View Full Version : Future Millionaire
05-25-2015, 08:05 PM
Who's taking part in upcoming Millionaire Maker tournaments this year? My husband is going to be in one in Joliet this coming weekend, and another in Biloxi in July. He REALLY wants to win $1,000,000!!!:chuncky:
Who's taking part in upcoming Millionaire Maker tournaments this year? My husband is going to be in one in Joliet this coming weekend, and another in Biloxi in July. He REALLY wants to win $1,000,000!!!:chuncky:
Good luck to him! I know you wouldn't mind him winning that!
05-25-2015, 08:47 PM
Good luck to him! I know you wouldn't mind him winning that!
Thank you! Drinks will be on the house for the first Meet and Greet we are able to attend with you all in Nevada -- oh! wait! Drinks are free there.
05-25-2015, 09:35 PM
Good luck to your hubby shalgal!
05-25-2015, 10:02 PM
It just hasn't worked out for us on any of our trips to be scheduled during the slot tourneys. At Tahoe - it will be the weekend after we are there.
Good luck to DH!!
05-25-2015, 10:12 PM
It just hasn't worked out for us on any of our trips to be scheduled during the slot tourneys. At Tahoe - it will be the weekend after we are there.
Good luck to DH!!
Thank you, sassycat. Did you get an invitation for the Tahoe event? We thought we might get one for Reno since we spent a week there this year. We got one for Metropolis also, but it is the same weekend (this coming one) as Joliet.
05-25-2015, 10:39 PM
Thank you, sassycat. Did you get an invitation for the Tahoe event? We thought we might get one for Reno since we spent a week there this year. We got one for Metropolis also, but it is the same weekend (this coming one) as Joliet.
I did get one for Tahoe. Not Reno though.
We only stay maybe one night every other year in Reno (if we get in late) because we always stay in Tahoe.
However, last year - we did stay there one night (I think it was late July) and they were having the slot tournament. I did not have an invitation and they let me enter because of 7 star. (they wouldn't let James enter - he was diamond at the time). It included a dinner with drawings and I actually came in 8th and won $500 in free play.
I bet if you called them - they would give you an invitation.
05-25-2015, 11:54 PM
Good luck to your hubby!
05-25-2015, 11:57 PM
Good luck! I can't wait to hear what happens.
05-26-2015, 02:25 PM
I did get one for Tahoe. Not Reno though.
We only stay maybe one night every other year in Reno (if we get in late) because we always stay in Tahoe.
However, last year - we did stay there one night (I think it was late July) and they were having the slot tournament. I did not have an invitation and they let me enter because of 7 star. (they wouldn't let James enter - he was diamond at the time). It included a dinner with drawings and I actually came in 8th and won $500 in free play.
I bet if you called them - they would give you an invitation.
We have been in several of these qualifiying tournaments over the years. I was surprised that I didn't get an invitation this year since I always got at least one in the past, but I guess they are weeding out the Diamond players. Congrats on your $500 win -- my husband would be happy to get even that (well, sort of....he really wants to get a BIG win at least once in his lifetime).
05-26-2015, 11:18 PM
Good luck to your husband. I'm supposed to play in Tunica in July but not 100% sure if I'm going yet.
In 2013, I won $500 in Tunica, $250 in Biloxi. Got the invitation to go to the finals in Vegas in November. I went to the finals but score was so bad I didn't have a chance lol but I still love Vegas so it wasn't bad to go.
06-05-2015, 12:02 AM
So, my friend seemoreroyals encouraged me to post about our tournament in Joliet. Here's what I wrote to him:
"We went to the Joliet Millionaire Maker contest Saturday and stayed over for the 7-star event on Sunday. Husband placed 12th in Saturday contest and won $250 in free play. My host got a last-minute entry for me but I didn't win anything. Sunday, husband won $25 in free play, but we didn't stick around to the end of the contest to collect. We were afraid of losing too much money to collect a measly little prize like that. Saturday we won -- ready? $3,000!!! Lots of hits, no handpays -- we had a great time!! Sunday we lost a few hundred back, so we decided to get out of there and go home more than $2400 to the good!!...enough to help finance our Biloxi trip. By the way, we got another invitation to another Millionaire Maker contest in Biloxi in July -- how do they get so many contests?? I doubt if we will go to that one, but if we come home with money then who knows???"
Then, since I wrote that to him, we received an invitation to the Millionaire Maker Tournament in Vegas in August. As luck would have it, we had previously signed up for the Reno Signature event at the end of August and were planning to drive out there. Then, we were going to drive down to Vegas for a few days and then go and stay with my brother for a few more -- he lives near Mesquite. But, when that invite from Vegas game, my husband lost his mind and went hopping and dancing aroung the room shouting that we could go to Vegas first for the tournament and then on to Reno. Groan...... But, I called and made the reservations. Will any of you be going to either of these events? Perhaps we could have our own mini Meet and Greet. The Vegas tournament is awarding finalist positions to the top 25 contestants!!! Lots of chances to vie for becoming a Millionaire!!
Seemoreroyals asked me to post photos of our wins the other day -- I didn't take pics of every win, and I have not transferred the photos to my computer. I will now do that and if anything looks good, I will post. My favorite win was when I played my beloved Super Double Bonus (not Super Double Double, just Super Double). I hit Q's for $600 and about 5 hands later hit the A's for another $800. Fun, fun, fun!!! I think I have a photo of the four A's I hit in Deluxe for $400 -- my husband gets mad about getting A's in that game, but I am always thrilled for any 4 OAK.
06-05-2015, 12:15 AM
Congrats on all the wins!! Glad James talked you in to posting the report and hope to see the pics :photo:
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06-05-2015, 12:20 AM
Shalgal, I am afraid we will just me missing each other. We are going to be in Vegas Aug 13 -16th. What days will you and your husband be in Vegas? If we miss each other maybe you can make it to the Couchatta meet and greet in November. There is a separate thread with details but I believe that it is Nov 10-12th. That will be the next meet and greet Sassycat and I will attend. It's not a CET property but the host there, Warren, is very accommodating. We have never played there before but I am hearing that they have some outstanding video poker there.
I received an invite to the Las Vegas tournament- I don't believe I have ever in the past- usually only get one to my local one at Ak-Chin.
I'm assuming that since the Vegas one awards the top 25 to the finalists that this one is the best one to be invited to?
Anyone know how many get invited- just curious with 750 prizes- are there about 750 spots- or are there thousands and the chance of winning anything minuscule? The fine print says 750 spots, but then says they can adjust it.
I'm tempted to go this year, but if the chances are small, and with their slots being as tight as they are there it might not be worth it? They added a whole $40 in freeplay just to get me to show up.
06-05-2015, 12:43 AM
Congrats on your wins shalgal. You hade an awesome trip. Good luck on your upcoming Reno trip,
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06-05-2015, 12:47 AM
Must....Get....New....Phone....With....Easier...Ph oto...Transfer. I'm trying to transfer my photos with my little $15 dumb phone and it isn't working very well.
06-05-2015, 12:57 AM
Shalgal, I am afraid we will just me missing each other. We are going to be in Vegas Aug 13 -16th. What days will you and your husband be in Vegas? If we miss each other maybe you can make it to the Couchatta meet and greet in November. There is a separate thread with details but I believe that it is Nov 10-12th. That will be the next meet and greet Sassycat and I will attend. It's not a CET property but the host there, Warren, is very accommodating. We have never played there before but I am hearing that they have some outstanding video poker there.
So close!!! The tournament early registration is on August 21, and we might be there a day or two before at most. If we get there a couple of days early, we plan to stay -- probably -- at Sam's Town for a couple of nights. We want to scout out Henderson again as a potential retirement place (we thought it would be Reno, but housing is ridiculously expensive there). Also, I have a friend who lives about a mile from Sam's and I'd like to spend a considerable amount of time visiting her. I am not familiar with Couchatta, but I'll look into it and I'll check the thread for that meet & greet.....Thanks!!!
06-05-2015, 12:57 AM
Must....Get....New....Phone....With....Easier...Ph oto...Transfer. I'm trying to transfer my photos with my little $15 dumb phone and it isn't working very well.
Make your husband get you a new phone. A couple of months ago Karen and I finally broke down and got new i-phones and have no regrets. We are very frugal and hate spending money but have really enjoyed our new phones. Until we got them neither one of us had ever texted or even tried to do trip reports. We would use our cheap phones or try to sneak a camera into the casino to take pictures then try to download. Well we would try to do trip reports but it was so awkward and frustrating at times.I know what you are going through but in our case we switched from VZ to ATT and both have state of the art phones, unlimited talk and text, and more data than we had at VZ for not much more than we were paying before.
06-05-2015, 01:04 AM
I received an invite to the Las Vegas tournament- I don't believe I have ever in the past- usually only get one to my local one at Ak-Chin.
I'm assuming that since the Vegas one awards the top 25 to the finalists that this one is the best one to be invited to?
Anyone know how many get invited- just curious with 750 prizes- are there about 750 spots- or are there thousands and the chance of winning anything minuscule? The fine print says 750 spots, but then says they can adjust it.
I'm tempted to go this year, but if the chances are small, and with their slots being as tight as they are there it might not be worth it? They added a whole $40 in freeplay just to get me to show up.
I think you are right that this might be the best one. Joliet only had 3 finalists. Biloxi has 5, but as I said in my first post, we just received another invite from them (Biloxi) for another tournament in July so there will be more finalists for that. We thought 25 was a fantastic number for Vegas, but the invitation didn't say anything about airfare being part of the prize, whereas both Joliet and Biloxi say airfare is included. So the one in Vegas might really be more for locals -- since we were going to be out that way anyway, it worked out for us.
06-05-2015, 01:19 AM
Make your husband get you a new phone. A couple of months ago Karen and I finally broke down and got new i-phones and have no regrets. We are very frugal and hate spending money but have really enjoyed our new phones. Until we got them neither one of us had ever texted or even tried to do trip reports. We would use our cheap phones or try to sneak a camera into the casino to take pictures then try to download. Well we would try to do trip reports but it was so awkward and frustrating at times.I know what you are going through but in our case we switched from VZ to ATT and both have state of the art phones, unlimited talk and text, and more data than we had at VZ for not much more than we were paying before.
I have a wonderful digital camera -- several years old so it is a little bulky, and that new tablet I told you about. With both, transfer is a breeze. But this little cheap phone is a pain. it is supposed to be both bluetooth enabled and also supposed to enable me to transfer photos when I attach it to my computer via USB -- neither works. What I have to do is send the photo to my email, and then download and save. ugh! What I like about it is that it is cheap, easy, and holds a charge for just about forever. I hate to talk on the phone, so I carry it because my husband insists I have a phone. I had a better one -- maybe I wrote you about it last fall. I lost it just before our Reno trip, so I ran out and bought this little one to carry on our trip. I love that I rarely have to charge it. About a month ago I found the lost one under the seat of the car.....duhhhhh We had searched there for it many times, but couldn't see it. It must have shifted position -- it has many more features, a better camera, and it is easy to transfer photos. But it barely holds a charge for even a day -- hated that! Anyway, I tried to email 3 of our wins from Joliet, but only one is showing up in our email. I will try to post that:
06-05-2015, 01:48 AM
I went to finals in Vegas 2 years ago, there were a lot of people there, much more than I thought would be there.
I got the invite to Biloxi at the end of July, are you planning on going?
06-05-2015, 02:24 AM
I went to finals in Vegas 2 years ago, there were a lot of people there, much more than I thought would be there.
I got the invite to Biloxi at the end of July, are you planning on going?
We are going to a Biloxi Millionaire Maker Tournament in two weeks. Then, they invited us to a second one in July. My husband was debating about going to that one, too, until we got the Vegas invite. So, unless we have incredible luck and come home winners in June, we probably won't go to the July Tournament.
For this upcoming Biloxi trip, we are first going to St. Louis (Hollywood Casino) for a night, then on to Horseshoe Tunica for a couple of nights. Then Biloxi for three nights. Then we are pretty much retracing our steps on the way home. Do you think I could get crowd funding for our trips????hahahaha
06-05-2015, 11:44 AM
Good Luck for your upcoming trips!!!! It all sounds like lots of fun! :)
06-05-2015, 10:28 PM
You are one busy SHALGAL!! Sounds like you and DH have lots of fun!! Thanks for posting and hopefully we all get to meet up soon!
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