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Thread: When do you use your FP?

  1. #1

    When do you use your FP?

    I guess answers could vary if it's a locals trip or a destination trip to Vegas or other casinos but, when during a trip do you use your FP?

    At the beginning? End? Don't really have a planned time?

    I don't really have a set time across all casinos. At MLife places, I tend to use my FP earlier in the trip and will convert my points for additional FP towards the end. I guess my plan for Cosmo would be similar although have had difficulty converting my points to Identity Play at the machines my last two trips.

    Just curious if others like to use it right away to potentially get a great hit and not touch their BR (like @Georgiagambler) or save it for the end to try and make sure you bring something home.

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  2. #2
    I always use it at the start of the trip and go for a big win on higher denom machines to further build up the bankroll.

  3. #3
    Last day right before leaving

  4. #4
    Senior Member zeus's Avatar
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    I always use the FP at the beginning of the trip. For some reason I am paranoid that something will come up, like having to leave due to an emergency, and I will lose out on it. With the Point Play I wait until the very last night when I know my play is over for that visit and convert it then.

  5. #5
    Always play it at the beginning of the trip. I also don't consider it as part of my bankroll therefore I do not include it in my "losing" numbers.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Penguin's Avatar
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    We'll use it generally if in a losing streak just to break things up. Almost all FP is played on JOB Poker and then use that cash as part of the BR.

  7. #7
    Senior Member MNvegasgal's Avatar
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    I normally try to use it at the beginning of both a local trip.. And a Destination trip. I always hope that it will allow me to play the first day without too much of a dent to my bankroll. Local it pays off as I can leave if I am ahead.. On a destination.. I tend to blow it. I tried the @dvandentop way to play at the end last trip to Vegas.. But was running low on funds and had to use it earlier to avoid the WOS.. Which I still made.. It was just delays it a bit.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member charlie50's Avatar
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    Depending on casino . i use at the beginning and if ive accumulated more then last day before i leave

  9. #9
    We always wait until the last night. It's like a guarantee that if we are out of money, we can still play. I never think of it in terms of using it to make money, but rather to tide me over. Hahaha. As I type this, I realize how pessimistic that sounds. Point play is on the last morning.

  10. #10
    If I'm alone I use it at the beginning, playing bigger bets...If I'm with my Wife we split it up and play some every day to extend the daily BR, normally still at bigger bets.

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