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Thread: IRS Accepting Comments re: W2G

  1. #21
    Thanks Warren for posting this link. Just finished posting my comments. It is just not right to even think about lowering the level of issuing w2g's to $600. Like almost everyone, year in and year out overall we lose money gambling at the casino. The IRS knows this and I find it bothersome that they are trying to tighten the screws on us even more. The way it is now every year we have to report the few lucky hits we get over $1200 as ordinary income but we are only allowed to offset these wins with losses to the extent of these wins on our schedule A. The problem is we do not have enough other itemized deductions so we end up getting screwed every year and have to effectively pay taxes on at least part of these phantom wins. Thank you to everyone that is posting their comments. Now that we have this link to work with it is very easy to do. Don't know if anyone will even take the time to look at any of our comments but at least I feel better because at least I tried to do something.

  2. #22
    Thanks everyone! We only have a few days left! Please repost to your social media networks!

  3. #23
    I commented on all except tweet and we signed the petition.

  4. #24
    Senior Member FL Mary's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    FL Panhandle
    I commented on the IRS site and signed the petition. I also posted the link on my Facebook page.

  5. #25
    Thanks to all who have commented! Not much time left!

  6. #26
    I also signed the petition and commented on the IRS site.

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