Sorry to start a new thread on this topic but I couldn't remember where the post was about the MLife email announcing the changes to their programs and I have a question. It says in the email: "We are excited to announce that the M life Rewards Tier Status, whether NOIR, Platinum, Gold or Pearl, you earned in 2019 or in 2020, will be extended through January 31, 2022." Sounds great, but does this mean that someone who earned Gold by 9/30/19 for the new gaming year (ending 9/30/2020) is now going to be Gold through 1/31/2022, which would be a 16-month extension? And then, someone who earned Gold between 10/1/19 and 3/31/20 to renew status through the gaming year ending 9/30/21 is now going to be Gold thru 1/31/22, a 4-month extension?