I got a flyer in the mail from Cactus Petes in Jackpot, NV stating that I had a free room in their Granite Range (remodeled part of the casino; only 3 floors - really nice, updated (quiet) rooms) and the event listing stated that the Charlie Daniels Band would be one of the entertainers in their outdoor concert series in June and tickets were reasonable; starting at $35. When I mentioned this to DH, his eyes lit up and said "book it". Charlie is one of his all time favorite entertainers and the last time we were fortunate to see him was about 10 years ago - awesome entertainer!!! This shocked the hell out of me, cuz' he doesn't care for casinos. He got on the Charlie Daniels Band website and they said there were only about 8 tickets left. Since I was already on the phone directly with the casino and had our room booked, I asked to book the concert there as well. Well, she hooked me up with their ticket department and I asked (not really thinking I would get it, but who knows, right ???) if I could get those tickets compted - well, shut my mouth, she said let me check and came back with a big fat YES !!! Now mind you, the $35 tickets were in the nosebleed section and the ones she gave me were front and center - prime seats !!! To top all that off, it comes with 2 $25 food vouchers for any of their cafes, buffet, or restaurant.

I have no idea how I scored this, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, I'm just going to enjoy the ride!!!! I haven't much gambled there in the last couple of years so this has me scratching my head. The concert is in June at 6 pm so hopefully it won't be that toasty. Even if I don't win any $$$$ there, I consider this a "win weekend". Wish me luck !!!