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Thread: CET Slot FP TITO, if you lose em?

  1. #1

    CET Slot FP TITO, if you lose em?

    Hey was thinking about possibly a KC trip maybe before the end of the month and I know i got some FP titos in the mail problem is not having much luck finding em. I think I also got a $75 travel tito thing also.

    Anyone know if they can reprint these at the cashiers cage onsite or something?? I know i read something about this before but it was a few years ago. Wish KC had updated to the Using the card only to redeem FP.

    Not going to make the trip there if cant use 2 $90 fp titos. the $75 travel voucher would be nice also but not a deal killer.

  2. #2
    Thunder Dick goldengreeke's Avatar
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    I forgot mine during one trip when I went to Kansas City and the total rewards desk printed me up new ones. Shouldn't be a problem for you.

  3. #3
    crisis averted i found mine. i am guessing if i did have a $75 travel voucher they wont reprint that?? I think i tossed that one since wasnt planning on a trip at all down there in september. Amy has a whole week off work so gonna try to get a lil casino trip in not this weekend but next even if thats what she doesnt want to do for a vacation hahah. I can say free rooms and we can do other stuff in KC during the day I guess

  4. #4
    Damn this would be nice to win while we are there

  5. #5
    Senior Member kdk's Avatar
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    Glad you found them.
    Just as an FYI if you lose them again, I had a $150 one for Harrah's Laughlin and I somehow lost it. I asked my CET host in Vegas, he told me that each property is different- but usually they will be willing to re-print them once per every six months as a rule, but some properties will be nicer about it than others.

  6. #6
    Senior Member zeus's Avatar
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    With an entry for every 21 TC's earned you should rack up quite a few entries! Good luck and go have some of that bbq and corn for me!

  7. #7
    Senior Member darrellk's Avatar
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    You can expect to bump into Charlotte while playing the leprechaun game. HHH

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I'm a Joker, a Nonsmoker, & a former Midnight Toker.... Steve Miller Band

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by darrellk View Post
    You can expect to bump into Charlotte while playing the leprechaun game. HHH

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    That would be an interesting conversation with her since Amy never met her lol

  9. #9
    Hmm Amy not liking my idea will have to work on her over the next few days lol

  10. #10
    Take her to Vegas instead

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