Laurie and Chris, when I saw how great you looked this past weekend, you really inspired me! So, I have been trying to do the Keto thing and actually like a lot of the food. My downfall, however, is potatoes, any way, shape or form! Since I came back on Sunday, I have been trying to do Keto friendly meals. I have done the Cauliflower mashed potatoes with cheese and bacon, eggs and bacon for breakfast, and have even made avocado deviled eggs, which I really like. I probably eat one avocado a day in some shape or form. Also, I did buy some a kale salad mixture at Costco and having been eating that with cottage cheese, tomatoes, avocado, mini cucumbers and sunflower seeds. Makes a great salad! This is a far cry from my potatoes and icecream, but I fgure that I will try it for a while and see if anything good happens! Also, had a pork chop the other night, and cut up the leftover to put in my salad. Love veggies and salads, so that is not a problem! One question.......if I want an alcoholic drink, what are some of the best Keto friendly drinks, or are there none? I need to watch sugar too......