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Thread: 6 week fitness challenge - GOD HELP ME.

  1. #1
    Senior Member MNvegasgal's Avatar
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    Twin Cities of Minnesota

    6 week fitness challenge - GOD HELP ME.

    I signed up for a Warrior 6 week fitness challenge. The group is all Mom's of all ages and fitness levels. We are committed to drinking 60+ ounces of water a day.. eating a paleo type diet, exercising (at classes) 4 times a week.. and making a good choice and losing a bad choice each week. Yesterday I went to a strength group session which was hard. .but not miserable. Today I did an outdoor class.. that was mainly sprints and core workout.. OMG.. I am so proud that I didn't puke. I am 51 years old.. and this is rough.. but I didn't die.. so tomorrow is another day. Vegas in 10 days is going to be tough.... but I will make good choices for breakfast and lunch - dinner I may have some carbs and drinks. If anyone has any tips, ideas, suggestions.. let me hear it.

  2. #2
    Damn good luck in this venture Vegas would be the hardest place to try to stick to a diet.

  3. #3
    Thunder Dick goldengreeke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Good luck on your challenge.

    The hardest part for me would be drinking 60 ounces of water a day. Many days I don't any water at all unless you count the ten cups of coffee that I drink a day lol

  4. #4
    Attachment 4084

  5. #5
    Senior Member zeus's Avatar
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    Charlotte, NC
    CeCe, you should be very proud of yourself! Good luck with this!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Jeani's Avatar
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    Orlando Fla area
    Good Luck on your challenge! It sounds like you are committed so you will be fine....if not come vent here we will encourage you!

  7. #7
    Take one day at a time. Focus only on today. 6 weeks is not long at all.....24 workout periods. Don't kill yourself from the get go. You can and will do this!! be sure after your workout to drink recovery drink of some kind. Your body is most ready for replenishment within the first hour after your workout... Find something good to drink. I'll blend a banana with it won't feel like going full bore each day and that's ok..... Just do it!!!

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  8. #8
    Senior Member MNvegasgal's Avatar
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    Twin Cities of Minnesota
    Wow.. You are all amazing! This is exactly the encouragement I Needed. Worked out at 7:00 am so packed my lunch and snacks for the day at .. Packed my work clothes and made it to my desk by 8:30 am.. I CAN do this!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Senior Member Stephiede11's Avatar
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    Like Handpayhopeful said, take it one day at a time and go at the pace that is right for you. As far as Vegas, don't beat yourself up while you're on vacation. Try to make better choices but don't stress out about it. Plus, you'll get plenty of walking in while you're there. Get right back to you regular routine once you get home.

    Also, I know this is only a six week challenge but try to look at it as a lifestyle. You don't want to erase all your hard work once the challenge is over. You got this!!

  10. #10
    Senior Member MNvegasgal's Avatar
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    Twin Cities of Minnesota
    Day 4 almost in the books. Prepped a healthy dinner.. Drank all my water, no coffee (day 4 Whoop whoop), going to Yoga tonight.. and last by not least.. I DID NOT EAT the homemade cupcakes that a co-worker brought into today- pumpkin spice and caramel apple. Down almost 4 lbs. I know it is water weight.. but it is definately a MOTIVATOR! Thanks Jokers for all your support and advice!

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