Hi All,
I am so excited - I will be going to Vegas next week! Wahoo!
We are going out on Thursday 8/11 and staying for 2 nights at Hotel 32 - top floor of Monte Carlo! My offer includes the comped loft, roundtrip Limo from/to airport, $500 freeplay and $300 Resort credit.

Goal for this trip is to hit the Platinum level - so exclusive Mlife play, and hopefully get some jackpots!
With only two nights we will eat at two of our favorites - Fixx and Gallaghers Steak House.

Mlife is also doing the summer block party again so every 500 points earned gets you one chance to win Freeplay! The minimum is $5 that you can win. We have done this one before and gotten some $25 and $100 wins so hopefully we will have success this year as well!

This is a much needed trip after my surgery, and I am so looking forward to this!
I know Elf will be out in Vegas during this time frame, if any one else is let us know - we can do a Mini Meet!

Wish me luck!