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Thread: Let's talk about Carny games

  1. #21
    Senior Member Blase's Avatar
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    Let's talk about Carny games

    Quote Originally Posted by Nhcris View Post
    Oh right, I forgot about @Blase's great hit and I don't know if I realized it what game it was. I am definitely going to try it live!
    Yes it is definitely fun, and not a HUGE risk playing nickels as you're only betting $5 for ten hands. If that's too much you can always just do 3 or 5 hands.
    @kjell28 put in a $20 sitting next to me at Cosmo and I told him he needed to play ten hands... He said no then his twenty would go too fast (because theoretically, that would only be four plays). I said don't believe me just watch... HHH. He didn't get any huge hands but got enough to keep him playing. Then when I got my RF hit and was waiting for my handpay, he started to get some good hands... I believe he had a 4OAK of 3's with kicker with a 2x multiplier for 1600 nickels and then a 4 Aces with kicker for 2000 nickels along with some other nice hits... cashed out with over $250 from original $20 investment!

  2. #22
    Yes thank you @Blase ...that was my first ever Aces w/kicker most of my play has been 90% slots, but I'm starting to play VP more, even at my local NA. No huge hits or handpays yet, can maintain a while and get a few cocks

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