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Thread: Old Aristocrat Slots--- Why??

  1. #1
    Senior Member Penguin's Avatar
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    Old Aristocrat Slots--- Why??

    Lot of people always looking for the older Aristocrat slots. Why? longer pay time for your dollar? Lower volatility? Also what time frame do we consider for "older Aristocrat games"? 2001 to 2004? We are headed to Rincon on Wednesday and would look for some of these if I understand their appeal. We have never had much luck on Buffalo nor Pompeii, but have done good on Whitewater and Big Money Show. Thanks for the help.


  2. #2
    I think it's cause they pay off big.

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  3. #3
    More reliable for getting some wins and real good wins possible on them without being super volatile like the new volatile slots that just go into Hoover mode and 1 person gets a huge win once in a blue moon

  4. #4
    Any of em in the older 1999-2004 ish style cabinet are the classics Imho

  5. #5
    Some of them have different paytables too. And you can play Kenny style, nuff said hehe
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  6. #6
    Because you can win regularly on them. Not a lot of glitz, but that's ok.

  7. #7
    Here's some of my wins today from a local CA casino. This is why I play the old Aristocrats.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member treyster's Avatar
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    Here's my take. Slots made before 2007-8 probably had payouts set 90-94%. Many of those older slots still around are Aristocrat. Most of the old titles, it's safe to say, have never had any software updates pushed through to lower the payback. Nowadays, you can figure around 86% payback on new machines, but the minimum in NV can drop to 75%.

    Also at play is volatility. Overall, many if the older slots had somewhat lower volatility than the new ones. That shiny new slot that advertises a $15K progressive scoops that money up from somewhere. Are there exceptions to the volatility on new games, sure there is. Some of the new IGT slots pay $10 for a full screen lol.

    Combine the higher payback with a little less volatility and, to me, they are much more playable for someone who will sit all day playing slots at $1 or less. I've had waaay too many experiences of these newer slots eating $100 without batting an eye. The older slots, that's a much rarer occurrence. You will notice a difference between a 92% and an 86% payback at the end of the day. In short, I trust the older Aristo.

    Our last trip to Vegas, I played only Aristo for 4 days with a short session on a WMS. Coincidently, I came home slightly ahead on the slots. First time in years.
    Fair dinkum legend

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by CPT View Post
    Some of them have different paytables too. And you can play Kenny style, nuff said hehe
    does that work for any older reel power title pretty besides like ww2 where u get skunked on free spins?

  10. #10
    Senior Member treyster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dvandentop View Post
    does that work for any older reel power title pretty besides like ww2 where u get skunked on free spins?
    On WWII-No freespins, no respins. However, line hits are twice as much for the same sized bet.
    Fair dinkum legend

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