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Thread: Crack in the None for You Wall

  1. #1

    Crack in the None for You Wall

    Delta just announced they are resuming limited alcohol beverage service to certain cabins on flights over 500 miles.

    Although this is a limited resumption, I expect the major carriers to respond likewise since they will not want to lose first class passengers to a competitor. Just a crack in the wall back to normalcy, still a crack in the right direction...

  2. #2
    Senior Member charlie50's Avatar
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    nice...we generally dont drink on the plane unless its a long flight. dont like having to use that tiny bathroom that they provide for every one . you dam near need to be a gymnast to stand there hold the seat up and hit the hole all at the same time . and if there is turbulence ohhh dont get me started .lol

  3. #3
    will just take my own then for time being hhh

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by dvandentop View Post
    will just take my own then for time being hhh
    It would be tough for me to do without at least ice. I'm not a big fan of straight up without a cool refreshing chaser. When younger would have consumed in any fashion available without hesitation. Not so much now...

    Now would have to remember to get a soda with ice as a mixer at a food place before boarding - that might work for the first half hour of the flight. If a long boarding process, might be done consuming before plane lifted off.

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