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View Poll Results: Should There Be a Facebook Group for Jokers As An Extension of the Board?

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  • Yes

    11 33.33%
  • No

    22 66.67%
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Thread: Facebook Group Page

  1. #21
    Senior Member Jeani's Avatar
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    Feb 2015
    Orlando Fla area
    I don't think there should be a Facebook group page because I don't think it would add anything to this forum. I'm not sure that it would even send anyone over to this forum. What if a section were created where you could post a link to your personal Facebook page. Then we could add each other that way?? IDK......

  2. #22
    I am okay with it because you can find Jokers that use facebook and friend them there. My Vegas game chip shares and also to communicate if the forum goes down.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by CPT View Post
    There wouldn't be a Facebook section added to JWE. Nothing about Facebook on this forum, it would be totally separate and independent of Facebook. Essentially it's like a new forum, except on Facebook and less structured. If you use Facebook it is convenient to make posts/post pictures, which is where those who are in favor are coming from. But if you aren't on Facebook, you would have no access to it.
    I am still just as confused as I was when I stuck my nose into this issue. I guess because I do not use and have no desire to use FB. Maybe that will change at some point as we just recently upgraded the technical part of our lives to include iphones for sassycat and I a few months back. Until then we will both trust the inner circle/illuminati within this forum to do what is in the best interest of everyone and I will keep my head buried in the sand and comply with whatever happens.

  4. #24
    Nah! Me no like FB :{ Look at what had happened on the SF forum. There was all kind of commotion & chaos on that forum because of what a few had said about others on FB. History might not repeat sometimes but it always at least rhyme's.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by seemoreroyals View Post
    I am still just as confused as I was when I stuck my nose into this issue. I guess because I do not use and have no desire to use FB. Maybe that will change at some point as we just recently upgraded the technical part of our lives to include iphones for sassycat and I a few months back. Until then we will both trust the inner circle/illuminati within this forum to do what is in the best interest of everyone and I will keep my head buried in the sand and comply with whatever happens.

    Hehe! Here is a screenshot of what a Facebook group looks like. It all takes place on Facebook.

    Attachment 2650

    If you, James, created a Facebook account you could join that group and talk/post pictures etc. Your JWE username/password has no correlation to that Facebook group. It's a separate entity. If we created such group as you don't have a Facebook account, you wouldn't know anything about it. Next time we meet we'll get you a Facebook account!

  6. #26
    I don't book face either.

  7. #27
    I just want to add that there is a closed Facebook group that already exists that some Jokers like myself are members. My iphone will not allow me to upload videos thru Tapatalk but I can Airdrop any videos I want to Facebook. I am somewhat technical challenged when it comes to sharing videos as I have no idea how to upload to YouTube. I am content for now to be able to airdrop into Facebook page or group. Another Facebook Group for Jokers would be lame IMO cause we already have a good thing going here & as I mentioned there are numerous Jokers already members of the closed Facebook Group for us degenerates.

  8. #28
    Senior Member MNvegasgal's Avatar
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    Twin Cities of Minnesota
    Quote Originally Posted by CPT View Post
    Hehe! Here is a screenshot of what a Facebook group looks like. It all takes place on Facebook.

    Attachment 2650

    If you, James, created a Facebook account you could join that group and talk/post pictures etc. Your JWE username/password has no correlation to that Facebook group. It's a separate entity. If we created such group as you don't have a Facebook account, you wouldn't know anything about it. Next time we meet we'll get you a Facebook account!
    I recognize the fivehundy page

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Darrell from WI View Post
    I just want to add that there is a closed Facebook group that already exists that some Jokers like myself are members. My iphone will not allow me to upload videos thru Tapatalk but I can Airdrop any videos I want to Facebook. I am somewhat technical challenged when it comes to sharing videos as I have no idea how to upload to YouTube. I am content for now to be able to airdrop into Facebook page or group. Another Facebook Group for Jokers would be lame IMO cause we already have a good thing going here & as I mentioned there are numerous Jokers already members of the closed Facebook Group for us degenerates.

    What group are you in? I knew it, a secret Facebook group to take over JWE! Oh the lies...Haha

  10. #30
    I'm thinking no to a face book page for the forum at this time

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