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View Full Version : Remembering Past HandPays

Darrell from WI
06-15-2015, 03:29 PM
I got to thinking about all of my past HandPays yesterday. I have been slotting for almost 21 years & have 8 career HP's. Got my first one after only slotting for 6 months. It then took 5 years for my second which I hit on my Birthday in 1999. After a 10 year dry spell I hit my largest one in 2009.
Then I had one each in 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, & 2015.
My first 5 were at 5 different casinos & 5 different denominations. I can tell you the month & year & game & amount of each HP. Do you think its weird that I can recall each one going back 20 years ?

In a perfect scenario I would rather be able to say I had so many of them that I can't remember all the details. Maybe I will get there someday. To those of you that belong to the NHPC (No Hand Pays Club) this next question is not for you. For those of you that have had numerous HP's what details do you remember to this day ?

And I would like to add that all 8 of mine happened in Wisconsin so getting one in Tahoe would be a memorable one as well !!!
Pic of my 8th from March.
Pic of my largest HP in 2009 for $3750.http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/06/15/e9c50581f24a60c0f063b849eb531637.jpg

06-15-2015, 03:34 PM
All of mine were on fort knox and I was betting .50 cents I have only had 2

06-15-2015, 04:44 PM
I wish I had a picture of me by the machine for everyone. I wish I had the same bank roll I have now and actually played a lot back when the glory days or would have had some massive wins I am thinking

Big Mac
06-15-2015, 04:56 PM
I have had 5 US hand pays biggest one being $2800 on a $5 Top Dollar machine.

My first was a WWII machine at NY NY betting $1/spin hit $1250 .

I have had multi Canadian hand pay nights where the HP limit is $250 no tax on any wins though is a nice bonus.

06-15-2015, 05:45 PM
I've only had one and that was around 5 years ago. Wasn't a member of any forums back then and didn't know to take a picture. Like foamy's it was top progressive on Fort Knox $1700 something. I had just started to play slots when our Son went away to College. Decided if I didn't join foamy on a casino outing once in a while I would be sitting home alone! Also like his I was only betting 50 cents. It was hard to get a seat because everyone was chasing it. Most of the others were max betting and not pleased when I got it at minimum HHH That hooked me on slots and I haven't had one since! :crushed:

06-15-2015, 06:02 PM
I've had three total. All this year. Once at the beginning of the year for $1400 Penny Wonder 4 Jackpots. Got a nice Buffalo Bonus. 2nd one(highest one to date) was in April for $4,6xx I believe on WWIV. Third one was just in May $5($15 bet) Quick Hit 3R(Dont remember the title, it's in my TR I believe) for $1500. Two in San Diego NA Casinos and one at the Aria.

06-15-2015, 09:27 PM
I can't remember them all. Just the recent ones or odd ones.

06-16-2015, 12:41 AM
DH and I have had alot,but none last year or this year. Times are very different in the gambling world.

06-16-2015, 01:52 AM
Most of my handpays were on vp. I've lost count though. Every time I had gotten 4 Aces w/kicker or a Royal Flush it would turn on the alarm bells & lights.

06-16-2015, 02:09 AM
Mine are easy, I've only had two. First one was in 2011 on the 10 year anniversary of my kidney transplant. The other was last week.

06-16-2015, 02:15 AM
I've had 2! The first one when I first started gambling about 5 years ago at Caesars Palace and I was betting .30 on a mystical temple or something with a progressive(random I picked the red rubies) and won $1280 HHH that started my crazy obsession with progressive machines. My 2nd was 2 years ago in Vegas again this time at TI playing Life of Luzury chasing the diamond progressive when I bonused on far east fortunes and a line fit paid like $1400 total bonus was $1520 but of course I was max betting 2.40 times changed...

06-16-2015, 02:43 AM
Too many to remember them all, damn that sounds bad!
But I do remember my first one that I hit in Las Vegas. It was at Luxor on a $1 5 ways to win triple diamond. Back then the machines were still coins and this machine was capped at paying $400 in coins, over that you had to wait for an attendant.
I had a really good run and was up to almost $500 from my starting $100,
I was going to play down to $450 and then hit cash out.
Never made it to $450, hit the triple diamonds on the 5th pay line and a cherry for $6030! I was speechless!
And so began my obsession with gambling and handpays!

06-16-2015, 03:16 AM
Hell I don't recall 1st Vegas HP I think it was whales of cash at Bellagio and then hit another same machine on next trip also. All downhill from there

06-16-2015, 04:15 AM
Never had a slot hand pay only Keno of all things at Stratosphere in Vegas. It was about 12 years ago and on a $1.00 bet hit 11 of 15 numbers for $2500. It was breakfast on leaving day so it all went home with me.


06-16-2015, 10:26 AM
My 1st and only was last December, had one too many Martinis, I was on tilt from losing all day and was playing $1.00 video slots. Put my TITO into Power and Beauty, played $5.00 a spin, 3rd spin I got the bonus and hit a full screen of the wild symbols and got a $4236 HP. What a way to sober up!

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06-16-2015, 12:26 PM
I've been slotting for 8 1/2 years and had my first hand pay last year for $1.755 on a Stinkin' Rich. Then hit $1,816 on Sun & Moon in the high limit room this year in January. Sorry pics are sideways I-phone does this and I don't know how to fix it.


Darrell from WI
06-16-2015, 01:06 PM
I've been slotting for 8 1/2 years and had my first hand pay last year for $1.755 on a Stinkin' Rich. Then hit $1,816 on Sun & Moon in the high limit room this year in January. Sorry pics are sideways I-phone does this and I don't know how to fix it.

Jeani do your pics show sideways while in your photos camera roll ? If so you can bring up each sideways pic then touch edit in upper right corner. Then you can touch the symbol just to the right of the word cancel to make it look right then hit done. If this is not what is happening then I don't know the solution.

06-16-2015, 01:08 PM
It's probably the vBulletin vs iPhone sideways issue. Even with vBulletin 5 as we had in the temporary home they still had this problem. As we are in 4, we'll just have to cock our head sideways hehe

Darrell from WI
06-16-2015, 01:23 PM
It's probably the vBulletin vs iPhone sideways issue. Even with vBulletin 5 as we had in the temporary home they still had this problem. As we are in 4, we'll just have to cock our head sideways hehe CPT why would some iphones do this & other iphones not do this ?

06-16-2015, 01:35 PM
@CPT (http://jweforum.com/member.php?u=1) why would some iphones do this & other iphones not do this ?

If you upload your image directly to the forum, you'll have this problem more chances than not. If you upload via Tapatalk, you won't have this problem.

06-16-2015, 03:29 PM
My first was years ago betting $1.25 on a 50 lions game. Just barely over the $1200 threshold.

Next one was 2 years ago playing Jackpot Catcher.

Last one was last May. DH had to work on a weekend so I went to the casino and won $2800 playing $1.00 on WWIII.

All were at Mystic Lake Casino

06-16-2015, 07:10 PM
Jeani do your pics show sideways while in your photos camera roll ? If so you can bring up each sideways pic then touch edit in upper right corner. Then you can touch the symbol just to the right of the word cancel to make it look right then hit done. If this is not what is happening then I don't know the solution.

Darrell from WI Don't see the symbol you are talking about. It must be the vbulletin problem as CPT said. Thank you for your suggestion though I appreciate it! :)

06-16-2015, 07:34 PM
Great idea for a thread Darrell! It was fun to look back and think about the good ones! It's also neat to see the great hits others have had at every level of betting :)

My first hand pays were in 2003 onboard the Radiance of the Seas doing an Alaska cruise. No one I was with gambled, so I had to keep sneaking off to the casino. I hit for $2400 the first night and later in the week hit for $1200 or so twice the same night. After that, DH encouraged me to go play - HHH! I paid off our shipboard account which included all of our excursions (which for a family of 4 in Alaska was a chunk of change), our gratuities and every other penny we spent on board, and still had $$ to bring home. These were all dollar slots and I can't remember if I was playing 5 or 3. It was either before video slots, or before I had the balls to play them :) Also, before pictures were allowed in casino. Back then the only chance I had to gamble was when we cruised, but it took a very long time for lightening to strike again!

Next handpay was at Foxwoods (I will estimate around 2009 but not sure) on Quick Hits and I was not betting max. It paid $1202. Haha! Just squeaked that one out. Again, no photo.

Next one was on the NCL Jewel on a Caribbean cruise in 2011. I was betting 60 cents and hit all 5 Platinums on a 2 cent Platinum Quick Hits. $3000. I don't regret not playing max as being a captive audience for a week, I have learned that max betting will most often wipe you out by day 3!
My biggest and best was in Oct, 2012 at the Paris. Bet $1.25 on a quarter Black & Gold Quick Hits and all 9 Quick Hits came up during a bonus. Progressive was $5000 but it doubled because of the bonus and the final result was $10,025.
It took me until this year to get another, and I was getting very discouraged as my bets had gone up to no avail. Then I hit a Royal on 50 cents Bonus Poker for $2000.

As I was going through my photos I had to laugh. Prior to 2011 I have pictures of all kinds of wonderful interesting places and activities, but since then, it's overloaded with slot wins! And most of them suck - HHH! I might need to reevaluate my life :decision:

06-16-2015, 08:35 PM
Love those QH wins!

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06-17-2015, 06:18 AM
Great idea for a thread Darrell! It was fun to look back and think about the good ones! It's also neat to see the great hits others have had at every level of betting :)

My first hand pays were in 2003 onboard the Radiance of the Seas doing an Alaska cruise. No one I was with gambled, so I had to keep sneaking off to the casino. I hit for $2400 the first night and later in the week hit for $1200 or so twice the same night. After that, DH encouraged me to go play - HHH! I paid off our shipboard account which included all of our excursions (which for a family of 4 in Alaska was a chunk of change), our gratuities and every other penny we spent on board, and still had $$ to bring home. These were all dollar slots and I can't remember if I was playing 5 or 3. It was either before video slots, or before I had the balls to play them :) Also, before pictures were allowed in casino. Back then the only chance I had to gamble was when we cruised, but it took a very long time for lightening to strike again!

Next handpay was at Foxwoods (I will estimate around 2009 but not sure) on Quick Hits and I was not betting max. It paid $1202. Haha! Just squeaked that one out. Again, no photo.

Next one was on the NCL Jewel on a Caribbean cruise in 2011. I was betting 60 cents and hit all 5 Platinums on a 2 cent Platinum Quick Hits. $3000. I don't regret not playing max as being a captive audience for a week, I have learned that max betting will most often wipe you out by day 3!
My biggest and best was in Oct, 2012 at the Paris. Bet $1.25 on a quarter Black & Gold Quick Hits and all 9 Quick Hits came up during a bonus. Progressive was $5000 but it doubled because of the bonus and the final result was $10,025.
It took me until this year to get another, and I was getting very discouraged as my bets had gone up to no avail. Then I hit a Royal on 50 cents Bonus Poker for $2000.

As I was going through my photos I had to laugh. Prior to 2011 I have pictures of all kinds of wonderful interesting places and activities, but since then, it's overloaded with slot wins! And most of them suck - HHH! I might need to reevaluate my life :decision:

Dang, who knew you liked QH, lol great post

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06-19-2015, 12:04 PM
Remember my 1st of course. $1 Double RWB. 1st play= $1 in $1200 out. Another $1/1 play was a Triple Stars for $1350. Year ?? (hey, I'm old)

Last year 22 HPs. Best memories. Oct 2 did a (rather drunk) WOS and hit $1800 on X3 Star 7s, and went 'big' time for 3 coin $5 x3 Blaze 7 Double Jackpot, $20,000 on 4th-5th play. Came home with $16,000 in my 'chipmunk' pockets. Oh, and a $5600 hit on 1coin $5 X3 Butterfly 7s on some day or another.

06-19-2015, 01:04 PM
I remember my first (a 8 Quick Hit jackpot) - I thought the machine had broken down because I'd never locked one up before. And my biggest (on a $2 3-reel). Then I remember my big days - 4 and 5 HP's, but not the individual HP's.

06-27-2015, 04:42 PM
My first was 1971 on a ferry between England and Holland. I have no clue how much I won. It was in gilders i think and couldn't figure the conversation. People crowded around me when it hit. I am dating myself.

The next was the about 10 years ago at Foxwoods. $1800 on a quarter South pole penguin type machine at max. It was April fools day. The clocks were being turned back. Hubby wanted to sleep I said he'll no I am out of here with or without you. He went with me. He stopped at a VP machine I went to the machine hit within 2 minutes. Grabbed the money and left.

I have hit several jackpots that were not and pays double diamonds and volcano come to mind.
Won a HP on NCL of $1200 off of Mexico.

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06-27-2015, 11:49 PM
I don't remember all my HPs, and I haven't had that many, maybe a dozen over 30 years of playing. About a third were from VP at Harvey's Lake Tahoe and the others from a mix of reels and slots.

Most memorable was my first HP on a quarter VP progressive that was $3090. The biggest was my last one at $3600 :)

08-06-2016, 01:55 PM
I don't remember all my HPs, and I haven't had that many, maybe a dozen over 30 years of playing. About a third were from VP at Harvey's Lake Tahoe and the others from a mix of reels and slots.

Most memorable was my first HP on a quarter VP progressive that was $3090. The biggest was my last one at $3600 :)

Well clemi you topped that one last night. hhh awesome

08-07-2016, 04:38 AM
My largest was on keno many years ago. 30 cent bet got 7 out of 7 numbers won $3500. It was the first time I had played keno. Haven't won a thing on the game since boy was that exciting. I thought what an easy game everyone should play it. HHH

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08-07-2016, 04:23 PM
This is a fun thread :) I have had about 6 or 7 throughout the years, but never one in Vegas.

My first was playing the old powerball. $1 denom two coin bet. I got a red seven with two 3x multipliers for $1350.

I've had two on ruby slippers thanks to Glinda. One I was getting $2 ($14xx) thanks to a 5x multiplier and one I was betting max ($12xx)

My biggest win was on China mystery a few years ago. I was playing at 90 cents and had several winning spins in a row and decided to up my bet for a few spins down to my initial $20 investment. My very first max bet I hit 8 free spins. 7 losing spins and I was feeling sad it didn't pan out but on my 8th spin I got a full screen of the red flag symbol. I was so excited when I read the screen and it said "game pays 600000. In my head it was $600 and I was thrilled. When the credits started counting past $6O0 and I realized it was $6000 I freaked out. I had a crowd. People were rubbing my shoulders for luck (eww! Stay back!) and I just couldn't believe what I won. I called Jeremy and told him to meet me because I needed money and his jaw dropped to the floor when he saw the handpay screen!

Also had a $2975 handpay playing the 3-reel LOTR on a 1.75 bet. frodo spins, got the pay it again feature for a $300 win (multipliers basically everywhere) and that paid it again 5x. That bonus Retriggered and when all was said and done had almost 3k.

Had one on wizard of oz, five cent denom but don't remember the bet. I think I won around $16xx

The most recent was playing the new life of luxury last month. 1.20 bet, got the diamond and had a 50/50 chance to pick correctly and did! That was $1240.


08-07-2016, 06:08 PM
I've only had one and it was $1700 on the most stingy $1 Monte Carlo ever invented!!

08-07-2016, 06:15 PM
Been chasing another one ever since.


08-07-2016, 10:00 PM
Been chasing another one ever since.


I remember when you hit that. Beauty.

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08-09-2016, 03:15 AM
Well clemi you topped that one last night. hhh awesome
foamy my largest JP was the ~$5000 hit on Sun and Moon at Harrahs NKC... Love those machines :)

08-09-2016, 11:30 AM
I have only had 4 over my entire gambling life of 20 plus years. My first came in Vegas at Paris. It was my second trip to Vegas and I had just discovered 5 cent monopoly boy did MGM cleaned me out. Went to get cash from atm stuck $20 in the Terminator and on first spin for $1201.....haha. I won't forget it because it saved my tail. I only had $200 for the balance of a 4 day trip. They have been few and far between since then. But I am always happy to see one when it wants to surprise me. My largest was Tarzan 3 or 4 years back at $2600.

08-09-2016, 01:25 PM
foamy my largest JP was the ~$5000 hit on Sun and Moon at Harrahs NKC... Love those machines :)

Oh yeah I forgot about that one.

08-09-2016, 03:38 PM
I have had just two. I think that it is time for another!!!!!

This was a $1.00 bet (25 lines x 4):


This was a 15 cent bet (3 lines x 5):


08-09-2016, 04:30 PM
I have had just two. I think that it is time for another!!!!!

This was a $1.00 bet (25 lines x 4):


This was a 15 cent bet (3 lines x 5):


Good lord, a 15 cent bet... for a $2,290.00 payout. That's more than 15,000 times your bet. That's so far in the stratosphere I have to ask -- what the heck happened? Retriggered? Got very lucky with the symbol placement? All of the above?

08-09-2016, 04:45 PM
Good lord, a 15 cent bet... for a $2,290.00 payout. That's more than 15,000 times your bet. That's so far in the stratosphere I have to ask -- what the heck happened? Retriggered? Got very lucky with the symbol placement? All of the above?
noleman Pure luck. I was only playing 3 lines. I got the bonus straight across. This only gave me 5 spins. This machine plays all the lines x your multiplier. It was like I was playing $5.00 a line for all 100 lines although I was only playing 15 cents. Here is the miracle hit. I have to say that I was stunned when it happened.


08-09-2016, 06:18 PM
Just came across another old one looking for a document on my computer. This was hit at the Revel. I love the Ravens.


08-09-2016, 06:53 PM
This is so pretty to look at even after four years. That was an awesome night. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160809/a418f1c72c4759cfe7f82a9873d491a7.jpg

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08-10-2016, 12:29 AM
Seems like yesterday $5583 wohoooooo

08-10-2016, 12:30 AM
Good old eagle bucks http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160810/436e3c87304922059ca1e12687ea4be9.jpg

08-10-2016, 01:12 AM
I have 67 recorded handpays on my youtube channel which I am in the process of counting up on my facebook page. (shameless plug)


I probably easily have over 300 since back in the day almost all the video slot machines here were 9 line 25 cent machines with max bet of 45 credits.
Hitting jackpots were very easy especially if you had a $500-$1000 bankroll for the day. Hitting a 45 credit spin bonus was almost guaranteed to be $500 min if not a handpay on the following machines Cleopatra, Winning bid, Instant Winner, Jungle something, King Pin, and many more! Sad to think 10X bonuses rarely happened back than.

Hell hitting 3-5 handpays was relatively common back than.

Jen Jen
08-10-2016, 05:25 PM
My first handpay was in Oct. 2009 at the Luxor. I was playing "Devil's Diamonds" I won $2000, after a couple spins on min bet I decided to max bet then I hit the jackpot.

My second handpay was in Dec. 2015 at the Edgewater in Laughlin. I was playing "88 fortunes" and was awarded the progressive feature. I picked the major and won $1226 on an .88c bet.
http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g377/mrsmloves2teach/Vegas%20Dec%202015/86C1DCB9-3CF6-4555-A750-4F38EBC736E0.jpg (http://s1098.photobucket.com/user/mrsmloves2teach/media/Vegas%20Dec%202015/86C1DCB9-3CF6-4555-A750-4F38EBC736E0.jpg.html)

Hopefully I will hit my third handpay in Reno next week.

08-10-2016, 11:46 PM
And, then there's the unexpected Jackpot. A handful of times gambling, I did not realize that the machine I was using wasn't a penny machine -- most of the time when all of my credits are gone. Here, I made a $62.50 spin thinking it was $2.50 and it paid off very well.


08-11-2016, 02:48 AM
This is likely the one I remember most because I had just arrived in AC and this was literally the first machine I played.
December 2014

08-12-2016, 03:16 AM
2920 Pink Diamonds $15 bet