Hello, Everybody!

I am really excited to be on "The Joker's Wild Gambling Emporium" because I count many of y'all as really good friends already, having talked with you on a lot of the forum sites dealing with slots for years! I have a relatively new name, Rural Oil, because it reflects my Texas heritage and also just rolls so beautifully around the mouth when said! Try it! Thanks to Ken for accepting me to be a member on this site and to all of my wonderful friends on SMBs, who told me about this site and the fact that there was going to be ANOTHER "Meet and Greet" at Coushatta! I already have my reservations at the Seven Clans Hotel! I am so looking forward to meeting all of my friends from there and I'm sure here because as I found out at Coushatta earlier this month, there is a special connection with people who like having fun with other people who enjoy playing slot machines!