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Thread: Booking/paying for CET not in your name

  1. #1

    Booking/paying for CET not in your name

    When your spouse books under an offer and your name is on the room but it's not your comp. Can you pay off the bill with your points? He is platinum with very little play. I'm wondering if my diamond card and points can take care of resort fees and bill? Anyone know?

    Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Don't know but I would certainly ask.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by foamy View Post
    Don't know but I would certainly ask.
    Thanks, it was a no but figured I'd ask.

    Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Not sure about resort fees but I have used my points to pay for our bill in AC when my name has been on my husband's reservation. I think it just depends on who you talk to, I did it at checkout when we left. Also if you are both there you can always go to Total Rewards and transfer reward credits from your account to his. I have done this several times.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Curlyd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nhmajik View Post
    When your spouse books under an offer and your name is on the room but it's not your comp. Can you pay off the bill with your points? He is platinum with very little play. I'm wondering if my diamond card and points can take care of resort fees and bill? Anyone know?

    Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
    We've done many times. CET will take the RC's from either one, or both. What they won't do is comp the resort fee is registered person is not Diamond but the other guest is.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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