Quote Originally Posted by noleman View Post
You and I need to get together sometime and talk about BigLaw decompression techniques. Like you, I have savings, a family I spend time with (though not as much as they want), a 401(k) , etc. I love, absolutely love, to chase a jackpot though and it's a great diversion from some of the awful stuff we all have to put up with and, at least in my view, a much healthier alternative to drinking (by far, the most common outlet I observe), abuse of prescription drugs (close #2), and just getting burned out. The folks who tend not to approve don't know the "joy" of dealing with accounting for your life in six minute increments, opposing counsel who fight to the death on the smallest and most insignificant of issues, petty law office politics and self-important "business generators" who haven't done a real day of hard work, much less any legal work, in years. Sorry, been one of those days.
I'm sorry you've had a shitty day Noleman but your post is spot-on. Thanks for explaining it that way We had our summer associate kickoff event tonight and one of the partners from the firm we joined asked if I was a summer ... haha. I guess I must look very young b/c I was a summer 8 years ago.