I come from a family of Gamblers...I remember going to my Grandpa's for the weekly card games...I got to watch He-Haw, Lets Make a deal and Laurence Welk on his little B&W TV, collect empty Beer bottles and empty his spittoon for a nickle, but liked going. My parents would go to Vegas once every 5 years or so(Air travel was expensive, in fact I remember hearing how they would go on the train with my Aunt, uncle and Grandpa) and I would always get some trinket, probably the shit they give away. One of my Aunts & her Husband moved out there when they retired. Just never had the money to go, after I got a real job me any my GF, now wife went. On my first roll of quarters I won $3600 on a quarter progressive, that was 25 years ago. Just really liked Vegas and my Aunt and Uncle liked the company. Been going couple times a year since then, sometimes more when airfare is cheap.