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View Full Version : Let's talk about Carny games

05-14-2015, 03:55 PM
I pretty much stick to regular single line quarter video poker, mostly DDB. I have added Bonus Poker (thanks Mauretania) to my list, and I am a slut for Double Double Aces & Faces on the rare occasions that I find it. I can't stand JOB as it bores me to tears. Sometimes I play fifty cents and have even dabbled in dollars, but it made my hands shake - HHH!

I need some more excitement in my VP life. I am really curious about all the crazy carny games. Super Times Pay, Ultimate X, Spin Poker, Quick Quads and all the others.

What games do you like and why?

Can you suggest a good strategy for dabbling in these games without losing too much bankroll?

Any thoughts or suggestions and all conversation is welcomed!

05-14-2015, 06:22 PM
I pretty much stick to regular single line quarter video poker, mostly DDB. I have added Bonus Poker (thanks Mauretania) to my list, and I am a slut for Double Double Aces & Faces on the rare occasions that I find it. I can't stand JOB as it bores me to tears. Sometimes I play fifty cents and have even dabbled in dollars, but it made my hands shake - HHH!

I need some more excitement in my VP life. I am really curious about all the crazy carny games. Super Times Pay, Ultimate X, Spin Poker, Quick Quads and all the others.

What games do you like and why?

Can you suggest a good strategy for dabbling in these games without losing too much bankroll?

Any thoughts or suggestions and all conversation is welcomed!
I don't know anything about VP but I will say the only one I've ever dabbled with and fully loved was ultimate x. I don't know why. But I did. I do wish I could help further.

05-14-2015, 06:43 PM
I pretty much stick to regular single line quarter video poker, mostly DDB. I have added Bonus Poker (thanks Mauretania) to my list, and I am a slut for Double Double Aces & Faces on the rare occasions that I find it. I can't stand JOB as it bores me to tears. Sometimes I play fifty cents and have even dabbled in dollars, but it made my hands shake - HHH!

I need some more excitement in my VP life. I am really curious about all the crazy carny games. Super Times Pay, Ultimate X, Spin Poker, Quick Quads and all the others.

What games do you like and why?

Can you suggest a good strategy for dabbling in these games without losing too much bankroll?

Any thoughts or suggestions and all conversation is welcomed!

My two favorite VP carny games are ultimate X and deal draw. Ult X magnifies the results by giving you up to 12 times multipliers depending on the hand you played just prior. It has a lot more volatility and if you do not like roller coasters I would not recommend it. My overall current favorite is deal draw. You pay double the amount per hand but you get paid both on the deal and on the draw. I can play 3 or 5 handed nickel deal draw for hours with more success than regular VP. At $1.50 or $3.00 per hand it is not a budget buster plus you can accumulate tier credits in a fairly nonvolatile way. And the top prize if you draw a royal is 60,000 credits which is $3000 if you are playing nickels. I have not had that happen yet but it is on my bucket list.

05-14-2015, 06:50 PM
I don't know much either about these games, but plan on dabbling a bit on future trips. So I hope to learn from this thread, thanks Nhcris

05-15-2015, 12:18 AM
I have tried Ultimate X on video poker.com and done really poorly. It seems that I rarely get back to back hits!

@seemoreroyals (http://jweforum.com/member.php?u=39), I was intrigued by this DealDraw so I just tried it on good old video poker.com. I quite enjoyed it! It is strange at first with all the hands being dealt, but once I I got going it was fun. And so far it seems that the swings are well within my comfort zone. I was playing DDB (Of course) but was wondering what you prefer? I can definitely see that it could help with accumulating points, too, which at times is quite useful. Have you seen this game in Vegas anywhere? I am going to have to find it and try it for real. Thanks for the suggestion!

Did anyone notice that I asked this question while Mauretania is away? She is a VP purist and most likely will give me a whooping when she gets back and sees this - HHH!

05-15-2015, 12:28 AM
I play it at my local and most recently played it at Caesar's in Atlantic City. I did see it and played it a little on our last trip to Vegas in the VP section at Cromwell. I can generally find DealDraw on any of the AllStar poker machines. I like to go back and forth playing either DealDraw triple or five play nickel or 10 play nickel. In both cases my game of choice is DDB.

05-15-2015, 02:54 PM
Thanks seemoreroyals! I will definitely be on the lookout for DealDraw. I tried it with 10 hands last night, and I think that's a bit too risky for me, but it is always fun to 'pretend' play out of my comfort zone. Do you know anywhere else to practice it online? videopoker.com plays a little choppy for me, but I don't see it on winpoker.

I also played a couple of the Wheel poker games. I think it was Wheel Poker Deluxe at 4 Queens where the wheel spins if you are dealt 3 or 4 of a kind, but it is for a possible high value hand as opposed to a guaranteed win. I tried regular Wheel Poker somewhere but Quads eluded me, so it was a huge fail. DO you have any thoughts on these?

FL Mary
05-15-2015, 05:24 PM
I love Super Times Pay and Double Super Times Pay but the pay tables usually suck so I don't play it much, except for free on Videopoker.com. I also like to play Ultimate X and Quick Quads occasionally. I recently introduced my mother to Ultimate X and she loves it too and plays it at the nickel denomination.

05-15-2015, 05:25 PM
I love utlimate x that is like the crack of vp.

05-15-2015, 06:36 PM
Thanks seemoreroyals! I will definitely be on the lookout for DealDraw. I tried it with 10 hands last night, and I think that's a bit too risky for me, but it is always fun to 'pretend' play out of my comfort zone. Do you know anywhere else to practice it online? videopoker.com plays a little choppy for me, but I don't see it on winpoker.

I also played a couple of the Wheel poker games. I think it was Wheel Poker Deluxe at 4 Queens where the wheel spins if you are dealt 3 or 4 of a kind, but it is for a possible high value hand as opposed to a guaranteed win. I tried regular Wheel Poker somewhere but Quads eluded me, so it was a huge fail. DO you have any thoughts on these?

I do not know of any other place on the internet to play DealDraw except for videopoker.com. Do you have a gold membership there? You don't need one to play the games but if you don't already have one they will let you have a free trial membership for a week to see if you value the differences. I upgraded to a gold membership a couple of years ago and consider the less than $80 a year a great investment. You get no commercials, better graphics, a free training program and I forget what else but I have no regrets paying the $79.95 a year.

05-15-2015, 07:55 PM
Super Times Pay and Ultimate X kill me every time I play them. Spin Poker can give some really good payouts at times, but it can eat your $$$ quickly. I feel the same as you about JOB. I usually play DDB.

05-17-2015, 04:32 PM
Thanks seemoreroyals for the deal draw suggestion and Nhcris for this thread...just started playing VP in the last couple years and have been having fun the last few days with the deal draw alternating Deuces and DDB! I play halfway decent now thanks to tutoring from Mauretania

05-17-2015, 04:45 PM
Of all the carny vp games at the casino I think DealDraw is the most overlooked. UltX and STP variations seem to be the most popular. I can hold my own on DealDraw but normallyI don't last long playing the others esp. ult X. And with DealDraw there is always the chance you can hit the 60,000 credits on the deal. I am glad you are enjoying it and having success with it Cyndyga.

05-17-2015, 05:23 PM
Cyndyga Teacher's Pet, Teacher's Pet!
Remember this?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-18-2015, 12:15 AM
OMG yes My first and only Aces I've ever got! :clap2:

Cyndyga Teacher's Pet, Teacher's Pet!
Remember this?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-18-2015, 02:50 AM
I love Super Times Pay and Double Super Times Pay but the pay tables usually suck so I don't play it much, except for free on Videopoker.com. I also like to play Ultimate X and Quick Quads occasionally. I recently introduced my mother to Ultimate X and she loves it too and plays it at the nickel denomination.

I've tried Quick Quads a couple times, and it's pretty fickle! But I actually enjoy it for short periods. i think I'm going to practice some more Ultimate X and Super Times pay and see if I can get a better feel for them. Then maybe I will emulate your Mom and try it live for nickels :)

05-18-2015, 02:52 AM
I love utlimate x that is like the crack of vp.

Hey foamy, is that what you were playing at KC? I think it was multi hand nickel something or other? You were doing pretty good on it!

Jen Jen
05-18-2015, 03:50 AM
Nhcris thanks for starting this thread. I'm a VP amateur and don't know a lot about the variety of games. I usually stick with DDB and DW. I have played Ultimate X a few times and enjoyed it.

05-18-2015, 12:41 PM
Hey foamy, is that what you were playing at KC? I think it was multi hand nickel something or other? You were doing pretty good on it!
Yes it was Nhcris it's really volatile but when you win you can win big look at Blase royal she had in Vegas on nickels it was a hand pay

05-18-2015, 01:14 PM
Yes it was @Nhcris (http://jweforum.com/member.php?u=9) it's really volatile but when you win you can win big look at @Blase (http://jweforum.com/member.php?u=8) royal she had in Vegas on nickels it was a hand pay

Oh right, I forgot about Blase's great hit and I don't know if I realized it what game it was. I am definitely going to try it live!

05-20-2015, 02:59 AM
Oh right, I forgot about Blase's great hit and I don't know if I realized it what game it was. I am definitely going to try it live!

Yes it is definitely fun, and not a HUGE risk playing nickels as you're only betting $5 for ten hands. If that's too much you can always just do 3 or 5 hands.
kjell28 put in a $20 sitting next to me at Cosmo and I told him he needed to play ten hands... He said no then his twenty would go too fast (because theoretically, that would only be four plays). I said don't believe me just watch... HHH. He didn't get any huge hands but got enough to keep him playing. Then when I got my RF hit and was waiting for my handpay, he started to get some good hands... I believe he had a 4OAK of 3's with kicker with a 2x multiplier for 1600 nickels and then a 4 Aces with kicker for 2000 nickels along with some other nice hits... cashed out with over $250 from original $20 investment!

05-20-2015, 03:11 AM
Yes thank you Blase ...that was my first ever Aces w/kicker :) most of my play has been 90% slots, but I'm starting to play VP more, even at my local NA. No huge hits or handpays yet, can maintain a while and get a few cocks