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View Full Version : Saratoga racino

05-19-2015, 07:49 PM
Driving up to the Adirondacks for MDW and considering stopping at Saratoga. Has anyone been? If so, is it worth the stop? What kinds of machines/manufacturers?


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05-19-2015, 07:54 PM
I have never been there but is it at the harness track? I have bet a few race there on simulcast.

05-19-2015, 09:30 PM
Oh I'd just go for the slots :) for whatever reason, have always been turned off by horse racing.

I'm just being a degenerate and want to slot a bit :) had wanted to get down to Borgata this month as my black card year started again and I got some nice offers including one for my birthday. But have been busy every weekend.

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05-19-2015, 09:51 PM
I don't know about the Saratoga part, but I do know about that degenerate part!!:tongue: Good luck and have fun!

05-19-2015, 10:03 PM
I believe, like the other racinos in NY currently, they are all VLT (video lottery terminals). I only have experience at Monticello, but I wouldn't make a special trip. (Something fake about them..may just be me though!) BUT If you have an itch to scratch, sure what the heck I say! :nod: