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Thread: Getting Healthy Feels Great ?

  1. #21
    Senior Member Nhcris's Avatar
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    Yikes Dawn, just getting caught up here. Sounds like it has been a rough couple of months for you, and I am sorry to hear that. You must have been overwhelmed with all of those reports, and especially after doing such a great job taking care of yourself recently. But it sounds like you are right on top it, and following doctors orders (You are, right?), so that is a good thing. And a stress fracture, too - that is just not fair! Please keep us in the loop. Sending you big hugs!

  2. #22
    Senior Member Curlyd's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the well wishes. Yes still following up on more tests and doc visits. Also still at the gym early in the morning. 1 hour a day, 3 1/2 miles on the treadmill. I have kept the speed at 3.4 because at that speed my heart rate doesn't go so high as to do the sudden drop thingy. I don't want those poor morning workout people to have to deal with me falling off the treadmill. I also still feel really great after my workout so hopefully that is a good sign. I'm really just grateful that I started back at the gym or I wouldn't know about this heart thing until it might be too late.

  3. #23
    Good luck keep us posted .

  4. #24
    Dawn, glad to hear you are exploring your health issues with your doctors and staying with conservative activity at the workout facility.

    Some what like you, about two years before I retired, I rarely saw the doctor. Until one day I didn't feel well or just couldn't feel alert. I went in for a physical and my heart rate was like 175 over 140. I had to immediately go on blood pressure medicine (which I hated because I was so used to being type A at everything and this stuff just laid me low, felt like I would walk around like a member of the walking dead slot videos). The doctor explained they don't have a category for stage 5 or 6 hypertension so I stayed on the meds. Once I retired in 2015, I made a life goal to get off the meds - I lost 20 pounds by exercise and diet, increased my cardio activities, and by 2017 after fours years of taking those meds I was able to get off them.

    Today, I go to the workout place 3 to 4 times a week, dance about 4 or 5 times a week and eat like a 95 year old man with stomach cancer (salads 5 to 6 nights a week). I have manage to keep the weight off and improve my physical well being - despite being lazy as hell as I just hire everything out around and in my house - but it frees up a ton of time to golf. Right?

    It was my mental will that enabled me to succeed. I sincerely hope you can find the mental strength within yourself to improve your health because we want to continue to appreciate having you around! Don't let up....
    Last edited by hytail; 02-24-2020 at 07:42 PM.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Curlyd's Avatar
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    Thanks Hytail, oddly enough I see me doc 4 times a year with blood work up twice a year. All gas always been great. It was briskly walking on the treadmill that showed me my heart rate was dropping when it shouldn't. I'm in good hands and still feel great! Dancing sounds like fun, that's how I met Bill, dancing at the USO. Too bad he wasn't the dancer, but great otherwise.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Curlyd; 02-24-2020 at 09:22 PM.

  6. #26
    The only other thing I would relay from experience is that the heart rate monitors at all the work out places I been to are questionable as to accuracy - especially the ones where you place your hand on the chrome pieces.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Curlyd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hytail View Post
    The only other thing I would relay from experience is that the heart rate monitors at all the work out places I been to are questionable as to accuracy - especially the ones where you place your hand on the chrome pieces.
    Yes I agree so when this started happening I thought at first just like you. I then used the app on my phone, same results, then I borrowed one of my husbands oximeters, same results. That's when Bill said I needed to see our doc. but it took me 4 days on the treadmill to agree. And rest is history. The cardiac doc said that my heart rate dropping into the 30's (yikes) wasn't really too bad if I was sleeping but when it happens when you are awake it can be another issue. Oh well more appts and more docs are in my future. But I still feel so darn great and tomorrow at 5:30 am will be at the fitness center listening to my music while getting it done.

  8. #28
    Senior Member Penguin's Avatar
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    @Curlyd Hey Dawn, just to let you know we keep thinking about you and Bill. Best to you with the heart docs.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Curlyd's Avatar
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    I'm finally done with doctors (other than checkups)!! I've had my biopsy and I don't have cancer, I've had my angiogram and blockage is minimal. Just finished with Electophysiologist and he is holding off on a pacemaker. As I have no symptoms, no dizziness no palpitations nothing he will review everything in 9 months. but I had to promise that if I developed any of these things I was to call right away. A pacemaker is in my future but not now. KC here I come!

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Curlyd View Post
    I'm finally done with doctors (other than checkups)!! I've had my biopsy and I don't have cancer, I've had my angiogram and blockage is minimal. Just finished with Electophysiologist and he is holding off on a pacemaker. As I have no symptoms, no dizziness no palpitations nothing he will review everything in 9 months. but I had to promise that if I developed any of these things I was to call right away. A pacemaker is in my future but not now. KC here I come!
    Great news! That is like winning a jackpot!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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