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Thread: Slot machines additction by design

  1. #1

    Slot machines additction by design

    really good article hot off the press

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by dvandentop View Post
    really good article hot off the press
    This is a very good (and telling) article about how casino's operate. I especially like the part about when the "eye in the sky" notices if/when a slot player shows painful emotions from losing then they will "adjust" the volatility settings of the slot a certain way (so the player can win) as to not change the payback% which is still legal. You have to read between the lines on this one but they still allow you to get the picture.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by slotbender View Post
    This is a very good (and telling) article about how casino's operate. I especially like the part about when the "eye in the sky" notices if/when a slot player shows painful emotions from losing then they will "adjust" the volatility settings of the slot a certain way (so the player can win) as to not change the payback% which is still legal. You have to read between the lines on this one but they still allow you to get the picture.
    i have thought about buying this book but then again it might scare me off slots then what fun would vegas be..

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by dvandentop View Post
    i have thought about buying this book but then again it might scare me off slots then what fun would vegas be..
    I look at it this way...Knowledge is power. If you are aware of an opponents (casino) tactics then there are times that you can use their own tactics against them. Call it reverse psychology if you will. This is why I will go to my local during off-times when there aren't many people there. This way I can become a "person of interest" to them via "eye in the sky". I try to act unpredictable to them by keeping a poker face and movements slow while playing different penny, dollar, $5 machines. If my free play goes too quickly, I'll then leave and live to fight another day. This is a very good indication that they aren't going to loosen up a slot for you. It has been my experience that casino's will "cherry pick" certain players to be winners by loosening up their slot and leave the rest to play the tight slots during these off times.
    Las Vegas is a totally different story where the cash is always flowing in huge amounts. What I would do before going is follow a casino's stock prices to see how they are doing financially. This is a good indicator to get a sense on how loose or tight their slot machines are. When their stock is consistent and at a higher level the odds are good that you should play there (my opinion). For right now, I would prefer a few of the "Stations Casino's" due to how their stock has been performing.

  5. #5
    Thunder Dick goldengreeke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    I think the eye in the sky must love the way I play.
    I just sit there in a drunken stupor, smoking cigarettes and sticking money in the machines until I am either broke....or out of smokes lol.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by goldengreeke View Post
    I think the eye in the sky must love the way I play.
    I just sit there in a drunken stupor, smoking cigarettes and sticking money in the machines until I am broke.
    Yup! I think you're right GG. I'm sure that the casino's love "numb" players, haha!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by goldengreeke View Post
    I think the eye in the sky must love the way I play.
    I just sit there in a drunken stupor, smoking cigarettes and sticking money in the machines until I am either broke....or out of smokes lol.
    Your combination of humor and honesty are why everyone loves Goldengreeke. Those casinos should know better than to take advantage of a nice guy like you.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by goldengreeke View Post
    I think the eye in the sky must love the way I play.
    I just sit there in a drunken stupor, smoking cigarettes and sticking money in the machines until I am either broke....or out of smokes lol.
    They certainly have our number don't they!!

  9. #9
    lol I do this all the time... start looking aggravated, give the camera's some disgusted looks. hey it can't hurt. stop playing, sigh a lot. I got a 400 spin bonus after giving the evil eyes today, come out 300 ahead, Im trying this all the time now.:Cry: oh and you have to mutter under your breath, this is bullshit, they read lips.

  10. #10
    I tell the machine that I'm gonna leave so you better gimme something!

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