrs in Atlanta but made it all fine had to take lyft from pbi versus taking brightline train since didn't book tickets for it til we landed incase of delays which worked out for the best.
was $56 to hotel for 1 hr drive.
checked into hyatt centric los Olas and upgraded to a balcony room versus base room booked on a free night certificate.
great area wish we had more time stopped at a publix for some whiskey but nothing too good so just gonna deal with it
2 welcome drinks on arrival due to hyatt status.
went to a secret speakeasy in hotel very hard to get into since only 12 seats. it is a room on 9th floor covered to speakeasy. pretty neat concept food was great. any hotel could really do it and would catch on
I tried about a month ago to get into here but it said the next reservation was in March sometime but for some reason I decided to check earlier in the week and there was an opening for tonight so I grabbed it immediately.
02-11-2023, 03:26 AM
heading to bed been up since 3 gonna be a long week hhh
hopefully can relax without 3 kitties waking us up in the mornings
02-11-2023, 03:28 AM
can see Hollywood hard Rock from here had a free room offer for sun to Thurs maybe some time their pool area looks amazing
The hotel looks pretty amazing. And what a great deal on the cocktails also. You guys are going to be loving a week of warm weather. And look, you even shaved. [emoji23] Have an amazing week! And if you forget about us, that's okay. You can catch us up later.
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02-11-2023, 05:17 AM
Can’t wait to follow along!!!
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02-11-2023, 03:30 PM
Have a great time Derek and Amy!
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02-11-2023, 03:54 PM
wohooo. I see the ship so exciting!!
02-11-2023, 03:55 PM
The hotel looks pretty amazing. And what a great deal on the cocktails also. You guys are going to be loving a week of warm weather. And look, you even shaved. [emoji23] Have an amazing week! And if you forget about us, that's okay. You can catch us up later.
Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalklmao yeh woulda been so hot not shaving
02-11-2023, 04:03 PM
can see Hollywood hard Rock from here had a free room offer for sun to Thurs maybe some time their pool area looks amazing
Donna's Brother Mic has a time share in that area . we may go check that out later this year . I kinda been wanting to go over to the Hollywood . Glad y'all are having fun so far . looking forward to the rest of the trip .
02-11-2023, 04:32 PM
we are on board whoooo got on at 1045 supposed to board at 1230 hhh
omg ship so beatiful
02-11-2023, 05:25 PM
The ship looks fabulous. Thanks for bringing us along. Can’t wait to see more!
02-11-2023, 05:42 PM
rooftop superbowl watching tomorrow
casino looks real great selection
very cool little areas all over the ship
main dining room each night until day 4 5 6
doing dinner on the edge day 4
eden day 5 and the French dinner show interactive table displays day 6
but excited for all the different choices
idk why phone battery so bad mayne win enough to buy a new one hhh
02-12-2023, 05:07 AM
went to comedy show tonight was great sail off was excellent and a princess took off right after us
I won't the boat slot tourney too bad was only $50 fp still better then nothing. amy was in 1st place outta 80 til I played on same machine a few rounds later haha
selection of games i like is limited did get alot of play outta rhino
best win was this aruze wish I had been max betting lol
ship has some many pretty spots
02-12-2023, 05:10 AM
when ya go back to room watch slots on TV hhh
sea day tomorrow lots of things going on
02-12-2023, 08:32 AM
Pictures look fantastic. Keep 'em comin'.
You couldn't think of anything better to do in the cabin than to watch slot videos? [emoji2957] The ship looks incredible. We need to start cruising again. We could book the best suite on the ship and still come out cheaper than a trip to Vegas. [emoji849]
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02-12-2023, 11:29 AM
Looks like you’re off to a great start thanks for the pictures :)
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02-12-2023, 02:31 PM
You couldn't think of anything better to do in the cabin than to watch slot videos? [emoji2957] The ship looks incredible. We need to start cruising again. We could book the best suite on the ship and still come out cheaper than a trip to Vegas. [emoji849]
Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalkhhh
very windy on the lido deck today ate at spa Cafe for a light breakfast. one good thing is they are actually watching for pool chair hogs who aren't actively by chairs over 30-40 minutes
just north of cockburn bahamas hhh
gonna be some pool activities today and in theater they are gonna show the big game and on the big screen up top too
glad I brought my own "wine" we are deff getting hard pressed on upgrading our package when we are getting drinks
maybe I can win the pool Olympics later on.
02-12-2023, 05:19 PM
just did a 45 min water aerobic class wow that was a a workout I prob only got talked into it cause I had this old fashioned so early but it turned out to be alot of fun and laughs
top gun maverick playing on the rooftop garden TV screen sounded great and good quality pic
02-12-2023, 07:06 PM
just did a 45 min water aerobic class wow that was a a workout I prob only got talked into it cause I had this old fashioned so early but it turned out to be alot of fun and laughs
top gun maverick playing on the rooftop garden TV screen sounded great and good quality pic'll be curious to see your drink total when you leave to see if you would have been better off buying a package lol. Ship looks awesome loving the pics
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02-12-2023, 07:16 PM
Love all the pics!!!
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02-12-2023, 07:21 PM
I'll be curious to see your drink total when you leave to see if you would have been better off buying a package lol. Ship looks awesome loving the pics
Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalkdeff not thinking we will spend more then drinks package woulda cost we got zero proof package which includes all coffee and soda and energy drinks and smoothies and power aid etc.. type stuff just just using our 3 "wine" bottle to make occasional drink by pool.
drink service at casino sucked last night since no casino bar inside of the casino it didn't work out as well as royal ships since they had to have server only service. got 1 order gave 5 tip then we ordered again and he took order but then never came back after 30 min or so so idk what that was about.
pool Olympics was fun watching this afternoon
buffalo trace old fashioned isn$13.20 with tip so not crazy price
02-12-2023, 10:05 PM
superbowl from the ocean seas
not too much selection. here atleast can get some buffalo trace old fashioned
that is prob highest end i have found
02-12-2023, 10:06 PM
theater is gonna be packed to watch on the 108 ft screen people lining up for entry
got room card fixed so can charge play to room prob a bad idea lol
02-12-2023, 10:08 PM
let's hit that shit lol
02-12-2023, 10:11 PM
pretty decent
02-12-2023, 10:12 PM
not gonna complain after last night hhh
02-12-2023, 10:14 PM
Have a great cruise you two!!! Looking forward to following along!
02-12-2023, 10:18 PM
this game sucks but on lower bets can hit something decent
02-12-2023, 10:24 PM
omg circuis music is horrible on this coin show hhh
02-12-2023, 10:26 PM
The WIFI seems pretty good, like you don't have issues...good luck
02-12-2023, 10:53 PM
let's hit that shit lol
Wow crazy to see such a high grand on a ship! Hope you get it!
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02-12-2023, 11:08 PM
The WIFI seems pretty good, like you don't have issues...good luckstarlink it is ok speed good enough to post and stream u tube at night
02-12-2023, 11:08 PM
Wow crazy to see such a high grand on a ship! Hope you get it!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkyeah for sure casino host told me someone hit 14k night before docked before my sailing
02-13-2023, 12:03 AM
I hope you have a fabulous trip! Thx for sharing
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02-13-2023, 07:33 AM
hell of a night what a game good food drinks and slotting. not ahead but a ton of play.
I am in idiot cashed out 300 tito Is all ;(
02-13-2023, 05:41 PM
well still alive needed a nap after trying to get some chairs by the pool. went ahead another hr on time change so we slept in a but chairs gone quick on pool level.
alot of the non buffet restaurant places only open 2ish hrs for lunch so always gotta strategize that.
get to san juan 330pm. so gonna go explore there nomexcusrions
busy night onboard another party and some other shows gonna be hard to fit em all in
02-13-2023, 11:42 PM
Old San Juan did not disappoint so beautiful old architecture and nooks and crannys to explore even saw the governor leaving in his convoy
visited Save A Gato a cat rescue in San Juan
Amy was in heaven
also cats are happy with boxes anywhere in the world lol
02-13-2023, 11:43 PM
walked over 7 miles today after getting off ship damn. good thing we didn't do morning excursion woulda been hard to get ready for that
That first building with the palm trees is stunning. Looks like a nice place to tour versus paying for an excursion.
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02-14-2023, 02:10 AM
That first building with the palm trees is stunning. Looks like a nice place to tour versus paying for an excursion.
Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalkyeah not sure what place it was but yeah some nice gems with some old. it was definitely nicer then Nassau downtown hard to believe how many shops.
02-14-2023, 02:12 AM
That first building with the palm trees is stunning. Looks like a nice place to tour versus paying for an excursion.
Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalkwe were thinking of doing a tour but ended up running into several of the walking tour groups anyways guess I wasn't too bad with my skills finding places
02-14-2023, 03:21 AM
Photos are great!
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02-14-2023, 03:50 AM
I know I mentioned this before but for 2 of our 4 cruises Bill and I cruised out of San Juan. We would fly in 2 days early just to walk around Old San Juan. We loved it. For 2 of the cruises we stayed right in Old San Juan. So glad you had a good time.
02-14-2023, 04:35 AM
wow what an amazing performance at eden tonight it is like an intimate circque show. mind-blowing how talented these people are physically and music and singing talents.
sadly casino not open til 1245 so no play today from me. sucks I know alot of disappointment from people I talked to.
ran into people from last. just super bowl party and they partied a lil too hard too last night hhh
also met some new whiskey guys from fl and TN while getting a night cap drink.
had dinner at cosmo dining room was good
amy snuggle with her neck pillow since no kitties along
Tortola in the morning our excursion isn't til 1245 so prob sleep til 8 then can check out the port then excursion to white bay jost van dyke
looking forward to decent length boat ride over there
02-14-2023, 12:08 PM
land hoooooo
sun is strong happy valentines day. will see if amy surprised after getting outta shower
dinner on the edge to tonight and
heading to white bay on jost van dyke via catamaran so sure will be feeling good later hhh
the sun is powerful as all getout this morning [emoji559]
02-14-2023, 12:35 PM
land hoooooo
sun is strong happy valentines day. will see if amy surprised after getting outta shower
dinner on the edge to tonight and
heading to white bay on jost van dyke via catamaran so sure will be feeling good later hhh
the sun is powerful as all getout this morning [emoji559], such a romantic! She'll love the kitty chocolates.[emoji75]. Weather looks great for your excursion. Have fun!
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02-14-2023, 12:51 PM
from amy card lol
ocd can't ever put dishes in right hhh
land hoooooo
sun is strong happy valentines day. will see if amy surprised after getting outta shower
dinner on the edge to tonight and
heading to white bay on jost van dyke via catamaran so sure will be feeling good later hhh
the sun is powerful as all getout this morning [emoji559] is Amy in the shower alone? It is Valentines Day. HHH! You did well, sir.
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from amy card lol
ocd can't ever put dishes in right hhh shit, that is the biggest thing I bitch at Allen about. [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]
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02-14-2023, 01:41 PM
Oh shit, that is the biggest thing I bitch at Allen about. [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]
Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalkwell you know we will put em in backwards then right hhh
02-14-2023, 03:22 PM
damn it is humid out. went and walked the shops area got a popsicle. got our magnet.
came back to ship to cool off for a bit before excursion.
02-14-2023, 07:08 PM
That card really speaks to me. I’m terrible at loading dishwashers.
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02-14-2023, 09:51 PM
wow holy hell is this place isn't heaven on earth idk what is win the powerball buy a 60ft catamaran and live the dream!! 40 min boat ride over and was much livelier on way back hhh
excursion place included a lunch but wanted some good food so went to hendos hideout well worth added expense.
met some real nice people prob go have a drink tonight or something together.
turns out the guys mom grew up 30 min from sioux falls.
02-14-2023, 10:24 PM
Beautiful, thanks for sharing these gorgeous pics. I just love how kitties seem to find you and Amy (kindred spirit!) no matter where you travel!
02-14-2023, 10:35 PM
Beautiful, thanks for sharing these gorgeous pics. I just love how kitties seem to find you and Amy (kindred spirit!) no matter where you travel!you welcome having such a great time! best food porn of trip prob coming up tonight
02-14-2023, 11:01 PM
you welcome having such a great time! best food porn of trip prob coming up tonight
OMG those pics are just like I remember it. I loved that place.
02-15-2023, 12:44 AM
OMG those pics are just like I remember it. I loved that place.It truly is heaven on Earth so beautiful
02-15-2023, 12:45 AM
omg dinner on the edge so dang full quite the spread heading to show now
02-15-2023, 12:54 AM
quite the spread wow so full and after dinner pic by pool not most flattering but whatever
at a show now and then hopefully some good slotting after or won't be invited back hhh
Looks like it has been an amazing day. Hopefully the slots will be hot. And that's a great pic of you two.
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02-15-2023, 02:01 AM
damn there is some miserable people on here lol.
this morning some guy was sold his wife didn't get fruit plate before main meals came out and said his week was horrible and slamming fist on table. being a real jerk to wait staff and belittling them as well.
then tonight 2 People were sitting next to amy at back row of and were bickering at each other a cell phone settings and show had started and a couple in front of them looked around cause the kept being loud and the older people that were bickering said to "shut up and turn around"
amy and I were both appalled wtf is wrong with some people or how unhappy are they. good lord and they were prob.70 plus
02-15-2023, 05:16 AM
No such thing as unflattering pics of you two. You both always look great. Really loving this report and the great pics, and yeah, WTH is wrong with people? You're on vacation for crying out loud ... try to be happy and enjoy yourself.
02-15-2023, 12:04 PM
in st Kitts after dinner last night was feeling pretty tired but was able to make it to the tree of life show which was good then a violinist show.
both were good.
it was funny at violinist show one lady was feeling good off wine got on stage and started dancing during show lol
went to casino after show but wasn't feeling great after the massive meal didn't make it too long. tried a few machines nothing hit and bonus were pretty sad so decided to save it for tonight and the next 2 sea days.
in st Kitts now and doing the train
02-15-2023, 01:06 PM
No idea what cruise ship brand this is must be a European one
02-15-2023, 02:09 PM
No idea what cruise ship brand this is must be a European one
Marella Cruises is a British cruise line operated by TUI UK, offering cruise holidays around Europe, the Caribbean, and Asia
02-15-2023, 02:18 PM
Appreciate your updates looks like a really great time! [emoji568]
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02-15-2023, 10:44 PM
did the st Kitts rail tour today took us around island 18 mi train ride real neat saw some local entertainment and had some drinks on the ride.
checked out shops so many the same. 9pm dinner at eden gonna play in casino til then.
2 sea days til unload Saturday gonna be over before ya know it;(
lunch just ate back at ship since was a late dinner tonight and places in town sorta crazy with 2 other ships in too
I really want to go on this itinerary. I am loving the pics! And the first pic with you in the blue shirt shows how hella handsome you are. [emoji7] HHH. But seriously, you have done a great job taking us along. [emoji106]
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02-16-2023, 01:15 AM
Looks like you two are having a great time! Enjoying all the updates! Food looks amazing!
02-16-2023, 01:09 PM
Love this trip!!! We loved Celebrity when we sailed them! We are trying to plan our next cruise and love seeing what you do in the different ports!
Derek, that was super sweet of you to pack Valentine’s gifts.
Can’t believe how pricy the alcohol packages got! We did one celebrity cruise where we snuck on our booze in rum runners packs thanks to Georgia gamblers recommendation and they worked really well! We typically drink straight booze or with soda water so didn’t even get soda package, just bought a can when we wanted something like soda.
Enjoy the rest of the sailing!
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02-16-2023, 01:36 PM
last night went to eden a specially dining restaurant this place is top notch.
I had a lobster dish where it was deconstructed and plated sorta like the Micheal mina pot pie in vegas
amy had a filet and a short rib wellington
we had truffle rissotto
a really good ceviche with red snapper
massive crab cake that was delicious
lemon tart and strawberry dessert amazing as well.
amy had mezcal drink and I had a fig old fashioned
after dinner got to late night comedy show it was good but not as 18+ as i woulda liked but everyone gotta be pc nowadays hhh
02-16-2023, 01:39 PM
casino was ok cashed out a couple 2 and 300 tickets
but of course last machine I play on gold stacks someone sit next to me get 600 on same bet as I was.
saw a 5700 bonus on $30 bet huff and puff.
when did get bonus they were pretty pathetic and usually trigger pays were better then bonus on wonder 4 towers or wonder 4
gonna try to stay away from those.
did get a back to back bonus on huff and puff
02-16-2023, 01:47 PM
Love this trip!!! We loved Celebrity when we sailed them! We are trying to plan our next cruise and love seeing what you do in the different ports!
Derek, that was super sweet of you to pack Valentine’s gifts.
Can’t believe how pricy the alcohol packages got! We did one celebrity cruise where we snuck on our booze in rum runners packs thanks to Georgia gamblers recommendation and they worked really well! We typically drink straight booze or with soda water so didn’t even get soda package, just bought a can when we wanted something like soda.
Enjoy the rest of the sailing!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkyeah when we last went highest package was $400 on royal now its gotten crazy.
supposed with ur comp now they just started like last week to include classic and wifi on sailings which will be nice
we have prob only spent about 200-300 on drinks so far and need to finish our "wine" we took on.
casino staff remember your drinks you like and usually give em $5 for stop by each time.
02-16-2023, 01:49 PM
Looks like you two are having a great time! Enjoying all the updates! Food looks amazing!yeah last night was excellent prob wouldn't do the dinner on the edge again was around $135 per person pay more for the ambiance then anything and just too much food
and the food fancyness at eden was higher level as well. could do eden 2 more times at 55 per person or so.
Amy looked stunning last night! And what a beautiful dinner also. Enjoy your day at sea, and hope the weather is perfect for it.
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02-16-2023, 04:20 PM
Amy looked stunning last night! And what a beautiful dinner also. Enjoy your day at sea, and hope the weather is perfect for it.
Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalkthanks just got done playing some ladder golf challenge got worst score of everyone lol wind made it challenging
did the water aerobic always fun.
gonna get cards for deal or no deal at 2pm
maybe grab a bit before that starts.
02-16-2023, 05:57 PM
deal or no deal game wish us luck
02-16-2023, 07:58 PM
oh wow cant believe it outta 45 people I won the slot tournament got $500 free play it was 5 rounds and then a final round of top 9 players.
it was the typical balloon game
it was crazy
even got a trophy to prove it lol.
maybe can win something on it now
Hell yeah! Now turn it into some cash. [emoji106]
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02-16-2023, 10:07 PM
woohoo our friend Cindy and Mike we met are alive weet them on excursion to jost van dyke and was supposed to meet up yesterday but didn't have each other added on app so we were confused on meeting spot. it was a good story tonight we shared when finally saw em walking by martini bar this afternoon hhh
amy had asked at guest services if Cindy And Mike from level 6 made it to ship yesterday about 5 min before I spotted them walking by [emoji23]
such nice Georgia couple we met
martinis dang nice the coconut one is top notch
02-16-2023, 10:08 PM
got to keep actually trophy too hhh so someone said oh your the guy in elevator 🤣🤣
02-17-2023, 04:02 AM
flipping and dipping after dinner will upload that in morning
lol sdguy better not come on celebrity too much winning is too loud for grandma's
02-17-2023, 04:03 AM
I lowered it a little and said I raised it lulz
02-17-2023, 04:13 AM
wth finally and $102 on max.
hit super free as soon as Debbie downer cashed out must be a sign
02-17-2023, 05:57 AM
damn so much winning
had a great night finally at bed 2amn
damn Pompeii never turned out for anything but line hits always good same with Indian
choose your battles
sondor is the rhino worth doing 10 bet buy a bonus see a couple playing hours with no points trackjg doing that wanna give them my card hhh
02-17-2023, 05:59 AM
buffalo coulda been so damm good had 11 heads with alot of spins left but died off
02-17-2023, 11:11 AM
sondor is the rhino worth doing 10 bet buy a bonus see a couple playing hours with no points trackjg doing that wanna give them my card hhh[IMG]
I have had luck a few times but no really big wins, since you get three spins you normally win something even if you don't trigger the bonus. It is an ok Point churn Game in my opinion. I think Bonus is supposed to be 1 in 5 when playing that way.
That was a nice-looking TITO, and some really nice wins also. Hopefully, today/tonight will be the same. Enjoy your last day of warmth.
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02-17-2023, 01:13 PM
tito collection not gonna go home broke thankfully not sure how much will play tonight since have around 3k pts played above what I did for previous cruise so offers should keep coming
02-17-2023, 05:48 PM
La petit chef last night was amazing very good and cute little show
very good food and good portions
the mad hatter show last night was packed to the max.
doing deal or no deal after lunch
02-17-2023, 09:32 PM
Nice wins Derek and the food looks delicious!
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02-17-2023, 10:55 PM
had another lunch at the French bistro wanted to get the truffle burger. got the lobster bisque it was great.
amy won $50 in deal or no deal and I cashed out my titos made friends with a couple on our excursion to jost van dyke and they are so much fun sat around a few hrs this afternoon and just having fun laughing and sharing stories they are amys parents age but so fun to chat with.
going to dinner with them in main dining them going to the Rock show tonight.
755am to depart gonna come too early
02-17-2023, 11:54 PM
Great reporting. Lots of eating and congratulations winning the slot tournament. Top bad there were some grouchy folks around.
02-18-2023, 12:49 PM
tried last slot tourney last night didn't win on that had dinner with another couple last night we met went to rockumentary show.
amy profited $50 off her deal or no deal freeplay so she was thrilled.
tried a few hundred in casino but no luck and played points off.
back to land and over 15 voice-mail lol.
Sorry to see this end. And sorry it's back to cold weather for you guys. Thanks for the great TR! The ship looks beautiful, and you guys had some very nice looking meals. I'm glad you had a great time. Safe travels home.
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02-18-2023, 01:21 PM
Safe trip home.....thanks for the TR
02-18-2023, 01:56 PM
WOW ! what a great trip . Thanks for bringing us Jokers along .. Safe Journeys home .
02-18-2023, 02:06 PM
and we are at the brightline terminal til 1020 then take 40 min ride to Palm Beach Airport.
very quick offload.
we were from room to terminal by downtown ft laud in 40 min after doing check in and getting through train security very fast.
way better experience then getting outta Miami last time
02-18-2023, 02:06 PM
almost finished all the "wine" lol.
02-18-2023, 02:25 PM
Aww, sitting with the luggage at the end makes me sad. But what a great trip it was and we got to follow along. I'm sure there'll be a next time. Safe rest of the way home.
02-18-2023, 02:54 PM
I think the fat village is a sign after getting off week long cruise 🤣
02-18-2023, 02:59 PM
What a great trip, thanks for taking us along with you. Safe travels home!
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02-18-2023, 03:28 PM
The food looked amazing! Thanks for bringing us along. Safe travels home.
02-18-2023, 03:40 PM
tried last slot tourney last night didn't win on that had dinner with another couple last night we met went to rockumentary show.
amy profited $50 off her deal or no deal freeplay so she was thrilled.
tried a few hundred in casino but no luck and played points off.
back to land and over 15 voice-mail lol.
Ya know D for a Dutchman you're pretty handsome. Hhh
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almost finished all the "wine" lol. hope Amy has a coat for when you guys get home. It will probably be a degree or two cooler in SD. [emoji23]
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02-18-2023, 03:49 PM
I hope Amy has a coat for when you guys get home. It will probably be a degree or two cooler in SD. [emoji23]
Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalkhhh yeah I will change to jeans in Atlanta Airport too and we both got our good old gloves and hats and winter jackets packed.
nice to travel home on Saturday for a day of relax before getting back to work
02-18-2023, 04:44 PM
dvandentop Well nice of you to associate with the "old folks". HHH We really can be fun! Glad you two had a nice cruise and took advantage of all it had.
02-18-2023, 05:29 PM
dvandentop Well nice of you to associate with the "old folks". HHH We really can be fun! Glad you two had a nice cruise and took advantage of all it had.there is fun old people like all the jokers then there is the solarium people aka heavens waiting room is what the comedian onboard joked hhh
sorta crazy how a quick interaction can have friends made just like that.
02-18-2023, 06:34 PM
Great Cruise trip report! Thanks for taking us along!
Food looked amazing!!!
Slots seems to give you some wins too.
Safe travels home!
02-19-2023, 06:35 AM
what a long ass day 7am wakeup home and hitting the hay at 134 est.
night everyone thanks for following along a few good follow up stories tomorrow
02-19-2023, 01:17 PM
Great report! Thank you so much for sharing all the fun! You have me so excited for our next Celebrity cruise!
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02-19-2023, 07:13 PM
Thanks for a great report!
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02-20-2023, 10:50 PM
Glad you had a good time. Your experience mimics our Apex adventure last month. We even won Harry's free $50 free play slot tournament on one of the nights. In fact, we are considering to go on the Celebrity Beyond in April followed by a Virgin cruise voyage (which also has a 100% non smoking casino). I just love the fresh, clean non-smoking air in that casino.
02-21-2023, 01:38 AM
Glad you had a good time. Your experience mimics our Apex adventure last month. We even won Harry's free $50 free play slot tournament on one of the nights. In fact, we are considering to go on the Celebrity Beyond in April followed by a Virgin cruise voyage (which also has a 100% non smoking casino). I just love the fresh, clean non-smoking air in that casino.
Slotspertyeah I won that 50 1st night slot tourney too it was great.
non smoking casino was great for sure
I think I would check out virgin before doing another edge ship so soon. might do an April cruise as well gotta see what can fit in. beyond has some nice little additions over Apex and I am sure the ascent one in the fall coming out will as well.
I got around 3300 pts on machine or around 16500 coin in
the one night casino didn't even open til 1230am after san juan I don't think they got much action from anyone that night.
how much coin in did you do that trip on apex?
couldn't get anything going in spin it grand or even the money machines..
supposedly I got mailers from royal and looks like a ton of ships for new machine replacements
02-21-2023, 07:02 PM
Odd: I just called the Blue Chip club.. I do have 5500 points accumulated during the last three cruises from 2022 but now they only offer a 10% cruise fare discount. We were getting 60% net off cruise fare but the rep told me they dont offer it anymore as of February 1st. Apparently they don't need to fill up their ships anymore with mid-level casino players since their pandemic desperation to fill ships with passengers has ended. Ill try calling again later to see if another rep has better access to casino rates, but it appears that unless you are a true top tier player (25,000+ points) which I would never get in one year, the "great" casino deals are over with Celebrity. RCCL still has some nice offers but they have been watered down as well.
Now, the Virgin cruise I was on in January was the most "unique" cruise experience (out of the 90 cruises I have been on). YES--- do a Virgin cruise before you do another Edge class ship to compare the experience---Somethings I really liked (18+ age, no kids, eating options, younger vibe, great gyms, nonsmoking casino), others (no early boarding and way-too-loud entertainment) not so much.. but overall enough to want me to go back one more time. The BEST part was they generally do not discount their empty pre-cruise "last-minute" cabins and that means during an off season week, the ships can go 1/4-1/2 full which, like our 1/3 passenger filled ship, makes the experience amazing... (more staff then passengers!).
02-21-2023, 10:32 PM
Odd: I just called the Blue Chip club.. I do have 5500 points accumulated during the last three cruises from 2022 but now they only offer a 10% cruise fare discount. We were getting 60% net off cruise fare but the rep told me they dont offer it anymore as of February 1st. Apparently they don't need to fill up their ships anymore with mid-level casino players since their pandemic desperation to fill ships with passengers has ended. Ill try calling again later to see if another rep has better access to casino rates, but it appears that unless you are a true top tier player (25,000+ points) which I would never get in one year, the "great" casino deals are over with Celebrity. RCCL still has some nice offers but they have been watered down as well.
Now, the Virgin cruise I was on in January was the most "unique" cruise experience (out of the 90 cruises I have been on). YES--- do a Virgin cruise before you do another Edge class ship to compare the experience---Somethings I really liked (18+ age, no kids, eating options, younger vibe, great gyms, nonsmoking casino), others (no early boarding and way-too-loud entertainment) not so much.. but overall enough to want me to go back one more time. The BEST part was they generally do not discount their empty pre-cruise "last-minute" cabins and that means during an off season week, the ships can go 1/4-1/2 full which, like our 1/3 passenger filled ship, makes the experience amazing... (more staff then passengers!).thanks for info on virgin which itinerary did you do?
4 or 5 nights seems so quick but told amy we could always spend a day or 2 in fl after the cruise too.
02-21-2023, 11:25 PM
thanks for info on virgin which itinerary did you do?
4 or 5 nights seems so quick but told amy we could always spend a day or 2 in fl after the cruise too.
We did the Valiant Lady 6 night Cozumel/Roatan/Bimini. There is also an 8 night voyage. 6 nights was the minimum to get to try everything (especially dining venues) on the ship.
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