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Thread: Low carb eating doesn't suck!

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by foamy View Post
    Brine it now till thursday and you wont believe how juicy it will be.
    Def. on the brine! I put everything in it too, as far as champagne, bourbon, apples, beer, etc.

  2. #42
    Senior Member serenasea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurie View Post
    I have been doing the keto low carb diet for 3 weeks.
    How is that working with @foamy's wonderful cooking, or is he adapting recipes to lower carb for you? (By the way, you are looking so good!)

  3. #43
    Senior Member Elf70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurie View Post
    I have been doing the keto low carb diet for 3 weeks. No sweets or starches. I have found myself less hungry and less cravings. There are a lot of people that have YouTube channels about this and tons of recipes on Pinterest.
    I am using an app on my phone called lose it that is free to track everything I eat. Keeps track of calories, carbs and fats. So far it is working down 9 pounds would be more but when we were in kc for 4 nights I had some things I shouldn’t have and gained some back
    Thanks Chris for starting this to keep me motivated. I haven’t tried a lot of new recipes yet mainly because I haven’t had time. I made a low carb broccoli cheese soup that was good. I like the frozen cauliflower rice.
    Thanks for sharing your pictures and recipes guys!

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    Congrats Laurie! 9 pounds is great. The hardest thing for me is to get through the first few weeks. I’m going to use your 9 pound loss to help me motivate.

  4. #44
    Senior Member Elf70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laceyb682 View Post
    I find that making the Cauliflower pizza crust is a pain in the ass and time consuming so I order pre-maid crust from They are incredible and they have different recipes for the crust on their website and Facebook page. I highly recommend checking it out!
    Thanks! I agree making the crust was a pain. Thanks for the resource and link.

  5. #45
    Senior Member Nhcris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by serenasea View Post
    Well, I can tell from recent photos posted here and there that people are slimming down, so I am very happy to see this thread with hints and links and motivation. I looked into Keto, got a bunch of books out of the library, etc., but realized it would not be something I could handle without feeling deprived. That said, lower carb definitely works for me. I'm about 45 lbs. down from my high and have been in a range for a while, which I guess means I'm okay at maintaining, but I sure could use a nudge to lose the rest of the weight!

    Cauliflower cooked in chicken stock and then smashed with Laughing Cow Light is very comforting, and also, for those who live close to Trader Joes, they have cauliflower pizza crusts.
    Happy to see you joined the conversation serenasea and I love to see that you have lost successfully! I'll definitely try cooking my cauliflower in chcken broth and smashing it with cheese. Yum! And I will check out Trader Joe's for pizza crust. I'm not a big fan of TJ, but it is next door to my fat girl store, so when I need to downsize my clothes I will pop in there

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by serenasea View Post
    How is that working with @foamy's wonderful cooking, or is he adapting recipes to lower carb for you? (By the way, you are looking so good!)
    I don't cook much at home I'm to messy.hhh

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  7. #47
    Senior Member Penguin's Avatar
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    @foamy -- you need Stella to clean up after you for cooking at home.

  8. #48
    I LOVE this thread! Thanks for starting it Chris!

    DH and I have been following a keto diet since April of this year. We both needed to lose weight and we want to keep an eye on our blood mom was a type 2 diabetic and DH's blood sugar was high at his last appointment.

    Since April he's lost 35 pounds and I've lost 30. We still have some to go but we're pleased with the results and we never feel hungry. There are so many blogs with great can make a low carb / keto version of everything!

    The best low carb pizza crust we've found is this one...the ingredients sound weird, but it comes together easy and really tastes like pizza.

    This one is a close second but I think the almond flour makes it a bit sweet tasting...

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by serenasea View Post
    Well, I can tell from recent photos posted here and there that people are slimming down, so I am very happy to see this thread with hints and links and motivation. I looked into Keto, got a bunch of books out of the library, etc., but realized it would not be something I could handle without feeling deprived. That said, lower carb definitely works for me. I'm about 45 lbs. down from my high and have been in a range for a while, which I guess means I'm okay at maintaining, but I sure could use a nudge to lose the rest of the weight!

    Cauliflower cooked in chicken stock and then smashed with Laughing Cow Light is very comforting, and also, for those who live close to Trader Joes, they have cauliflower pizza crusts.
    Oh that cauliflower sounds good last time I made it It wasn’t that great. Too lumpy HHH there is a frozen one I like.
    Been wanting to get to TJ’s ever since I started this but it’s like 90 miles away. One of the YT channels swore by these seaweed snacks she said to buy there.

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  10. #50
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    On the topic of food and holiday coming up, went to the grocer for turkeys, one to fry and one to roast. Put an organic one in my cart then looked for a 12lb. one to fry and saw the price of 75.00. Looked at the one in my cart, same brand- organic, it too 72.50. Hell to the no!!! It's a freaking turkey. Bought 2 Butterballs for under $40.00 for 2. Don't think it will kill us to eat them... Do you know how many spins I saved??

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