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Thread: CA Love

  1. #1

    CA Love

    Well I guess if I'm going to be called this in a text message, I should at least deserve the title of an asshole for something I actually did! :deadhorse:

    A long story short, a lot, well most of us, were all blocked on Facebook by someone you probably know and who posted here briefly. They have their reasons, in which I personally don't get, but whatever! So there was a public Facebook page called "I was banned by [insert name]". I posted a Meme that said "I ain't even mad bro". That's all I did. It's public a page, anyone could post and see it, and report it (and eventually have it removed, which is what happened). I did not create the page, but right away, Ken made that page for attention and to stir the pot. It's always been Ken since all the shit started flying. Are you the internet police? Does this have anything to do about you? No, I've since forgotten you and moved on. Meanwhile I'm cleaning my toilet and get interrupted by a text message calling me an asshole for something I didn't do. But this person would never confront anyone else except Ken, as he's an easy target, and has admitted and apologized for some things that happened in the past. (This person threatened to release my apology emails to show how much of a hypocrite I am.) Since when I have portrayed that I'm this badass hardcore kind of person? Or is it because you classify a group's actions as mine and I just happen to be the target?

    Is it because I created a forum that I could keep friends together after you banned them from your forum? Is it because it's a success and you are jealous?

    I don't believe I was a true asshole before, but I am now.

    You can lose my number, I think I've gotten enough lecture from you.


    (For those who like to copy info and funnel it back, you can place your cursor here and on up and select copy.)

    Have a great day and isn't having a forum where you can vent great?!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Nhcris's Avatar
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    Oh no you didn't!! Pssshhh, don't even give it a second thought. Negative people like that are so not worth your time or energy. You have brought us all together here on JWE and it's a beautiful thing!

    I have to admit though, it was pretty funny as people realized yesterday that they had been blocked by this person for months and never even noticed. Some people really have an over-inflated sense of self importance!

  3. #3
    Senior Member zeus's Avatar
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    They could have at least addressed you as Mr. Asshole. You are in your 30's now. Some people!

    Ken, some people have such pathetic lives that they have nothing better to do. And I have really found out who some of those folks are this year.

    Now back to that toilet!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Jeani's Avatar
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    Unbelievable!!!!! They need to get a life and move on. I haven't met you in person yet but I sense that you are an easy going, kind, funny, honest and a down to earth kind of guy! Some people just like "drama" and love to create it. Thanks for being you and to "H" with the others!!!!

  5. #5
    Yes you should not be harrassed and blamed for something you didn't do.
    I was one of the people that was blocked and unfriended for reasons unknown but I didn't start the page or join it. Sooo done with them! :wave:
    Thank you for our new forum Ken

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by zeus View Post

    Now back to that toilet!
    Yeah, back to that toilet.......both of you!
    @CPT, I "liked" the page so I'm expecting the ban hammer sometime soon, HHH. Love how you get blamed for everything! Obviously the person who sent you the text thinks that you can control your friends/members like they do.

    I "liked" it because it was funny. And it wasn't like it was a death threat or even anything threatening. Whatever. I think I got the cold shoulder in KC from this person considering how we talked on that forum to each other. Actions create reactions. I love you Jokers and love you Ken for creating a place where we can be ourselves! People who make unilateral judgements about others can find other forums more to their liking.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Senior Member Nhcris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tee2green View Post
    People who make unilateral judgements about others can find other forums more to their liking.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    You have summed it up perfectly @tee2green!

  8. #8
    Ken, we know you didn't do it. That other forum just likes to pretend they are champions of the underdogs, but in the end, they ban them too and talk behind their backs as well. Hypocrites

    We also know there is a member here on JWE who is related to another person from the has been forum. Whatever. Here's the good news. We are not doing anything wrong! We are free to speak our minds and have open discussions. Something we could not do before.

    Have a nice Saturday everyone.

  9. #9
    Senior Member zeus's Avatar
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    There is a particular person that seems to have the power and control over a member here, so unfortunately that person no longer posts or participates here. I see that person lurking from time to time and I am sure they want to be a part of us because I truly do not believe that they are up to no good, but I guess they do not have the balls to do so. But it is truly sad considering these are grown ass adults. Oh well, their loss!

    If I ever get to the point that someone has that much control over me please tell me, hit me upside my big head, unfriend me, ban me, whatever it takes!

  10. #10
    I've never been banned or blocked from anything. I guess I'm just practically perfect in every way!

    "There is a tide in the affairs of men. . . On such a full sea are we now afloat." - Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

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