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Thread: All things Southwest Airlines

  1. #81
    Senior Member treyster's Avatar
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    Another point, you're points from purchases usually post about 3 days after your monthly statement closes. Points from flights usually show up next day. Bonus points from car rentals usually take several days
    Fair dinkum legend

  2. #82
    I still can't make up my mind on which bonus offer to go with...

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Blase View Post
    Rob, you need to wait til the 50,000 pt offer comes back. And then get the personal and the business card. Charge $10k and you'll have 110,000 pts which qualifies you for the companion pass. Then your companion will fly for free for the remainder of that year and the next year! (So you can get up to two years of free travel). And you can change your companion several times too.

    Here is a good write up about it.

    Personally I wouldn't sign up for the SWA CC until the 50,000 pt offer is available.
    Blase is right and the 10,000 points will not be hard to earn. I don't have the SW card yet, but plan on doing it this way to get the companion pass. I currently start all my on-line shopping through the Southwest Rewards and rack up the points that way, that usually gives me enough points each year for RT tickets to Vegas at least once, coming from the east coast, it usually takes about 30,000+/- currently for a flight. Not a bad way to earn the points without getting the card.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by SoCalRob View Post
    A flight to vegas from san is like 8,800. So ten is low, 25k is better...but...I don't know if I sign up with 25k, how long I'll have to wait for the card to be able to book the flight. Where as the 10k bonus offer is included in booking the flight. Plus the $100 off. I'm assuming with the 25k offer I won't have access to the card/account number in order to charge it to the SWA account right away to book the flight...and thus I'll have to wait for the physical card to book said flight.
    You can call them after you are approved and ask them to expedite (overnight) the card to you because you have upcoming purchases you intend to charge. I've done this a few times in the past and they have always been willing to do that for me.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  5. #85
    Ok. Just finally decided to apply. I went with the 25k bonus. Got approved. Going to call tomorrow to see if they can expedite the card. Ridiculous limit on it...that I do NOT need at all. Can't wait to get it.

  6. #86
    @SoCalRob I didn't want to tell you what to do but I would have done exactly the same thing I haven't paid for a flight in years.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by SoCalRob View Post
    The reason I'm not holding off is because I want to nail in the decent flight prices for Clemi's bday.
    Thanks sweetie hoping you score the perfect deal!

  8. #88
    Thanks for this thread... I don't have one of these but think I should since I fly mostly SWA.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by clemi View Post
    Thanks for this thread... I don't have one of these but think I should since I fly mostly SWA.
    I honestly think it's an amazing deal. Especially given I've flown them like 8 times in the last three months already. I called today and the card should be here in one to two business days. Then I'll book my flight! I'm coming out for sure.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by SoCalRob View Post
    I honestly think it's an amazing deal. Especially given I've flown them like 8 times in the last three months already. I called today and the card should be here in one to two business days. Then I'll book my flight! I'm coming out for sure.
    Good to know, I've not booked my flights yet so I'll consider getting the card, thanks!

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