Quote Originally Posted by sq33756 View Post
I went to the Tampa Hard Rock to play my weekly late night video poker. I've hit two royals there in 10 years but regularly break even or better so you can't ask for more.
I play in an isolated area in the non smoking section and Tampa Hard Rock has dropped their mask requirements like most establishments around here. However I still wear mine because I haven't had a cold for 18 months and before Covid I used to catch them about every three weeks at Tampa Hard Rock. I'm 73 and look it.
Thus I was wearing my mask even though nobody was around me, when two floor walkers rounded the corner not seeing me yet and one said "The way most of these old people look maybe they should still wear their masks." in a joking manner. Once they saw me they seemed highly embarrassed, especially when I pointed to my mask and said, "Your wish is my command" and laughed. They realized I could take a joke and laughed also and went on their way.
I was young once.
Quote Originally Posted by goldengreeke View Post
Funny story, thanks for sharing. I am also 73 and I personally think that gambling in casinos on a regular basis DOES age you prematurely. You get much less sleep, have much more stress, you sit there for hours in a smoke filled environment, you probably drink a lot more since they're free in many places, and if you're a smoker you will smoke twice as much! Add all these up and yes, many people in the casinos do look pretty rough for their age...maybe even look ten or twenty years older than they actually are!
Aging is part of life . y'all wan t to see some folks that look old for there age . go to the coastal areas of Texas you'll find some of the most wrinkled up middle age people on the planet .imo.. i guess its from being out in the sun a lot down there .