I TRY to adjust my bets based on where I am playing. Granted, I bet at a much lower average than you do, but I was creeping up there and it shows in my Win/Loss statements from last year. I don't mind betting a little bigger at places where the comps matter to me, like Palazzo and Cosmo. The losses are almost worth it to me, because of the pleasure I get when I am there.

But I need to make changes everywhere else, especially at the locals, because I don't care about offers there. This past year I got caught up in chasing Diamond at CET, and then the 25,000 points, and for me it was pretty much a waste because I don't even care about the Diamond Lounges, and I pretty much got what I needed for comped rooms anyway. Plus I was too focused on reaching certain goals each day, and that detracted from the fun. I plan to reduce my CET bets for the rest of this year. Anywhere else, I am going back to little bets and just having fun again.

I don't know if this answered anything Dina, but you sure got me thinking! Thanks!