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Thread: Name changed, Vegas trip cancelled

  1. #21
    Life always gets in the way! Glad you are staying with your doggy. It will be one of the hardest things you ever do...hugs to both of you.

  2. #22
    Sorry to hear about Linda's doggie being so ill. We said goodbye to our furbaby last year and I made the decision I could not go through this anymore.

    I'm happy to see that you are out on the forum now. I have thought about you several times and some wonderful people kept me informed. Sorry about Vegas, but I predict that when you get there, it will be that much sweeter!

    Look forward to reading your post again.

  3. #23
    Sorry Trey & Linda about your dog.

  4. #24
    So sorry about your little dog. Please tell Linda I'm very sorry. I know the feeling. I have a 19 year old cat that's not doing well. I wouldn't leave her right now either to go anywhere out of town.Glad to see you here!

  5. #25
    So sorry to hear man i know how pets are like a family member i know how many weeks it took for me to feel normal again after having to put our cat down.

    There is always another time for vegas i have been in your shoes where dw grandpa died and we had to cancel trip.
    Hang in there buddy

  6. #26
    Sorry to hear about your dog Trey..Ken

  7. #27
    Trey and Linda, so sorry about your dog and the cancellation of your trip too.
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  8. #28
    Hi Trey, I was wonder who guitarzan was and glad to know it was you. Welcome to the group.

    I'm so sorry about your beloved dog.

  9. #29

    Name changed, Vegas trip cancelled

    Hi Treyster, I'm sorry to hear about your dog, glad you might only postpone rather than cancel your vegas trip.

    Glad to see you here.

  10. #30
    So sorry about your dog, it is always hard to lose a pet, as they are part of the family. Take care, Vegas will be there later.

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