Mary, those sound great, especially the pork casserole. Crack slaw is very popular in my Keto group. Let us know how they come out!

I have to come up with something for this weekend, but I don't have a plan yet. I made two duds this week, so I am not excited to try again HHH. One was chicken fried cauliflower rice, but this time I tried using the fresh Green Giant Cauliflower Crumbles fried rice blend, and I cannot recommend it. I really did not like the texture when it was done. the other was a chicken broccoli casserole made with cream cheese and it went down like a lead balloon. Oh, and last week I made a terrible taco soup I hate when I put in the effort, and end up with shit for supper haha!

I really should be making soup right now with this miserable weather, but I think I am going to do pizza for lunch instead. I've been wanting to try the chicken crust, but I am feeling lazy so will probably just use one of my Califlour ones.

What's everybody else thinking for the weekend?